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First, some honest people ...
送交者: ffwb 2009月02月13日14:05:27 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 请问,诚之 于 2009-02-13 12:52:47
First, some honest people do not know.

In terms of Stephen Jay Gould and many evolutionists they are/were believing evolution whole heartedly because 人若不相信上帝的创造,必定要选择相信某种形式的进化论,这是别无选择的, even they cannot find any evidence, they are still looking for evidence. Evolutionism provided a theoretical basis for them to reject God. They think that the evidence must been somewhere. They are willing to accept lots of false evidence. on the other hard, evolution has provided great amount of false evidence for them to digest.

The case of Haeckel's forgery is so obvious that that know it was wrong but many still thinking that the idea is there. They have acceted some other "evidence" already such as mutation, fossil record and UFO etc.

Long time no see.
  thanks. You were...? /无内容 - 诚之 02/16/09 (179)
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