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That's all you can do?
送交者: xpt 2009月05月01日19:49:18 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: to xpt: english is tumbling u!aa88 于 2009-05-01 16:06:13
I am challenging you to write a piece of any topic you pick in 5 minutes.
  Where is A8? It's show time! - 言真轻 05/01/09 (257)
    When you repeatedly made your - Jury 05/01/09 (329)
      A forceful retort!  /无内容 - 飞星 05/01/09 (127)
      Peotry and poet - xpt 05/01/09 (316)
        Well said! 他们是叶公好龙! - 言真轻 05/01/09 (172)
        I don't get your logic - Jury 05/01/09 (288)
          u need a mirror  /无内容 - xpt 05/01/09 (268)
            You are an idiot!  /无内容 - Jury 05/01/09 (311)
              You loss one by saying that - 言真轻 05/01/09 (242)
                Why does he needs a mirror - Jury 05/01/09 (244)
                  You may look at 臭脚丫,奶瓶,。。。 - 言真轻 05/01/09 (169)
              idiot is the same in mirror - xpt 05/01/09 (209)
                Idiot and mirror - Jury 05/01/09 (135)
      Who said that?  - 言真轻 05/01/09 (174)
      I wrote this in 5 minutes - Jury 05/01/09 (200)
        I do not think your English - 言真轻 05/01/09 (134)
  xpt: I challenge you - Jury 05/01/09 (245)
    I did. and u need a mirror - xpt 05/01/09 (179)
    Why don't you challenge A8? - 言真轻 05/01/09 (174)
  不许放屁! /无内容 - aa88 05/01/09 (151)
    Tumbling fart?  /无内容 - xpt 05/01/09 (117)
    That is perfect English! - 言真轻 05/01/09 (136)
    Drop off! 呵呵  /无内容 - littelfat 05/01/09 (152)
      He needs more time! - 言真轻 05/01/09 (127)
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