It is obvious that in order “to give instruction in sound doctrine” (Titus 1:9), an elder must have a high and reverent view of Holy Scripture. He must hold it to be God’s authoritative Word, free from error and sufficient for building up the faith of believers. This is not to say that a ruling elder must have the teaching gifts needed to preach a sermon or even to lead a stirring Bible class. Some ruling elders will possess significant gifts of teaching, but Paul’s emphasis is that the elder must be able to answer questions and give helpful doctrinal instruction to Christ’s sheep. Tim Chester asserts that “the emphasis falls not so much on skills, as on holding fast to the truth. It is not so much about an ability to teach, as a passion for the truth.”
顯然,為了“教導純正的教義”(多 1:9),長老必須對聖經有崇高而虔敬的看法。他必須認為它是神的權威話語,沒有錯誤,足以建立信徒的信心。這並不是說治理長老必須具備講道甚至帶領激動人心的聖經課程所需的教導恩賜。一些治理的長老會擁有重要的教導恩賜,但保羅強調長老必須能夠回答問題,並向基督的羊提供有用的教義上指導。蒂姆·切斯特斷言,“重點不在於技能,而在於堅持真理。與其說是教導能力,不如說是對真理的熱情。”