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送交者: pifu01 2022月11月20日10:01:58 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 有趣的名词:弟子,什么意思?pifu01 于 2022-11-20 08:04:37

魔,梵文 Mara, 魔罗,此云杀者,能杀害众生,法身慧命故。汉语的魔之一字,来自佛经,来自梵文,为魔罗的简称。如下:

魔,汉语常用字(一级字) [1]  ,读作mó,最早见于《说文小篆,是随着南北朝佛经译文开始产生的 [2]  。本义为梵语魔罗的简称;引申泛指恶魔,怪物;又引申为邪恶的人或势力;妖魔容易引起人们好奇,所以又引申指神奇的、对某事物爱好入迷等 [3]  。


The word Māra comes from the Sanskrit form of the verbal root mṛ. It takes a present indicative form mṛyate and a causative form mārayati (with strengthening of the root vowel from ṛ to ār). Māra is a verbal noun from the causative root and means 'causing death' or 'killing'.[4] It is related to other words for death from the same root, such as: maraṇa and mṛtyu. The latter is a name for death personified and is sometimes identified with Yama.

The root mṛ is related to the Indo-European verbal root *mer meaning "die, disappear" in the context of "death, murder or destruction". It is "very wide-spread" in Indo-European languages suggesting it to be of great antiquity, according to Mallory and Adams.[5]

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