interesting take. |
送交者: kibitzer 2008月12月09日12:23:20 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 福音派是不允许打擦边球的。 由 罗七 于 2008-12-09 11:49:10 |
I really have learned much from you guys. Now I admit that you are right -- maybe sometimes some people are not careful in defining the exact meaning of a word.
But we should also understand that the faith is mainly manifested in practice instead of scrolls. Instead of being fault-finding, we should probably try hard to see from other people' perspective. |
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2007: | 荣华的代价 | |
2006: | 这是写给我们教会一弟兄有关圣诞节疑惑 | |
2006: | 你呀,毛病就是出在那个大大的“我”字 | |
2004: | (ZT)对江秀琴牧师的几点质疑 | |
2004: | 大鹰,来看看你的毛病: | |
2003: | [答问]基督教是洋教吗? | |
2003: | “科学的兴盛”一文中以讹传讹的一个“ | |