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WOW, what is your point???!!
送交者: YeSuShiZhu 2019月06月27日07:02:27 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 耶穌來代贖, 還是耶穌來揀選?xiahong 於 2019-06-26 13:20:45

go home to read Eph. 1 and 1Peter 1.

God the Father 揀選 before the creation,

okay? 耶穌來代贖, 2000 years ago, okay?

the Holy Spirit lead you to believe in

Jesus Christ in 1,999 AD, okay?

  得救靠揀選啊,這是第一因呀 - xiahong 06/27/19 (335)
    you are going to ask another - YeSuShiZhu 06/27/19 (326)
        3 key words:elected, redeemed - YeSuShiZhu 06/27/19 (299)
        why you like not the word揀選 - YeSuShiZhu 06/27/19 (304)
        他揀選then他贖thus屬他forever, FAIR?!  /無內容 - YeSuShiZhu 06/27/19 (313)
          你就是個奇蹟,已經可以改寫聖經了  /無內容 - xiahong 06/27/19 (325)
            Sound doctrines were not - YeSuShiZhu 06/28/19 (288)
              神愛世人,甚至賜下一個package?  /無內容 - xiahong 06/28/19 (304)
                聖經是怎麼說的呢? - YeSuShiZhu 06/28/19 (321)
                  同意:神愛世人。  /無內容 - xiahong 06/28/19 (281)
    100% true according to BIBLE  /無內容 - YeSuShiZhu 06/27/19 (312)
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