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送交者: abc55 2009月04月18日09:48:32 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 說得很有道理,不過對言痴沒用,她很專注漢字,哈哈並瓦 於 2009-04-18 00:14:31
真言輕的邏輯前提(premise), 即: 漢字決定political constitution, can easily be proved wrong by one single fact: although the Taiwanese speak and write in Chinese, they now have a living democratic constitution. So, a political constitution is not decided by the Chinese language.

The Chinese nation will eventually establish a civil/fair/open-minded political constitution, when more and more Chinese gain the knowledge of how to govern a human society scientifically, although their language is Chinese. It may take a while for this to come, but it will eventually come no matter how long it will take, because science will eventually conquer the stupidities of the uncivilized rulers of the Chinese nation.

In fact, the most basic/critical elements concerning how to govern a human society scientifically/harmoniously is well known in the developed countries around the world, and the vast majority of the western people know very well what these elements are. In they can be easily summarized by one phrase: the separation of the power between the legislature, the judiciary, and the executive. Otherwise, there will not be a stable and prosperous political/economical union that can last for long. It is really a tradgidy
that these basic elements have been painted as evil by the Chinese government of the mainland China, so that the majority of the mainland Chinese are kept in the dark, and are cheated/ruled as slaves.

Also in fact, the basic law of China contains some healthy fruits of the western scientific civilization concerning how to rule China scientifically. But the Chinese communist party has been trying all kinds of tricks to prevent the Chinese people from exercising the basic law of China. These tricks include the control of public media, the prohibition of the freedom of speech, and the police/military crackdown on people's peaceful demonstrations against the corruptions of the government officials. These tricks make the less educated Chinese people stupid, therefore, slows down the progress of the Chinese government towards the scientific governing.
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