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Please be a man
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月12月29日06:11:52 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 像老苗這樣的把依戰看成是神的計劃的就更加令人厭惡真實話語 於 2008-12-28 18:16:40
Q:'把依戰看成是神的計劃' right or wrong?
A: ALL depend on how you VIEW the world and anything happens in the world,
if you BELIEVE
GOD created the world,
GOD have been reigning the world from the beginning till the end,
you can easily conclude: anything happened in the world 是神的計劃,
依戰 is one of the events, thus, 依戰MUST BE 神的計劃,
if you don't BELIEVE
GOD have been reigning the world from the beginning till the end,
GOD just make good things happened, there is nothing to do with God
for those bad things, that's your good will, which is not true so far as
Bible revealed.

Your real argue is WHY GOD make bad things happened,
this is a big question, no human being is capable to answer.
I never have this ambition.

My attitude is always like this: let it be!

依戰MUST BE 神的計劃
yes I truly truly I think so!
Obama as President MUST BE 神的計劃
yes I truly truly I think so!
Chairman Mao reigned China for decades
yes I truly truly I think so!
all things happened MUST BE 神的計劃
nothing happened is outside 神的計劃
yes I truly truly I think so!
  共產黨迫害基督徒是不是神的計劃!!! /無內容 - 真實話語 12/29/08 (222)
    Yes, truly truly I believe so!  /無內容 - Yuehanmiao 12/29/08 (134)
  一切販毒兇殺是不是神的計劃!!!! /無內容 - 真實話語 12/29/08 (165)
    Nothing happened is outside - Yuehanmiao 12/29/08 (165)
      注意老苗回答的不太一樣。 - soccerfun 12/29/08 (148)
  911是不是神的計劃? /無內容 - 真實話語 12/29/08 (152)
    Nothing happened is outside - Yuehanmiao 12/29/08 (170)
      法老把撒萊帶進宮是神的計劃嗎?  /無內容 - soccerfun 12/29/08 (241)
        Do you understand what - Yuehanmiao 12/29/08 (207)
          約瑟的事聖經里有明確交待 - soccerfun 12/29/08 (220)
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