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When you repeatedly made your
送交者: Jury 2009月05月01日20:47:07 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Where is A8? It's show time!言真輕 於 2009-05-01 20:20:57
When you repeatedly made your stupid comments about poems, you forfeited whatever little credibility you had left in discussing languages, English or Chinese. It showed your egregious ignorance about language in general.

You probably didn’t know, again, but these are facts:

First, poetry is the highest form of any language, period.

Second, any decent people in any culture, educated or not, love poetry and their poets. You probably never knew that in Europe, or Western cultures in general as in China, people respected their great poets more than their kings when there were kings. They still do, to a great extent.

Third, poetry played a significant role in the development of any languages, Chinese, English, or others. One just can’t imagine that there could be a language in the world in which no poetry was ever composed. It would not be a language any more.

You probably don’t know, either, that even today, major newspapers and magazines or any other media still dedicate a section to poetry. There are not only poets in America today, poetry is still taught as an important genre even in public school in this country.

You’ve got a lot to learn.
  A forceful retort! /無內容 - 飛星 05/01/09 (127)
  Peotry and poet - xpt 05/01/09 (316)
    Well said! 他們是葉公好龍! - 言真輕 05/01/09 (172)
    I don't get your logic - Jury 05/01/09 (288)
      u need a mirror  /無內容 - xpt 05/01/09 (268)
        You are an idiot!  /無內容 - Jury 05/01/09 (311)
          You loss one by saying that - 言真輕 05/01/09 (242)
            Why does he needs a mirror - Jury 05/01/09 (244)
              You may look at 臭腳丫,奶瓶,。。。 - 言真輕 05/01/09 (169)
          idiot is the same in mirror - xpt 05/01/09 (209)
            Idiot and mirror - Jury 05/01/09 (135)
  Who said that?  - 言真輕 05/01/09 (174)
  I wrote this in 5 minutes - Jury 05/01/09 (200)
    I do not think your English - 言真輕 05/01/09 (134)
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