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Fact decides how much 正财富/负财富
送交者: 万宝1 2008月11月24日23:05:21 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: You are out of touchqm 于 2008-11-23 22:50:02
I am touching with reality.

The fact decides how much 正财富 or 负财富 is made.

This is an elementary school math:
Big3 workers used 50 billion dollars in the production per month, but only produced products valued 30 billion dollars. 30 minus 50 equal 负 20 (30 - 50 = -20). -20 is negative (负财富). But, if Big3 workers used 30 billion dollars in the production per month, and produced products valued 50 billion dollars. 50 minus 30 equal 正 20 (50 - 30 = +20). +20 is positive (正财富).

Now, you should know "Who decide how much 正财富 or 负财富 is made". Very simple. If you still cannot understand, please find an elementary school math book to get thsi knowledge: 30-50=-20 and 50-30=+20.

Yes, workers in UAW has a contract with the company on how much they are to be paid, but this paid should be from the money the company made. If the company made the negative money, it is really 不讲道理 to get 25 billion from other people. If the company uses the money it makes, the workers can keep not reduce their salary. If you think the world has no 道理, and you do not need 讲道理, it will be nothinhg to say. Anyway, your opinion was 不讲道理.

It is 不讲道理 for your opinion, whether you agree or not.
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