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It's alright, will read those
送交者: sql 2009月03月27日17:01:14 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: sql, my apology!k19 於 2009-03-27 13:44:45
However, I chose to write the article in seemingly the worst economic time. In time like this, if you are looking for any hints that the bottom is near, not even mention looking for the hints that the bottom is in the past, it's very hard, otherwise, you don't call it the worst time. In time like this, good news are rare, some so called the good news are not so good in a normal time, things like certain figures are sometimes still negative but bettter than expected or better than last quarter, or so, or things slightly positive, like consumer spending, reported today, but better more than predicted, not so great, but looks a trend in the positive direction, things point to situation is getting better, not worse. But still we are still in the worst time, so don't expect everything will be great by tomorrow morning.

The main point of my writing is to say that Ameria is not ready to fall yet, not this time, although look really bad comparing with where it used to be. It can still can get out of all this this time. I am not say it will next time, since we don't know what we mean by next time. That's long term and is not what I was ready to discuss.

One point you kept asking is about house. I see you have your references, I have mine too. In all times, there are always good news and bad news, depends whom you talk to. That's when you need your own judgement. what I can tell you, don't ask me where I got those, the mortgage refi is significant up, which was one of the biggest concerns in mortgage industry. postive article? here is one:


Over the years, one thing I have learned is to listen to both sides. Doing so will make you able to make much more objective judgement. So I will read all the articles that you recommand, and thank you for that.
  Do some more research. - k19 03/27/09 (361)
  You are very reasonable. - k19 03/27/09 (300)
  One more suggestion: - sql 03/27/09 (338)
    I tell like it is - k19 03/27/09 (399)
      one more question: - sql 03/27/09 (381)
        And I hope you can tell by now - k19 03/27/09 (374)
        From my research - k19 03/27/09 (321)
      misleading is the wrong word - sql 03/27/09 (353)
        Like I said you can unintentio - k19 03/27/09 (319)
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