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you are always so patriotic. I like that. :-)
送交者: egghead1 2008月06月30日08:10:28 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: CEO! I like CEO better than PTR or SNP:-)小寒* 於 2008-06-29 20:55:23
Like you, I also have some money in RMB. So if our motherland does well, I will do well. :-) But seriously, I strongly believe China will do great in the next 10 years even if there are some short term troubles.
  Thank you! I have faith. :-) - 小寒* 06/30/08 (208)
    這次熊市很特別, - 枯木朽株 06/30/08 (162)
      yes, indeed. I feel the time has not - egghead1 06/30/08 (138)
      :-) This is my first year really paying - 小寒* 06/30/08 (242)
        as always, thank you. :-) although - egghead1 06/30/08 (230)
          I only know El Paso Energy has - 小寒* 06/30/08 (187)
            Thank you. You are unbelievably nice. :-) - egghead1 06/30/08 (153)
              Now I am embarrassed... - 小寒* 06/30/08 (145)
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