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送交者: 要飯花子 2009月04月06日11:08:40 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: don't worry-花同學自然會依你錯誤程度對症下藥空軍大院 於 2009-04-06 10:45:42
後來我開道了邏輯, 他不在提英語了,而是轉到漢語和西方的比較。 我不想再給言和他提示了, 因為言和他沒交學費。
as for a sonnet, it is a high form of poetry. first, sure 14 lines are required. but there should be a particular rhyme scheme (such as end-rhymed abab, cdcd, efef, gg form). more important, each line has to be of 10 syllables (yes syllables). of course, 11 syllables are possible in certain cases such as when the last syllable is unstressed. not only do we have 10 syllables in each line, these 10 syllables likely need to be unstressed and stressed alternatively (iambic pentameter) although variations (spondee for instance) are also observed.
    poetry speaks for itself - 要飯花子 04/06/09 (256)
      你不是猛勁要言看讀你的東西嗎?  /無內容 - 邏輯 04/06/09 (165)
        as i mentioned before - 要飯花子 04/06/09 (147)
          you are not judge, please do - 邏輯 04/06/09 (201)
            the last straw of yours - 要飯花子 04/06/09 (163)
              我開始學英語的時候,你在哪裡?得了吧。  /無內容 - 邏輯 04/06/09 (224)
    you forgot about - 要飯花子 04/06/09 (356)
        can you list all the - 要飯花子 04/06/09 (390)
          我是指出你邏輯錯誤之處,我非言真輕,那不是我的觀點。  /無內容 - 邏輯 04/06/09 (377)
            a man of lack of logic - 要飯花子 04/06/09 (401)
              言要說明漢字不如拼音文字,你卻要用同是拼音文字的西班牙語和英 - 邏輯 04/06/09 (395)
                i compared - 要飯花子 04/06/09 (336)
                  你要查西班牙的科學成就和科學家,網上google一下。  /無內容 - 邏輯 04/06/09 (372)
                無非是想讓人知道你修過這些課程。知識和知道不是一回事情。  /無內容 - 邏輯 04/06/09 (217)
              你還有一個邏輯錯誤就是,言認為漢字不如拼音文字,你卻要證明別 - 邏輯 04/06/09 (253)
                you are clueless  /無內容 - 要飯花子 04/06/09 (188)
  for Mr Yan-more potent dose! - 空軍大院 04/06/09 (132)
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