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I didn't mean to
送交者: mean 2009月01月20日07:59:24 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 您為什麼非要把我逼到輪迴的陣營里阿?soccerfun 於 2009-01-19 21:36:39
put my words in your mouth. But from how you have followed my and siqi's posts, it seems that you agree more with her than with me, and her view has been that of reincarnation consistantly. In fact, the whole argument started from reincarnation vs. no reincarnation, John/Elijah was merely the (one and only) supporting verse that siqi came up to support her view.

In regard to reincarnation, you specifically asked about this concept, and your question addressed me instead of her, despite that I never used this for any purpose than to rebuke reincarnation. Therefore, I can only assume that you are a believer in reincarnation as well, and when I argue, that has to be the starting point.

To be honest with you, I don't care what kind of association there is between John and Elijah, so long as people don't deliberately replace Christian beliefs with pagan beliefs, for which there is no justification.

Finally, you are right that the emphasis in Hebrews is on "death" rather than on "once", but there is no mistake that the author meant "one time" and one time only. The Bible is more than clear on this:
And as it is appointed unto men ONCE to die, but after this the judgment (KJV)
Just as man is destined to die ONCE, and after that to face judgmentb (NIV)
And just as it is appointed for [all] men ONCE to die, and after that the [certain] judgment(Amplified)
And just as it is appointed for man to die ONCE, and after that comes judgment (ESV)
Et comme il est réservé aux hommes de mourir UNE SEUL FOIS, après quoi vient le jugement (LSV)
  拉撒路死了幾次? - soccerfun 01/20/09 (300)
    you are being ridiculous - mean 01/20/09 (299)
      我並不是跟你辯爭什麼。 - soccerfun 01/20/09 (260)
        good ? for you, not me  /無內容 - mean 01/20/09 (242)
      where are you from? - Yuehanmiao 01/20/09 (260)
        from canada. :)  /無內容 - mean 01/20/09 (264)
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