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不可全信, 不可不信。特別是對明天說的
送交者: deliver 2014月03月16日20:56:39 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 第三屆股壇大師賽金牌榜【第11周】穿牆屁 於 2014-03-15 09:46:58
特具體, 看能否靈驗。
相應的, 我準備在11am 之前出一部分短的
Traders need to be mindful that we are moving into areas of potential support near 1834 and 1823. Traders need to also watch for potential changes of trend for March 17 at around 11 AM or 1:30 PM and a potential for a change of trend occur on March 19th.
Since we are very close to major support ranges we do anticipate some bounce to the upside as prices attempt to hold the price action and retest the highs. We do believe that traders need to be mindful of a significant change of trend in mid-April such as April 10, 16 or 21st. Traders need to be mindful that April could be very volatile for the overall markets
  I do believe this: - jeffdye 03/17/14 (567)
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