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送交者: 谨守 2023月12月18日08:03:19 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 转贴英文配中文翻译:值得信赖且健全(纯正)(多1:9-14)谨守 于 2023-12-17 19:43:16

We may see Satan’s strategies against the church in two main directions. We most often think of persecution from outside the church, both from the surrounding culture and from anti-Christian governments. The New Testament often remarks on this threat and warns of our need to show courage in the face of suffering. But the other attack arises from within the church in the form of false teaching. This is an even more deadly threat to God’s people. For while persecution has the tendency to strengthen believers and even increase the size of the church, doctrinal corruption leaves Christ’s people weak, scattered, and confused. If Christians ever have to choose between persecution and false teaching, the perspective of the Bible encourages us to dread heresy above all other plagues.


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