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Language is the evil of all
送交者: 空军大院 2009月02月06日11:29:55 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 信上帝的人怎么可以随便乱揣测神的意思呢?言真轻 于 2009-02-06 11:11:16
for you misinterpreted what i said. When i said the God, I mean THE God, not any God worshiped by any church. The God i referred to is the God of, if you will, Dutch philosopher, Spinoza's God, or a natural God, or the ultimate God. In that sense, and only in that sense, may HE guide you in your tireless search for the truth...(or for fun if you will).

Hope this helps
  It doesn't help at all - 言真轻 02/06/09 (212)
    Try a bit harder pls - 空军大院 02/06/09 (270)
      I hope so! - 言真轻 02/06/09 (227)
        You have reached such a level - 空军大院 02/06/09 (217)
          The irrelevancy makes me nuts. - 言真轻 02/06/09 (225)
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