儿子的 Lego Design 3 |
送交者: 聼雪 2011年07月16日09:48:14 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话 |
Today I'm going to display one of my Bionicle Creations. This guy is a yellow quadruped titled "Spike." I thought he turned out ok, but not quite what I had in mind. Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here's 2,000 words of detail. Side
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2010: | 乐维:老爸与自闭儿(八)阳光男孩 | |
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2009: | aaaa | |
2008: | 古 代 小 学 教 育 zt | |
2008: | 一降血压药可避免糖尿病患视网膜病变 | |
2006: | Should I do this? (I) | |
2006: | 揭批一下 “中西家庭生态比较” | |