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送交者: 全伊 2008月11月19日11:49:34 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 不知今天美国议会会不会通过救三车厂的议案唯一 于 2008-11-19 10:12:42
Last time I checked, Big 3 does pay an average $70+/hr (yes, with all the benifits included) to the union workers.

Screw the UAW! Unions are dragging this country down big time! Just look around. When you see small projects such as reparing an esclator in the Penn Station of NYC that would take more than a year to finish, when you see ground zero proudly remain to be a big gaping hole for seven years, when you see NJT (new jersey transit) workers who don't give a damn when trains are delayed longer and longer day after day and schedule after schedule (when in Japan a two minute delay of the train would be considered a disaster), you know things are very wrong in this country. The construction cost sky-rocketed and we are fast becoming a 3rd world country!

If politicians are not willing to get rid of the union system for fear of lossing a big chunk of the voting pool, then just let the market force do the job. Let the failure of the big 3 mark the beginning of an end of the era of unionized labor. Chapter 11 is the only way to save this nation, period!
        不一样的,底特律车厂纽约地铁工会是敲诈勒索 - 男人梦中 11/19/08 (106)
      还有你们纽约地铁的懒鬼们,码头工人,都是 - 男人梦中 11/19/08 (205)
        没错。工会和黑手党一样劫持了国民经济  /无内容 - 全伊 11/19/08 (123)
      查查工会是怎么贿选的,凭什么他们可以指挥政府?  /无内容 - 井蛙 11/19/08 (142)
    没删,打开主贴全在里面  /无内容 - 唯一 11/19/08 (156)
      是你记错了。  /无内容 - 全伊 11/19/08 (138)
  To me,the most ridiculous part - yfch 11/19/08 (276)
    Exactly. A lot of - 全伊 11/19/08 (143)
    yes, 这是要纳税人管的  /无内容 - 唯一 11/19/08 (160)
      of course  /无内容 - yfch 11/19/08 (154)
  有道理。但是眼下怎么办?让 - 唯一 11/19/08 (250)
    No pain, no gain. Period!  /无内容 - 全伊 11/19/08 (174)
      FT。大家系好安全带。。。。  /无内容 - 唯一 11/19/08 (146)
    降工资、削福利、努力工作渡难关。 - 井蛙 11/19/08 (227)
      不知道啊,呼唤数据~~~  /无内容 - 唯一 11/19/08 (149)
  打倒UAW! - 井蛙 11/19/08 (299)
    很有煽动性模,呵呵。  /无内容 - 全伊 11/19/08 (235)
      真正有煽动性的人都被UAW收买了。  /无内容 - 井蛙 11/19/08 (231)
        美国人民已经意识到问题的严重性。去yahoo或其它 - 全伊 11/19/08 (267)
          O8不是想作伟大的人吗?现在机会来了,就看他有没有智慧了。  /无内容 - 井蛙 11/19/08 (186)
            丫内阁里一窝lobby老鼠, 伟大的防猫器,嘿嘿。  /无内容 - 匪连长 11/19/08 (169)
            丫在竞选时拼命鼓动工会造GOP反。上了台总不能翻脸不认吧? - 全伊 11/19/08 (130)
          至少GM是等不到一月份啦  /无内容 - 唯一 11/19/08 (198)
            大快人心。  /无内容 - 全伊 11/19/08 (132)
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