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日本小学“备战”2011英语必修课计划 (zt)
送交者: zz234 2009月03月22日13:52:14 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: aa88: 全民英语和国家心态aa88 于 2009-03-21 22:38:36

作者:21ST编辑 日期:2009-02-23
来源: 21世纪英语教育周刊

  ENGLISH will soon be part of the compulsory curriculum for Japan's public elementary schools. Although currently an increasing number of pupils have English activities, some schools still have to prepare to start from scratch, Asahi Shimbun has reported.

   Beginning in 2011, there will be one compulsory English class a week for fifth- and sixth-graders, according to a previous curriculum guideline revision. At present, schools are busy preparing for 2011.

   Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo, is especially active in this regard. Since 2000, elementary schools in the ward have been experimenting with English instruction. The ward’s education policy calls for 15 English classes a year in the lower elementary school grades, 25 classes in the middle grades, and 35 in the upper ones. The younger children pick up natural English pronunciation and rhythms through songs and games while upper-form children focus on actual communication.

  WILL /无内容 - 克烈部汗 03/22/09 (147)
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