Farmer are only allowed with FDA regulated and registered hormones and drugs etc. in the poultry and other farming industries. Non FDA registered hormones and drugs etc. are not allowed to be used. FDA has a testing and safety threshold level guidelines for these application. Meats not comply with these guidelines will be destroyed and be used as pet foods. There are two levels of inspection agencies for the farming industries. First line of inspections will be conducted by the veterinarians from the Ministry of Agriculture. A log book will be signed by the vets and keep by the farmer. The last line of sample inspection is conducted by the FDA in the licensed butchery before ship out on the market.
All pharmaceutical companies who is supplying these stuff has to be registered by the FDA. No un-registered hormones and drugs etc. will not be allowed to feed the animals.
I was trying to write something about these FDA & Ministry of Agriculture. Regulations and application.
In yr 2000, I had jointed FDA show trip to Beijing. I complained to the USA & Canadian embassy staffs about the Western countries introducing these stuff hormones, enzymes and drugs - to China’s farming and food industries without telling them the side-effects and how these application should be regulated.
Before yr 2000, farming industries can self regulating the application of these drugs. However, all pharmaceutical companies and the drugs being used still required to be registered.
I wrote an article 關於中國食品的安全問題。in Chinese about these on this BBS web site more than a years ago.