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送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月01月19日08:00:55 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 老苗,你号称你 trust I said.现在我再一次 由 candle 于 2009-01-17 19:29:44 |
'小市民 搬弄是非 诬陷 a loyal church member
JUMP AROUND from one local church to another' Because it is post-modern time, everything needs to be DEFINED first: 我再一次声明: I pray that all christians (who have inssurance concerning his/her salvation, by grace through faith, according to God's promise) should have a normal church life, any one called God as Father should treat Christ's holy catholic church as Mother. as such, individual should 1. belong to a local church 2. worship God on Lord's Day 3. have close fellowship with brothers and sisters in small groups 4. take the responsibility assigned by the church authority 5. tithe faithfully Normal church life can help us grow in Christ. Nowadays, local church does less ans less to teach members about the importance of normal-church-life because losing members are being afraid, instead, local church emphasizes on live-here-and-love-there. As a result, people are seeking LOVE from one local church to another. We can evaluate ourselves whether we are jumping from one local church to another: 1. worship WHERE each and every Lord's day 2. have fellowship WHERE with WHOM 3. tithe to WHERE If you are a loyal church member, you are beneficial. |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2007: | 最有感动的是为大会祷告那一堂 | |
2007: | 回国时参加一个家庭教会的崇拜 | |
2006: | 网友讨论: 我为什么就不能轻易相信? | |
2006: | 两处注释 | |
2004: | 信心的功课 | |
2004: | 灵恩派教会的问题,凸显出许多福音派教 | |