后来我开道了逻辑, 他不在提英语了,而是转到汉语和西方的比较。 我不想再给言和他提示了, 因为言和他没交学费。 as for a sonnet, it is a high form of poetry. first, sure 14 lines are required. but there should be a particular rhyme scheme (such as end-rhymed abab, cdcd, efef, gg form). more important, each line has to be of 10 syllables (yes syllables). of course, 11 syllables are possible in certain cases such as when the last syllable is unstressed. not only do we have 10 syllables in each line, these 10 syllables likely need to be unstressed and stressed alternatively (iambic pentameter) although variations (spondee for instance) are also observed. 哈