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Our leaders IQ level
送交者: xpt 2008月10月04日13:06:21 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 溫家寶引用《沉思錄》令人沉思什麼?雷神 於 2008-10-04 07:18:30
The author of 《沉思錄》 was the former emperor of Roma (161-180 B.C.). He is well known as the ruler-philosopher, and one of a few good emperors in the long history of Roman empire.

Despite his showing of justice and wisdom during his reign, Roman empire still fell to ruins. The reason is very simple: there were huge corruptions and countless number of dictators that the Roman system itself could not eliminate.

The outcome of the Roman empire's ruin is democracy.

I hope that Primer 溫家寶 go beyond the petty words in 《沉思錄》petty and personal feelings and lead China to democracy.
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