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to xpt: english is tumbling u!
送交者: aa88 2009年05月01日16:06:13 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
English clips your wings!!! 懂吗? 我相信,你如果用中文,你也许能说点高中生的话,但当你用英文时,你写的东西就连小学生看了都要反胃了! “Since Qin, China has had strong government combined with harsh punishment for anyone daring to challenge the state, or the official thinking. Through thousands of years of this human selection, there has never been any system and tradition formed among Chinese learned men who can become independent. 54 was the beginning of the realization of this trap or bound on Chinese people. The very agenda the young Chinese had was to challenge the status quo that has been there for thousands of years. Unfortunately, those among the challengers now became the new rulers of another round of dynasty, the CCP dynasty. Since they know better how to challenge the old regime, they become more cruel and more thorough and more merciless in dealing the new challengers. There wasn't no independent 知识分子 in China, and will not be as long as this strong state exists. This is nothing new - the last 90 years just a small sample embedded in the 5000 year history.”
  That's all you can do? - xpt 05/01/09 (350)
    Where is A8? It's show time! - 言真轻 05/01/09 (257)
      When you repeatedly made your - Jury 05/01/09 (329)
        A forceful retort!  /无内容 - 飞星 05/01/09 (127)
        Peotry and poet - xpt 05/01/09 (316)
          Well said! 他们是叶公好龙! - 言真轻 05/01/09 (172)
          I don't get your logic - Jury 05/01/09 (288)
            u need a mirror  /无内容 - xpt 05/01/09 (268)
              You are an idiot!  /无内容 - Jury 05/01/09 (311)
                You loss one by saying that - 言真轻 05/01/09 (242)
                  Why does he needs a mirror - Jury 05/01/09 (244)
                    You may look at 臭脚丫,奶瓶,。。。 - 言真轻 05/01/09 (169)
                idiot is the same in mirror - xpt 05/01/09 (209)
                  Idiot and mirror - Jury 05/01/09 (135)
        Who said that?  - 言真轻 05/01/09 (174)
        I wrote this in 5 minutes - Jury 05/01/09 (200)
          I do not think your English - 言真轻 05/01/09 (134)
    xpt: I challenge you - Jury 05/01/09 (245)
      I did. and u need a mirror - xpt 05/01/09 (179)
      Why don't you challenge A8? - 言真轻 05/01/09 (174)
    不许放屁!  /无内容 - aa88 05/01/09 (151)
      Tumbling fart?  /无内容 - xpt 05/01/09 (117)
      That is perfect English! - 言真轻 05/01/09 (136)
      Drop off! 呵呵  /无内容 - littelfat 05/01/09 (152)
        He needs more time! - 言真轻 05/01/09 (127)
      AA88是你的马甲?不就是想显摆找点感觉吗?  /无内容 - stupidPeople 05/01/09 (253)
        言妇是你老婆? 爱老婆请回家爱  /无内容 - 并瓦 05/01/09 (273)
          你跟你爹也这么说话吗?没大没小的!  /无内容 - 言真轻 05/01/09 (246)
            我跟你爷爷说话,听说你爷是那1000头吃六味地黄丸的 - 并瓦 05/01/09 (226)
              听说只有猪才吃六味地黄丸,你吃过了?好好睡吧  /无内容 - 言真轻 05/01/09 (205)
                你真了解你爷爷,你爷爷不吃那东西,能有现在的你这 - 并瓦 05/01/09 (216)
                  我给你爹搓了两丸,他服下睡了,希望他明天能醒过来,嘿。。  /无内容 - 言真轻 05/01/09 (193)
                    听你说你爷爷这太监,吃了两丸后,小 - 丑脚丫 05/01/09 (128)
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