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送交者: 數據清潔工 2008月07月29日10:42:22 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 占領陣地,“夢工廠”在迪拜興建主題公園數據清潔工 於 2008-07-29 10:39:13

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashed al-Maktum (2nd L), chairman of the Dubai Executive Council, looks at the project plan of Universal Studios in Dubai 30 April 2007. The project was launched to bring some Hollywood magic to the booming Gulf emirate in the form of a Universal Studios theme park. The theme park, owned by the major US film studio of the same name, will form part of a wider Universal development costing over 8 billion dirhams (2.18 billion US dollars) in the Dubailand mega resort, Dubai-based developers Tatweer said in a statement. Maktum, son of Dubai's ruler, officially inaugurated work on the project in the city-state which wants to position itself as a global tourist destination
  腐蝕自由民主人權鬥士的阿拉伯肚皮舞 - 數據清潔工 07/29/08 (374)
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