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送交者: 直言 2009年09月25日19:11:34 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话



1. Presidential Scholars Program





For the academic component of the program, students who meet the following criteria:


are U.S. citizens;

graduate or receive a diploma between January and August of the current program year; and

score exceptionally well on either the SAT of the College Board or the ACT of the American College Testing Program, based on tests taken during the two-year window that begins in September, 2007 and runs through October, 2009, (for the recognition cycle concluding in June, 2010).


2. President's Education Awards Program





The purpose of this award is to recognize academic success in the classroom. To be eligible for the President's Award for Educational Excellence, students at each award level (elementary, middle, or high school) must meet the requirements in Category A and either 1 or 2 of Category C. If a school does not have letter grades, a student must meet the requirements in Category B and either 1 or 2 of Category C.

  1. Grade Point Average: Students are to earn a grade point average of 90 on a 100 point scale, (an A on a letter scale or a 3.5 on a 4.0 scale). When computing grade point averages at the respective award level, only the years at that level are to be included through the fall semester of the exiting grade. Note: Elementary schools are not to include K-3 in their computations.

  2. School Criteria/Standards: Standards for the award are to be established by each school that reflect a 90 percent level or higher on the traditional grading scale. This category enables school personnel to use new assessment and evaluation tools in developing award criteria at their school and apply the criteria fairly to all students. The primary indicators of excellence must be based on academic achievement. School personnel may also consider, as part of the criteria, activities in which a student demonstrates high motivation, initiative, integrity, intellectual depth, leadership qualities and/or exceptional judgment. They may also require student essays and outstanding attendance, but these activities must bear some relationship to the academic performance of a student.

  3. In addition to A or B, schools are to include one or more of the following criteria to determine their selected students:

    1. State Tests and Nationally-Normed Achievement Tests: High achievement in reading or math on state tests or nationally-normed tests. The school may consider college admissions examinations for seniors, for example the SAT or ACT.

      — OR —
    2. Recommendations from a Teacher Plus One Other Staff Member: One recommendation is to reflect outstanding achievement such as English, mathematics, science, history, geography, art, foreign language, and any other courses that reflect a school's core curriculum. This judgment is to be supported by tangible evidence that is comprised of either results on teacher-made tests, portfolio assessment, or special projects. The second recommendation from a school staff member may address, for example: involvement in community service or co-curricular activities including tutoring other students and/or demonstration of creativity and achievement in the visual and performing arts. The school principal has final authority to determine which students receive this award.





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