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送交者: 無句 2009年01月15日19:28:07 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
文章很有份量,建議各位同學傳閱… [urlhttp://column.creaders.net/columnViewer.php?id=286640&actid=280701]喋血希伯倫[/url]
  I guess the author must - xiahong 01/16/09 (181)
    猶太復國 - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (532)
      Between Kingdom of Heaven - 風影 01/17/09 (249)
      Dear Brother Miao - xiahong 01/16/09 (356)
        Great!Dreamlands vs Promised ! - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (345)
          uh uh - mean 01/16/09 (386)
            Give you a parable, - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (357)
              I just wonder how many - xiahong 01/16/09 (371)
                Please share with us - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (261)
              correction - mean 01/16/09 (277)
      您英語真好. - 約書亞12 01/16/09 (196)
        Amen, - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (387)
          don't kid yourself - mean 01/16/09 (372)
            NOBODY LIKES WAR - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (377)
              i didn't simplify - mean 01/16/09 (396)
                Of course, the same simple - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (404)
                  ah, now you are striving for - mean 01/16/09 (440)
                    Jing2Ying2 planned - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (437)
                      solid reason? - mean 01/16/09 (425)
                        jing2ying2 means well-educated - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (408)
                          man, you pinyin sucks  /無內容 - mean 01/17/09 (325)
          美國人都相信伊拉克戰爭一半的原因是石油,一半 - 思齊 01/16/09 (301)
            you 信伊拉克戰爭一半的原因是石油 - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (218)
            美國人相信 and REALITY - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (326)
              你信的更不等於事實.有啥好吵,你說你的對 - candle 01/16/09 (330)
                REALITY is REALITY, - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (328)
                  REALITY is REALITY, not - candle 01/17/09 (335)
                    You revealed what you are - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (339)
                      I revealed I jumped around ? - candle 01/17/09 (349)
                        if you always tell a lie - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (303)
                          我說了,我沒有jump around,你卻栽贓,你是在 - candle 01/17/09 (308)
  文章好看,長知識。鼎一下 !  /無內容 - 柯思炫 01/16/09 (199)
  慘了, - wjbh 01/15/09 (216)
  根據我的潛水功 - wjbh 01/15/09 (269)
    看我的連接 - wjbh 01/15/09 (241)
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