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送交者: 謹守 2020年10月15日11:01:15 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

10:30 “I and the Father are one” (ἐγὼ καὶ ὁ πατὴρ ἕν ἐσμεν). Jesus concludes his response to the Jews with a rich theological statement of what in the immediate context refers to the ontological (存在論的,本體論的,實體論的)and functional unity between the Father and the Son. What the Gospel declared in the opening verse regarding their ontological relationship—“the Word was God” (1:1)—is here stated similarly as a determinative reality of that relationship.

Jesus has given the Jews a syllogistic (演繹性的)response to their challenge: (a) I have the authority to protect the sheep; (b) the authority I have has been given to me by my Father(清楚地表明了兩個位格); therefore, (c) the Father and I are doing the same work(清楚地表明了兩個位格). Jesus has already declared himself to be coworking with God (5:17) be coworking with God(清楚地表明了兩個位格), which the Jews interpreted rightly as a claim that he was “making himself equal with God” (5:18) (清楚地表明了兩個位格). This time, however, the integrated nature of their cooperation is being stressed. The work of the Father and Son are so intertwined that it can only be one work. In the same way, the identity of the Father and Son are so intertwined that they must be described as one God, without denying their distinction as persons. In this way, the first verbal exchange comes to an end with one of the most elevated and divine statements in all of Scripture being used as a rebuke of the disbelief of the Jewish authorities.[1]


[1] Klink, E. W., III. (2016). John. (C. E. Arnold, Ed.) (p. 479). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

    你真的讀懂了約1:1?????  /無內容 - 謹守 10/15/20 (310)
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