小意思啦,这里有篇长点的言氏英文,附加网友的评论: |
送交者: 给点智商吧 2008月12月20日21:26:50 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 言真轻的英文门都未入 由 福村 于 2008-12-20 19:51:00 |
作者: 启明 "Practically, communication is key" 2007-07-18 16:52:23 [点击:78]
Practically, communication will place the most important role in balancing the whole society on its preset objections. That is why democracy is the highest management state of the human society since it is the best way to get full communication among people by far. If there had been democracy, would Dayuejin be such a disaster that was totally out of control? Dayuejin is a typical model of positive feedback system. It went crazy not too long after Mao started it. For dictatorships, they will never understand how important information is for management and the only way to have true information of a huge complicated society like China is through democracy. I am not talking about whether democracy is suitable for China or not, I am merely talking about if China want to have a stable society; it must build a infrastructure with effective negative feedback mechanism. --------------- 作者: 笑一笑 "今天终于看到了启明的英文写作,给启明提一点肺腑之言" 2008-07-21 19:59:00 [点击:124] 由于启明老是说英语大大地好,汉字如何如何的不堪,俺就一直希望看看启明对英语的了解到底有多深,要是能看到启明的英语写作那就更能理解他的水平。 终于今天,好心的少智商帮俺找到了一段启明的英文写作如下: 启明: Practically, communication is key 2007-07-18 16:52:23 [点击:72] Practically, communication will place the most important role in balancing the whole society on its preset objections. That is why democracy is the highest management state of the human society since it is the best way to get full communication among people by far. If there had been democracy, would Dayuejin be such a disaster that was totally out of control? Dayuejin is a typical model of positive feedback system. It went crazy not too long after Mao started it. For dictatorships, they will never understand how important information is for management and the only way to have true information of a huge complicated society like China is through democracy. I am not talking about whether democracy is suitable for China or not, I am merely talking about if China want to have a stable society; it must build a infrastructure with effective negative feedback mechanism. 向少智商学习,俺也好心一把,给启明提一点意见。 实话实说,启明,你的英语能力,基本不及格,第一不具备清楚表达的能力,第二,也是更重要的,以这样水平的英语,你吸收西方思想,技术,信息等等都会很吃力,结果也会大打折扣,甚至理解错误,这里还不提你文法和语法上的问题。 回到咱们争辩的核心,以这样水平的英语,你更不能了解英语的问题在那里,你要把英语和汉字来对比,从何谈起。 虽然咱俩互不欣赏,今天俺还是好人作到底,帮你一把,给你提个肺腑之言,你在美国上班是吧,这样的英语会妨碍你将来的发展,你的第一要务是要把你的英文大大的提高,起码得有高中的水平才行。要把英语提高可不是容易的事,你得准备个十年寒窗苦读才行。 汉字的事你得先放一放,你现在这种辩法属无根之谈,多说对你不但无益,反而有害,起码浪费了你的青春嘛,十年之后再来,到时你的英文大大地好了,你在美国的地位更为发展了,说不定那时后,你就会像我深深体会到英语比起咱汉字在表达能力上差多了。 你自己说的:“当然必须是有可能作至少两种文字比较的人”才不“隔靴搔痒”嘛。 你先去理解一下英语,咱们十年后再辩,如何? (以上说的都是假设你不是在上五毛的班,若否则另当别论,上面说的就全算废话吧) |
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