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Ok. let me try again
送交者: 空军大院 2009月03月29日16:48:28 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你这五十大板笪缑 于 2009-03-29 16:06:06
Deed, by definition, means action or something acted upon, something already done but stresses activity resulted in the final result. To be fair to you both, Yan's translation is in favor of final result - i.e. the ownership while yours underlines the action through which to finalize the ownership. In a sense, if we could combine both of yours, that is the exact meaning needed for the Chinese translation.

Unfortunately, there is no ready-made phrase to use for this. I am not sure what the Chinese local restate agent for this part of housing transaction. My sense is that they probably can hardly be as sophisticated as their American counterparts as the business practice is vastly different.

Maybe, only maybe, if anyone of you could find a cool rendering, you would make some kind of contribution to the modern Chinese vocabulary, see what i mean?
    Sorry to contradict you - 空军大院 03/29/09 (368)
      越来越发现你和言一样的“伟大”,忧国忧民 - 海凉粉 03/29/09 (320)
        发现再放你就馊了,这次煮开了你再吃!  /无内容 - 空军大院 03/29/09 (300)
          你的院门开了,锁不上,已形同虚设了!  /无内容 - 海凉粉 03/29/09 (255)
            门客哗哗地往外跑啊,逃命啊 - 克烈部汗 03/29/09 (244)
              哈哈~~ 还是光着脚撒鸭子,鞋都忘了穿  /无内容 - 海凉粉 03/29/09 (217)
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