漢字中沒有Learn這個字,中國很難體會它和學習的差別 |
送交者: 言真輕 2008月12月17日13:13:42 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話 |
回 答: 發自心底的呼聲。 由 劉福祿 於 2008-12-17 13:00:58 |
knowledge is something that has been learned by others. Study knowledge itself is not a process of learning. But in Chinese, there is no such words as learning so Chinese do not understand what learning is.
Kids need to learn things their own ways and there are no others who can teach them how to learn. That is street smart. |
實用資訊 | |
一周點擊熱帖 | 更多>> |
一周回復熱帖 |
歷史上的今天:回復熱帖 |
2007: | 這名校不名校, 人與人就是不一樣 | |
2005: | 波士頓紀事:從“MIT”到假冒MD | |
2005: | 孝和感恩 | |
2004: | 天大的笑話:中國男人配不上中國女人 | |
2004: | 姥姥家唱大戲(二) | |
2003: | 望子成人 (3) | |
2003: | 望子成人 (6) | |