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hi, 缺口气? everyone!
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年10月31日21:02:46 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
Finally I’m back to my lovely cozy, warm home from Greenwich. Oh boy, don’t ever work for Wall St or hedge funds or any other institution funds if you want keep a decent morals yourself, for that matter. In financial industry, there are not only schemes but legalized crimes for one group taking money away from another group.
  Also I forget to mention.. - 水滴~ 11/02/08 (208)
  glad seeing you still活蹦乱跳 - 扫盲教育 11/02/08 (279)
    thank you for your interest in - ItsScheme 11/02/08 (280)
  垮了就垮了,别放心上,洗洗睡,啊?  /无内容 - free2005 11/01/08 (235)
    唉。。。 - ItsScheme 11/01/08 (208)
  总算把Fund给整跨了?关门了?  /无内容 - 6degrees 11/01/08 (260)
    no, i've no this kind of power - ItsScheme 11/01/08 (245)
  Thanks for inside info - k19 10/31/08 (319)
    thank you for your time - ItsScheme 11/01/08 (292)
      问声好 - sunshine 11/01/08 (261)
        again, i'm not a professionals - ItsScheme 11/02/08 (245)
        If you listen to the - k19 11/02/08 (255)
          SALESPERSON 没关系 - sunshine 11/02/08 (238)
            Oh really. hope you won't - k19 11/02/08 (259)
              没错,哈哈 - sunshine 11/02/08 (201)
  Hey, ShiFu Hao! - 水滴~ 10/31/08 (322)
    hao hao hao! - ItsScheme 10/31/08 (318)
      I had a nasty verbal fight - 水滴~ 10/31/08 (377)
        tell him, he will be fired soo - ItsScheme 11/01/08 (225)
          he won't care much. - 水滴~ 11/02/08 (201)
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