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why bother to have sound doctr
送交者: YeSuShiZhu 2020月05月26日07:58:30 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 鬱金香經與摩門經repentant 於 2020-05-25 22:14:20


because there are many many folks like you and alike,

who are arrogantly declaring that they could understand

what Bible said, in fact, you could not! you could only 

give laughable explanations on most obvious Bible verses.

as such, from time to time, elders in christian churches

must gather together to discuss how much those heretic teachings

go a far from Biblical meanings, thus, set the solid border,

all christian must learn the Bible and practice their faith

within the BORDER, for example, brothers and sisters are required

to form a local church so as to meet regualrly and love each other and

share the good news with others, all other ideas, such as, giving up 

the daily practice in a local church but listening to a family RADIO whiling blaming

all local churches and brothers and sisters

... ... 

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