Enar. In Ps. 49.2
See in the same psalm those to whom he says, ‘I have said, You are gods and all of you sons of the Most High; but you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.’ It is evident, then, as he has called men gods, that they are deified by his grace, not born of his substance. For he who justifies someone is just through his own self and not through another, and he who deifies someone is a god through himself, not by partaking of another. He who justifies is the same as he who deifies, in that by justifying he makes us sons of God. If we have been made sons of God, we have also been made gods; but this is the effect of grace adopting, not of nature generating. For only the Son of God [is] God … The rest that are made gods are made by his own grace, are not born of his substance, that they should be the same as he, but that by favor they should come to him, and be fellow heirs with Christ.
Enar. In Ps. 49.2, CCL.38.575.5-576.20, NPNF, Augustine of Hippo – 奧古斯丁