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interesting take.
送交者: kibitzer 2008月12月09日12:23:20 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 福音派是不允许打擦边球的。罗七 于 2008-12-09 11:49:10
I really have learned much from you guys. Now I admit that you are right -- maybe sometimes some people are not careful in defining the exact meaning of a word.

But we should also understand that the faith is mainly manifested in practice instead of scrolls. Instead of being fault-finding, we should probably try hard to see from other people' perspective.
    仰是你添加上去的,admire-爱慕,喜欢  /无内容 - caleb 12/09/08 (150)
      I wouldn't use the word - 全伊 12/09/08 (165)
    我想caleb把粉丝的意思弄反了。 - kibitzer 12/09/08 (207)
      我从来都说我是我女儿的BIG FAN,意思上有错吗? - caleb 12/09/08 (210)
        My interpretation of the word - 全伊 12/09/08 (178)
      看来是没反,那他用词实在不准确。我想他说 - kibitzer 12/09/08 (114)
    thank you too  /无内容 - j9 12/09/08 (172)
    thank you. - kibitzer 12/09/08 (133)
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