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I don't get your logic
送交者: Jury 2009月05月01日21:28:25 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Peotry and poetxpt 於 2009-05-01 21:18:06
What do you mean when you say \"It not hard to imagine what a Chinese man would do today proudly writing his Chinese character using the computer invented by others and transmitted through the world wide web also invented by others.\"

There are a lot of racists who use china (small \"c\"), drink tea, or at certain times wore silk.

What are you talking about? Are you dreaming?
  u need a mirror /無內容 - xpt 05/01/09 (268)
    You are an idiot!  /無內容 - Jury 05/01/09 (311)
      You loss one by saying that - 言真輕 05/01/09 (242)
        Why does he needs a mirror - Jury 05/01/09 (244)
          You may look at 臭腳丫,奶瓶,。。。 - 言真輕 05/01/09 (169)
      idiot is the same in mirror - xpt 05/01/09 (209)
        Idiot and mirror - Jury 05/01/09 (135)
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