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【6】見“新語絲之友”,1998-02-11 03:07:19。







【13】亦明:《方舟子抄襲剽竊100例之25——〈達爾文的蘭花〉》,虹橋科技論壇,2010-12-01 04:11:33。



【16】亦明:《方舟子四年前曾抄襲一家英國醫學院學報》,虹橋科教論壇,2010-11-21 06:10:59。

【17】Matthews, S. B., Waud, J. P., Roberts, A. G., and Campbell, A. K. 2005. Systemic Lactose Intolerance: A New Perspective on an Old Problem. Postgraduate Medical Journal 81(953):167-173.

【18】Campbell, A. K. and Matthews, S. B. 2005. Darwin's Illness Revealed. Postgraduate Medical Journal 81(954):248-251.

【19】Colp, R. Jr. Darwin's Illness. Gainesville, FL.: University Press of Florida, 2008. pp.173-175.

【20】Thomson, K. 2009. Darwin's Enigmatic Health. American Scientist 97(3):198-200.

【21】Hayman, J. and Finsterer, J. 2022. Diagnoses for Charles Darwin's Illness: A Wealth of Inaccurate Differential Diagnoses. Cureus 14(11):e32065.




【25】Ge, X. Shamelessness Shouldn’t Be Anyone’s Nature──An Open Letter to Nature, Part XVI: The Science Case. China Academic Integrity Review, March 03, 2013 07:31PM.

【26】葛莘:《創作、翻譯、編譯、還是抄襲?——評方舟子的〈“智商”的誤區〉》,光明網,2011-01-26 16:23:43。





【31】“由於欄目調整,從這個月開始,我在中國青年報冰點周刊的專欄‘一言堂’就停了,結束了我與中青報長達7年的合作(從2004年12月4月刊出第一篇‘一言堂’《‘永動機’重現江湖》開始),以後是換別的報刊繼續寫這類科普小品文,還是暫時把精力集中於寫書(現在手頭上拖了三本書還沒完成),還沒有定。”(見方舟子新浪微博,2011-10-3 13:04。)


【33】“回美國科普?別罵人了,方舟子的科普都是‘編譯’美國人的文章,這種行為雖然對科學素養落後的中國人很有好處,但他到這些文章的原產國能科什麼普呢?”(見羅永浩的微博,2012-1-14 11:15。)

【34】“羅永浩這段時間大概正在刻苦攻讀亦明幾百萬字的方學研究著作。多年來那幾百萬字沒能把我怎麼着,他當二道販子就能創造奇蹟?接下來除了找‘知名的混混兒’讓我消失,好像也沒有別的什麼招了。”(見方舟子的微博,2012-1-17 10:20。)




【38】方舟子:《〈大學語文〉也不告而取我的文章》,新語絲讀書論壇,2009-07-25, 06:28:31。



【41】見新語絲讀書論壇,2009-07-25 07:21:40。


【43】見“方舟子”的推特,11:33 PM • Aug 18, 2017。

【44】見“kathleen wu”的推特,12:18 AM • Aug 19, 2017。


【46】王志安:《貓頭鷹公司背後的方舟子魅影》,新浪王志安的博客,2016-09-20 23:03:02。



【49】Ruse, M. 1996. The Darwin Industry: A Guide. Victorian Studies 39(2):217–235.

【50】Darwin, F. (ed.) The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Including An Autobiographical Chapter. 3 Volumes. London, UK.: John Murray, 1887.

【51】Rennie, J. 1994. ERNST MAYR: Darwin’s Current Bulldog. Scientific American 271(2):24-25.

【52】Haffer, J. and Bairlein, F. 2014. Ernst Mayr – ‘Darwin of the 20th Century’. Journal of ornithology 145(3):161-162.


【54】Mayr, E. Toward a New Philosophy of Biology: Observations of an Evolutionist. Cambridge, MA.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1988.

【55】“Over the last ten years the number of books whose titles invoke Charles Darwin, the theorist of evolution by natural selection, has grown dramatically. ‘Darwinian’ and ‘evolutionary’ have become adjectives to attach to almost anything.”(Rose, H. and Rose, S. Introduction. In: Alas, Poor Darwin: Arguments Against Evolutionary Psychology. Rose, H. and Rose, S. (eds.) London, UK.: Jonathan Cape, 2000. pp.1-13.)

【56】“A conservative estimate derived from the British unified catalogue Copac indicates some 2,000 titles of this nature since 1882.”(Browne, J. 2010. Making Darwin: Biography and the Changing Representations of Charles Darwin. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History 40(3):347-373.)

【57】Moore, J. Darwin Legend. Grand Rapids, MI.: Baker Books, 1994.

【58】The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Including An Autobiographical Chapter. Volume III.  Darwin, F. (ed.) London, John Murray, 1887.

【59】Litchfield, H. E. (ed.) Emma Darwin, Wife of Charles Darwin. A Century of Family Letters. Volume 2. Cambridge, UK.: University Press, 1904.

【60】Litchfield, H. Recollections of Charles Darwin's Death. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online.

【61】Darwin, C. R. 1881-1882. Last Will and Testament of me Charles Robert Darwin. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online.

【62】The Autobiography of Charles Darwin 1809-1882. With the Original Omissions Restored. Edited and with Appendix and Notes by His Grand-Daughter Nora Barlow. New York, NY.: W. W. Norton & Co., 1958.

【63】“肘子67萬美元換了300萬人民幣,體育老師教肘子算術,算術老師教肘子生物,生物老師教肘子詩歌,詩歌老師看肘子臉皮過厚,啥也沒教。”(見崔永元的騰訊微博,2014年1月10日 16:45。)

【64】“我說的是300多萬,399萬也是300多萬,崔永元就能給說成300萬,他這不是算術問題,而是眼睛問題。有人說根據現在美元匯率應換算成剛好400萬,我又不像崔永元,天天關心美元匯率,算錯了有什麼關係?而且發現後馬上就認錯改正,總比崔永元天天造謠、罵街還死不認錯的好。”(見方舟子的騰訊微博,2014年1月10日 19:01。)

【65】Brent, P. L. Charles Darwin: "A Man of Enlarged Curiosity." New York, NY.: Harper & Row, 1981.


【67】碧聲:《帶上你們的眼睛——訪達爾文故居Down House》,原載《三思科學》電子雜誌創刊號,見新語絲2001年7月2日新到資料。

【68】葛莘:《一種寄生蟲引起的連環抄襲案 ──給〈新華每日電訊〉的第七封公開信》,中國學術評價網,2014年6月12日。

【69】方舟子:《父親的精神遺產——悼念我的父親》,新語絲2015年8月15日新到資料。(註:在被“前方粉”指出其錯誤之後,方舟子修改了相關網頁,但其原始文字卻被鐵杆方粉姚樹啟(網名“燈塔與小舟”)裱糊固定。詳見“夕拾朝花2010”的新浪微博:2020-4-27 10:04。)

【70】Keynes, R. Darwin, His Daughter & Human Evolution. New York, NY.: Riverhead Books, 2001.

【71】“Darwin never felt well enough to visit Annie's grave.”(Jalland, P. Death in the Victorian Family. Oxford, UK.: Oxford University Press, 1996. p.348.)

【72】Browne, J. 1990. Spas and Sensibilities: Darwin at Malvern. Medical History. Supplement 10:102-113.




【76】Legan, M. S. Hydropathy, or the Water-Cure. In: Pseudo-Science and Society in 19th-Century America. Arthur Wrobel, A. (ed.) Lexington, KY.: University Press of Kentucky, 1987. pp.74-99.

【77】Weiss, H. B. and Kemble, H. R. The Great American Water-cure Craze: A History of Hydropathy in the United States. Trenton, NJ.: The Past Times Press, 1967.

【78】Bradley, J. and Depree, M. 2003. A Shadow of Orthodoxy? An Epistemology of British Hydropathy, 1840-1858. Medical History 47(2):173–194.

【79】 Legan, M. S. 1971. Hydropathy in America: A Nineteenth Century Panacea. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 45(3):267-280.

【80】Hillier, H. B. C. and Catherwood, W. 1842. THE WATER-CURE QUACKERY. The Lancet 38(974):156-157.

【81】“It is high time that the ‘WATER CURE’ should be known by another title, and we would suggest that of the Water Death as the most appropriate.”(anonymous. 1846. LONDON, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1846. The Lancet 47(1189):661-664.)

【82】“The London Lancet gives to the fashionable water treatment of disease , the name of ‘water-death,’ instead of water- cure as called by its advocates.”(Anonymous. 1846. Medical Miscellany. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 34(26):527.)

【83】Kinder, S. A. The Struggle for Legitimacy in Victorian Alternative Medicine: The Case of Hydropathy and Mesmerism. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of London, 2004.

【84】Marchand, L. A. The Athenaeum: A Mirror of Victorian Culture. Chapel Hill, NC.: University of North Carolina Press, 1941.

【85】“Hydropathy is, in fact, but one head of the great hydra Quackery, and is sprouting up at the expense of its scotched sisters, Mesmerism, Phrenology, and Homoeopathy.”(Anonymous. 1848. Hydropathy.— Letters from Græfenberg. Athenaeum 1072:482–483.)

【86】“……in almost every page we find evidence that the author has arrived at a foregone conclusion. …… we are sorry to find in it so little evidence of candid inquiry into the subject.”(Anonymous. 1848. Hydropathy.— Letters from Græfenberg. Athenaeum 1072:482–483.)

【87】The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Including An Autobiographical Chapter. Darwin, F. (ed.) Volume I.  London, John Murray, 1887.

【88】胡學博士:《胡適對待中醫的態度:恩將仇報》,原載天涯社區關天茶舍,2005-07-19 23:38:00,鏈接已失效;轉載帖見搜狐網,2020-09-26 08:40。

【89】Anonymous. Obituary Notice: Sir Henry Holland.  in Eminent Persons: Biographies reprinted from The Times. Vol. I: 1870-1875. London, UK.: Macmillan and Co., 1892. pp.186-194.

【90】The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Volume 4: 1847-1850. Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

【91】Stone, I. 1982. The Origin: A Biographical Novel of Charles Darwin. London, UK.: Cassell Ltd., 1980. pp.501-502

【92】Czeranko, S. 2019. Vincent Priessnitz (1799-1851). Integrative medicine 18(4):25.

【93】“Priessnitz saw his system as a negation of orthodox therapy; it was intended to make medicine redundant.”(Bradley, J. Medicine on the Margins? Hydropathy and Orthodoxy in Britain, 1840–60. In: Plural Medicine, Tradition and Modernity, 1800–2000. Ernst, W. (ed.) London, UK.: Routledge, 2002. pp.19–39.)

【94】Hydropathy. Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th edition. Vol. 14 . Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 1911. pp.165-166.


【96】Buijze, G. A., Sierevelt, I. N., van der Heijden, B. C., Dijkgraaf, M. G., and Frings-Dresen, M. H. 2016. The Effect of Cold Showering on Health and Work: A Randomized Controlled Trial. PLoS One 11(9):e0161749.

【97】“the judicious use of the water treatment reduces the harassing evils of consumption, the hectic, sweatings, bad sleep, and languor, and prolongs existence to some extent.”(Gully, J. M. The Water Cure in Chronic Disease. New York, NY.: Wiley and Putnam, 1846. p.149.)












【109】“her case seems to me an exaggerated one of my Maer illness.”(The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Volume 5: 1851-1855. Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 1985. p.14.)

【110】“I have now six Boys!! & two girls; & it is the great drawback to my happiness, that they are not very robust; some of them seem to have inherited my detestable constitution.”(The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Volume 7: 1858-1859. Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 1985. p.60.)

【111】The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Volume 18: 1870. Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 1985.

【112】Darwin, G. H. 1875. Marriages Between First Cousins in England and Their Effects. Journal of the Statistical Society 38(2):153-184.


【114】Westermarck, E. The History of Human Marriage. London, UK.: Macmillan and Co., 1891. Chapters 14-15.



【117】Mayr, E. The Growth of Biological Thought: Diversity, Evolution, and Inheritance. Cambridge, MA.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1982.

【118】Berra, T.M., Alvarez, G., and Ceballos, F. C. 2010. Was the Darwin/Wedgwood Dynasty Adversely Affected by Consanguinity? BioScience 60(5):376–383.

 【119】Berra, T.M., Alvarez, G., and Ceballos, F. C. 2010. Was the Darwin/Wedgwood Dynasty Adversely Affected by Consanguinity? BioScience 60(5):376–383.

 【120】Álvarez, G., Ceballos, F.C. and Berra, T.M. 2015. Inbreeding Depression in the Darwin Family. Biological journal of the Linnean Societ 114(2):474-483.

【121】Álvarez, G., Ceballos, F. C., and Tim M. Berra, T. M. 2015. Darwin Was Right: Inbreeding Depression on Male Fertility in the Darwin Family. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 114(2):474–483.







【128】“如果不是自我感覺過於良好跳出來要教我邏輯,我可能也就隨他去了。我以前說過,能教我邏輯的人還沒生出來,讀者網卻生出了一堆,什麼瘋和尚、段海新、尋正、西風獨自涼,都是想用屁股的邏輯來挑戰腦袋的邏輯。”(見新語絲讀書論壇,2008-10-31 15:58:36。)

【129】方舟子:《淒風苦雨學彷徨 ——1989-1990書信摘錄》,《新語絲》1998年11月。

【130】“24年前我發誓過,我信守了諾言,然後被趕走。‘總有一天我終將歸來,不管以什麼方式,因為在我的內心深處可悲地無可奈何地深愛着這個多災多難一點也不可愛的民族。’”(見“方舟子”的推特,1:10 PM • Oct 22, 2014。)


【132】Emma Darwin, Wife of Charles Darwin. A Century of Family Letters. Volume II. Litchfield, H. E. (ed.) Cambridge, UK.: University Press, 1904. Chapters 8-9.

【133】方舟子:《進化論推薦書目》,新語絲之友,2000-04-12 14:30:43。

【134】Desmond, A. J. and Moore, J. The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist: Darwin. New York, NY.: Warner Books, 1991.

【135】Moore, J. 1982. Charles Darwin Lies in Westminster Abbey. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 17(1):97-113.


【137】“Adrian Desmond and James Moore are industry standards, and their ample biography, unquestionably the finest ever written about Darwin.”(Gould, S. J. 1992. The Paradox of Genius. Nature 355(3657):215-216.)

【138】“her biography of Darwin explains his achievements better than any previous work.”(Gould, S. J. 1996. Why Darwin? New York Review of Books 43(6):10-14.)

【139】見維基百科“Janet Browne”辭條。

【140】Gray, R. How Darwin Evolved. Chicago Tribune, Apr. 30, 1995. p.N5.

【141】Levine, G. 1996. Review of Charles Darwin: A Biography by Janet Browne. Victorian Studies 39(4):551-555.

【142】Wilkins, A. S. 2009. Charles Darwin: Genius or Plodder? Genetics 183(3):773-777.

【143】“Soon afterwards he lost consciousness, and at four o’clock, he breathed his last, his head still resting on the breast that had comforted him for forty-three happy years.”(Aydon, C. A Brief Guide to Charles Darwin: His Life and Times. Philadelphia, PA.: Running Press, 2008. p.270.)

【144】White, M. and Gribbin, J. Darwin: A Life in Science. New York, NY.: E. P. Dutton, 1995.

【145】Browne, E. J. Charles Darwin: The Power of Place. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, 2002.

【146】Loy, J. Emma Darwin: A Victorian Life. Gainesville, FL.: University Press of Florida, 2010. p.283.

【147】Brackman, A. A Delicate Arrangement: The Strange Case of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. New York, NY.: Times Books, 1980.

【148】More letters of Charles Darwin. A Record of His Work in a Series of Hitherto Unpublished Letters. Volume 2. London, UK.: John Murray, 1903. p.433.

【149】More letters of Charles Darwin. A Record of His Work in a Series of Hitherto Unpublished Letters. Volume 1. London, UK.: John Murray, 1903. p.395.

【150】Manier, E. The Young Darwin and His Cultural Circle: A Study of Influences Which Helped Shape the Language and Logic of the First Drafts of the Theory of Natural Selection. Dordrecht, NL.: D. Reidel Pub. Co., 1978. Chapter 1.

【151】“I am deeply rejoiced about Westminster Abbey, the possibility of which had not occurred to me when I wrote before. I did think that his works were the most enduring of all testimonials (as you say) to him; but then I did not like the idea of his passing away with no outward sign of what scientific men thought of his merits. Now all this is changed, and nothing can be better than Westminster Abbey.”【58, p.197】

【152】Oxford Dictionary of English. Oxford, UK.: Oxford University Press, 2010. p.615.


【154】亦明:《方舟子早在1995年就抄襲MSU教授的英文文章》,虹橋科教論壇,2010-10-14 06:00:54。

【155】Dennett, D. C. Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life. New York, NY.: Penguin Books, 1995.

【156】“If I were to give a prize for the single best idea anybody ever had, I'd give it to Darwin for the idea of natural selection - ahead of Newton, ahead of Einstein - because his idea unites the two most disparate features of our universe: the world of purposeless, meaningless matter and motion, particles jostling on the one side, and the world of meaning and purpose, design on the other.”(Clear Blue Sky Productions and WGBH/NOVA Science Unit. 2001. Evolution, Part I: Darwin's Dangerous Idea. Starting from 00:02:46.)

【157】“Let me lay my cards on the table. If I were to give an award for the single best idea anyone has ever had, I'd give it to Darwin, ahead of Newton and Einstein and everyone else. In a single stroke, the idea of evolution by natural selection unifies the realm of life, meaning, and purpose with the realm of space and time, cause and effect, mechanism and physical law.”【155, p.21】

【158】Clear Blue Sky Productions and WGBH/NOVA Science Unit. 2001. Evolution, Part I: Darwin's Dangerous Idea. Starting from1:22:52.




【162】Gould, S. J. 1997. Darwinian Fundamentalism. New York Review of Books 44(10):34-37.

【163】van Wyhe, J. and Pallen, M. J. 2012.  The ‘Annie Hypothesis’: Did the Death of His Daughter Cause Darwin to ‘Give up Christianity’? Centaurus 54(2):105–123.

【164】“Perhaps it was the ‘bitter and cruel’ death in 1851 of ten-year-old Annie, his favourite child, just a month after he had read the moral challenge to that doctrine in Francis Newman's ‘excellent’ spiritual Autobiography Faith, that prompted Darwin, as he later said, to give up Christianity once and for all.”(Moore, J. R. 1859 and All That: Remaking the Story of Evolution-and-religion. In: Charles Darwin 1809–1882: A Centennial Commemorative. Chapman, R. G. and Duval, C. T. (eds.) Wellington, NZ.: Nova Pacifica Publishing, 1982. pp.167-194.)


【166】“Time after time, the topic of inbreeding arose. An undercurrent of worried self-interest ran through his researches into plants and animals, for he was never sure if reproduction between close relatives might inadvertently bequeath to the offspring a series of innate weaknesses, infertility, or a tendency towards disease (‘diathesis’ in the terminology of the period).”【137, p.255】




【170】“平安北京,這裡有一個造我謠言的,請把他抓起來。”(見方舟子的騰訊微博:2013年9月16日 22:16。)

【171】“這個台灣騙子怎麼還沒被抓起來?”(見方舟子的騰訊微博:2013年9月17日 22:07。)

【172】“公安部、山東省公安廳、濱州市公安局:濱州市公安局警察吳黎明在網上為已被定罪的督辦要案的罪犯叫屈,造謠說肖傳國雇凶是被我逼的。這種敗類不清除出警察隊伍,受害人還敢去公安局報案嗎?現在正在到處抓網上造謠的,那麼造謠的警察是不是首先應該抓起來?難道知法犯法的警察有造謠的豁免權?”(見方舟子的騰訊微博:2013年9月28日 13:06。)

【173】Allison, R. and Riddell, S. (eds.) The Royal Encyclopedia. London, UK.: Macmillan Press, 1991. p.197.

【174】Rejected petition: We should have a State Funeral for Professor Stephen Hawking. petition.parliament.uk, March 14, 2018.

【175】Banks, A. 1992. John Dalton: An Account of His Funeral. Journal of the Friends Historical Society 56(3):244-247.

【176】Anonymous. 1852. State Funeral of the Duke of Wellington. The Illustrated London News 21(588):392.

【177】Anonymous. 1852. The Grand State Funeral of Arthur Duke of Wellington. The Illustrated London News 21(593/594):469-475.

【178】Anonymous. 1852. Grand State Funeral of Lord Nelson. The Illustrated London News 21(589):422.

【179】Anonymous. 1882. The Late Mr. Darwin. The Illustrated London News 80(2243):416-418.

【180】Ridgley, P. “The Duke is Dead.” waterlooassociation.org.uk, 2019/04/12/.

【181】The funeral ceremony of Charles Darwin at Westminster Abbey, 26 April 1882. Wood engraving. Wellcome Collection.

【182】Darwin, C. R. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London, UK.: John Murray, 1859.

【183】“The Queen's carriage and the Prince of Wales's were among those which followed the hearse.”(Anonymous. Funeral of Sir Charles Lyell. The Annual Register: A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad for the Year 1875. Part II. p.14.)

【184】Anonymous. 1871. The Late Sir John Herschel. The Illustrated London News 58(1652):511.)

【185】Anonymous. 1875. The Church. The Illustrated London News 66(1856):215.

【186】Stanley, A. P. The Religious Aspect of Geology. Good Words for 1875. London, UK.: Daldy, Isbister, & Co., 1875. pp.273-279.

【187】Anonymous. 1882. The Royal Wedding. The Illustrated London News 80(2243):398, 402.






【193】Lebeurre, A. The Pantheon: Temple of the Nation. Paris: Éditions du Patrimoine, 2000.


【195】“one of the grandest and most expensive state occasions of the nineteenth century , exceeding in magnificence the obsequies of all recent sovereigns.”(Wolffe, J. Great Deaths: Grieving, Religion, and Nationhood in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Oxford, UK.: Oxford University Press, 2000. p.29.)

【196】見維基百科:100 Greatest Britons. 另見:100 Greatest Britons (BBC Poll, 2002).

【197】Smith, A. M. The Roll-call of Westminster Abbey. London, UK.: Smith, Elder & Co., 1903. pp.238-241.

【198】Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. Volume II. Huxley, L. (ed.) London, UK.: MacMillan and Co., 1900. p.18.

【199】The Britannica Guide to the 100 Most Influential Scientists: The most important Scientists from Ancient Greece to the Present Day. London, UK.: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2008.

【200】Scientists with memorials in Westminster Abbey. physicshistory.org, 14 Aug 2014.

【201】“Darwin’s cousin and friend Francis Galton, in alliance with Huxley, was the first to initiate a plan to have the great scientist buried in Westminster Abbey. Galton and Huxley pulled strings at the Royal Society and through the auspices of the politically influential team of Thomas Farrer and John Lubbock, they managed to generate enough support from MPs to sign a petition to be sent to the Dean of Westminster. At the same time Farrer tackled the Dean - personally and through the X Club’s media contacts the papers made a big show of the fact that, if the country had been unable to honour one of its greatest figures during his lifetime, then it must not fail to do so after his death.”【144, p.278】

【202】“Janet Browne, in her admirable biography of Darwin, writes that: ‘Dying was the most political thing Darwin could have done. As Huxley and others were aware, to bury him in Westminster Abbey would celebrate both the man and the naturalistic, law-governed science that he, and each member of the Darwinian circle, had striven, in his way, to establish’(Browne 2002). The plan was engineered principally by his cousin, Francis Galton, and his friend and colleague, Thomas Henry Huxley, who used their connections to have a petition signed by a number of parliamentarians and persuaded the appropriate church officials to approve the event.”(Weyant, R. G. 2006. Why Did They Bury Darwin in Westminster Abbey? Skeptical Inquirer 30(1):32-36.)

【203】王昌盛編:《虛妄的智慧:破譯柯雲路與偽科學》,中國社會科學出版社1998年版。(關於中國科學納粹與美國科學警察的關係,見亦明:《司馬南在世紀末的兩次懸賞騙局》,萬維讀者網教育學術論壇,2020年10月24日12:52:02 。)

【204】“He had a seizure in March 1882 and died of a heart attack on 19 April. Influential groups wanted a grander commemoration than a funeral in Downe, and Galton had the Royal Society request the family's permission for a state burial. Huxley convinced the canon of Westminster Abbey to bury the diffident agnostic there. And so Darwin was laid to rest with full ecclesiastical pomp on 26 April 1882, attended by the new nobility of science and the state.”【199, pp.184-185】

【205】Anonymous. Death of Professor Darwin. Aberdeen Evening Express. April 20, 1882. p.3.

【206】Anonymous. Death of Professor Darwin. Manchester Evening News. April 20, 1882. p.2.

【207】Anonymous. Death of Professor Darwin. Globe. April 20, 1882. p.4.


【209】“Galton tackled William Spottiswoode, the President of the Royal Society, and arranged for him to telegraph the Darwins asking if they would consent to burial in Westminster Abbey. The request was more official coming from the scientific ‘Woolsack,’ and more proper from a scientist unrelated to the family.”【134, p.665】

【210】Anonymous. 1866. The Science of Man In the British Association. Popular Magazine of Anthropology 1(1):31-35.

【211】Barton, R. The X Club: Science, Religion, and Social Change in Victorian England. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1976. p.164.

【212】Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. Volume I. Huxley, L. (ed.) London, UK.: MacMillan and Co., 1900.

【213】The Letters of John Fiske. New York, NY.: Macmillan, 1940.

【214】Irvine, W. Apes, Angels, and Victorians: The Story of Darwin, Huxley, and Evolution. New York, NY.: McGraw Hill, 1955. p.318.

【215】MacLeod, R. M. 1970. The X-Club a Social Network of Science in Late-Victorian England. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 24(2):305-322.

【216】Moore, J. 1991. Deconstructing Darwinism: The Politics of Evolution in the 1860s.  Journal of the History of Biology 24(3):353-408.

【217】“Hooker’s address was a wild success for the Xs, a stew of hot topics cooked in a Darwinian pot: orchids, tendrils, origins, and ‘Tom Tiddler’s Ground,’ a prehistoric diorama on which he observed the rise of ancient man and demise of archaic theology. He praised Lyell’s heroism, and Darwin’s more, and damned ‘that most dangerous of all two-edged weapons, Natural Theology.’ The Variation was applauded, the Athenaeum abused, and natural selection made out to be part of the mental equipment of every ‘philosophical naturalist.’”【134, p.559】

【218】Bartholomew M. J. 1976. The Award of the Copley Medal to Charles Darwin. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 30(2):209-218.

【219】Burkhardt, F. H. 2001. Darwin and the Copley Medal. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 145(4):510-518.

【220】Ge, X. Shamelessness Shouldn’t Be Anyone’s Nature──An Open Letter to Nature, Part XXXI: Fangangsters (I): Yu Guangyuan, the God Father. China Academic Integrity Review, September 25, 2013 08:01PM.


【222】Ge, X. Shamelessness Shouldn’t Be Anyone’s Nature ── An Open Letter to Nature, Part XXVIII: Why Fang Shi-min Was Awarded the John Maddox Prize? (III): Who Is Albert Yuan the Nominator? China Academic Integrity Review, August 04, 2013 02:49PM.




【226】The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Volume 30: 1882. Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

【227】Galton, F. Memories of My Life. London, UK.: Methuen & Co., 1909. p.213.

【228】“So the duty of a General Secretary in those days was to consult a few of the more eminent persons at first, and again at the close, with the almost complete assurance that whatever names were suggested with their approval, whether as President, Presidents of Sections, or Lecturers, would be accepted by the Council.”【227, p.216】

【229】Desmond, A. Huxley: From Devil's Disciple to Evolution's High Priest. Reading, MA.: Addison-Wesley, 1997.

【230】“A fellow member of the Athenaeum and an X Clubber, he was one of the Huxley-Galton group and perfectly placed to expedite the plan.”【134, p.665】

【231】“You will have received a telegram from the President of the Royal Society & I sincerely trust in reply that the consent of the family will be given to interment in Westminster Abbey, by the side of other great Englishmen who have passed away.”【226, p.421】

【232】“On Thursday the Pall Mall Gazette published a letter from ‘F. G.’ with the heading, ‘The Late Mr. Darwin : A Suggestion’.”【135】

【233】“In pursuance of the same idea, let me add that a stained glass window in Westminster Abbey, symbolizing these and other verses of the same canticle in its several panels, would be a beautiful monument to the memory of Charles Darwin, and quite in harmony with the surroundings. It would afford a desired opportunity for other countries to share in the erection of a memorial without merging their several contributions indistinguishably into one, as each country might contribute a separate panel. I suggest this window in addition to, and not in substitution of, any bust or tablet that may hereafter be decided upon, and towards all of which I, for one, am prepared to subscribe liberally.”(F. G. 1882. The Late Mr. Darwin: A Suggestion. Pall Mall Gazette, April 27, 1882.)

【234】The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton. Volume II. Pearson, K. (Ed.) Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 1924. p.199.

【235】“He found a great truth, trodden under foot, reviled by bigots, and ridiculed by all the world.”(Huxley, T. H. 1882. Charles Darwin. Nature 25(652):597.)

【236】“Still, they made it clear that they would not consent if there were ‘any opposition or discussion’.”【134, p.669】

【237】“On Saturday, The Standard made an emotive plea – a request, as it were, from ordinary people to Emma and the children. Darwin died, as he had lived, in the quiet retirement of the country home which he loved; and the sylvan scenes amidst which he found the simple plants and animals that enabled him to solve the great enigma of the Origin of Species may seem, perhaps, to many of his friends the fittest surroundings for his last resting place. But one who has brought such honour to the English name, and whose death is lamented throughout the civilized world, to the temporary neglect of the many burning political and social questions of the day, should not be laid in a comparatively obscure grave.”【134, pp.667-668】

【238】“By deliberately avoiding too much open propaganda for natural selection in the more orthodox scientific societies and their publications, the Darwinists ensured that less enthusiastic naturalists would not be alienated during the early phases of the debate. As their numbers increased, they were able to permit more open discussion through their control of the editorial process.”(Bowler, P. J. Scientific Attitudes to Darwinism in Britain and America.  in The Darwinian Heritage. Kohn, D. (ed.) Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, 1985. pp.641-681.)

【239】“With Darwin busy in the background writing letters, these four recruited a standing army, commandeered the journals, invaded the learned societies, monitored the universities, dominated dinner parties and penetrated the byways of empire. ”(Browne, E. J. Darwin's Origin of Species: A Biography. London, UK.: Atlantic Books, 2006. p.89.)


【241】徐筠:《越洋採訪:學者•鬥士•詩人•方舟子》,原載2002年1月30日《天津日報》 ,見新語絲2002年2月13日新到資料。

【242】Anonymous. Mr. Charles Darwin. St. James's Gazette. April 21, 1882. p.5.


【244】“His proper place is amongst those other worthies whose reputations are landmarks in the people’s history, and if it should not clash with his own expressed wishes, or the pious feelings of the family, we owe it to posterity to place his remains in Westminster Abbey, among the illustrious dead who make that noble fane unrivalled in the world.”【134, p.668】

【245】Anonymous. Death of Professor Darwin. Aberdeen Evening Express. April 20, 1882. p.3.

【246】Anonymous. Death of Professor Darwin. Globe. April 20, 1882. p.4.

【247】Anonymous. Death of Professor Darwin. Manchester Evening News. April 20, 1882. p.2.

【248】Anonymous. Death of Charles Darwin, F.R.S. Birmingham Daily Post. April 21, 1882. p.4.

【249】Anonymous. [Obituary of Darwin]. Morning Post. April 21, 1882.

【250】見方舟子的推特:3:40 PM • Aug 24, 2023。


【252】“While Spottiswoode approached the family, and Farrar the Dean of Westminster, Lubbock summoned support in the corridors of power. He was President of the Linnean Society, and when word of Darwin’s demise reached him on the Thursday, he adjourned the Society out of respect. His own wish had been for a local burial, among their friends and neighbours. But duty came first. He bowed to ‘the will of the intelligence of the nation,’ as Huxley called it in his Nature eulogy – and as a City banker and Liberal MP he had long since deferred to professional middle-class opinion.6 On Friday, hearing that a petition would be needed, he went to the Houses of Parliament. In the Commons, Ireland had been dominating the debates. The Liberal Party was divided as Fenian atrocities continued, and Gladstone was deeply involved in his Irish Land Act. That Friday, with 150 members on the benches, Lubbock moved among his colleagues collecting signatures, and Ireland was pushed aside for a moment in favour of Darwin and English pride. Lubbock left the House with a petition stating that ‘it would be acceptable to a very large number of our countrymen of all classes and opinions that our illustrious countryman Mr. Darwin should be buried in Westminster Abbey.’7 ‘It was very influentially signed,’ he told Frank Darwin after sending the petition to the Dean the next morning. Leading the twenty-eight signatories in this essentially Liberal document were four Fellows of the Royal Society, including the education minister, and Lyon Playfair, now the Deputy Speaker. ……”【134, pp.666-667】

【253】“For thirty years & more your father has been one of my kindest & best friends & I cannot say how I shall miss him.”【226, p.xxiv】

【254】“memorial to G. Bradley, 21 April 1882, DAR 215 (copy showing twenty signatories) and in Hutchinson, Life, 1:184 (inaccurate transcription but with eight additional names).”【134, p.737】

【255】Hutchinson, H. G. Life of Sir John Lubbock: Lord Avebury. Volume I. London, UK.: MacMillan and Co., 1914.



【258】“我只是義務打假,又不是紀檢部門要管盡天下的假,當然只能選擇性打假。你造謠傳謠污衊我老婆,我拿你當一輩子仇敵,就要選擇性一輩子打你的假,如果說這就叫拿‘刀’,你顫抖去吧。網絡恐怖分子散布關於林樹坤、周衛東的謠言,我已多次澄清過,崔永元還好意思翻出來,自己被打臉不覺得疼嗎?”(見方舟子的騰訊微博:2014年2月13日 16:23。)另見:亦明:《方舟子打假的“四項基本原則”》,虹橋科教論壇,2010-09-27 23:34:57。

【259】“When Darwin died, I happened to see Professor Huxley and Mr. W. Spottiswoode in deep and earnest conversation at the Athenaeum. I asked them why no memorial had been sent to the Dean of Westminster, requesting that one who had been an honor to his age should be buried in the great historic Abbey. ‘There is nothing which we should like so much,’ said Professor Huxley. ‘Nothing would be more fitting; it is the subject on which we were talking. But we did not mean to make the request, for we felt sure it would be refused.”(Farrar, F. W. 1897. Men I Have Known. New York, NY.: Crowell, 1897. pp.147-148.)

【260】“What has Darwin to do with the Abbey or the Abbey with him?”(Smalley, G. W. 1890. London Letters and Some Others. Volume 1. New York, NY.: Harper & Brothers, 1891. p.82.)

【261】Hamilton, J. A. STANLEY, EDWARD HENRY, fifteenth Earl of Derby. Dictionary of National Biography. Volume 54. London, UK.: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1898. pp.61-64.

【262】Peel, G. CAMPBELL, GEORGE DOUGLAS, eighth Duke of Argyll. The Dictionary of National Biography. Supplement Volume 1. Oxford, UK.: Oxford University Press, 1901. pp.385-390.


【264】“Strictly speaking, therefore, Mr Darwin's theory is not a theory on the Origin of Species at all.”(The Duke of Argyll. The Reign of Law. London, UK.: Alexander Strahan, Publisher, 1867. p.230.)

【265】“No one knew better than Mr. Darwin that the weakest part of his theory is that which assumes variations to be accidental, and the successful variations to be the mere "selected" survivors of thousands which have arisen and died because they did not happen to coincide with favouring conditions.”(The Duke of Argyll. The Unity of Nature. New York, NY.: A. L. Burt, 1883. p.159.)

【266】“In the course of that conversation I said to Mr. Darwin, with reference to some of his own remarkable works on the Fertilisation of Orchids, and upon The Earthworms, and various other observations he made of the wonderful contrivances for certain purposes in nature—I said it was impossible to look at these without seeing that they were the effect and the expression of Mind. I shall never forget Mr. Darwin's answer. He looked at me very hard and said, ‘Well, that often comes over me with overwhelming force; but at other times,’ and he shook his head vaguely, adding ‘it seems to go away.’”(The Duke of Argyll. 1885. What Is Science. In: Good Words of 1885. Macleod, D. (ed.) London, UK.: Isbister & Co., 1885. pp.236-245.)

【267】Darwin Family. Funeral of Mr. Darwin, Westminster Abbey. April 26th, 1882. Order of Procession. CUL-DAR215.2d.

【268】“Stupidly, Huxley forgot to ask Wallace. Wallace, that perennial afterthought in the Darwinian story, was hastily contacted and it was agreed that he would bring up the rear.”【134, p.669】

【269】“Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of St. James.”(Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Newbury, June 10, 1885. Newburyport, MA.: Historical Society of Old Newbury, 1885. p.17.)

【270】“The Embassies of France, Germany, Italy, and Spain were represented.”(Anonymous. The funeral of Mr. Darwin. The Times. April 27, 1882. p.5.)

【271】“Our Minister is here as representative of the United States, and General Merritt, our Consul-General, stands near. Mr. Lowell is representative of literature also.”(Smalley, G. W. 1891. London Letters and Some Others. Volume 1. New York, NY.: Harper & Brothers, 1891. p.84.)

【272】“美國式賣官:到現在川普已任命6個富豪當部長,這些人共給他的競選捐了1200萬美元。美國歷史上從沒任命過這麼多大捐款人當部長,慣例只是給不重要的大使之類的職位。美國歷史上第一個成功的煽動者安德魯.傑克遜以反腐敗煽動愚民當選總統後,首創賣官制度,成為美國最腐敗的政府之一,歷史在重演。”(見方舟子的推特:9:38 PM • Dec 9, 2016。)

【273】Hale, E. E. James Russell Lowell and His Friends. Boston, MA.: Houghton Mifflin & Co., 1899.

【274】Scudder, H. E. James Russell Lowell: A Biography. Boston, MA.: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1901.

【275】Greenslet, F. James Russell Lowell, His Life and Work. Boston, MA.: Houghton Mifflin & Co., 1905.

【276】Duberman, M. James Russell Lowell. Boston, MA.: Houghton Mifflin & Co., 1966.



【279】“And so, it seems, he mooted evolution too, but again she must have startled him by asking awkward questions about ultimate origins.”【134, p.259】

【280】van Wyhe, J. 2007. Mind the Gap: Did Darwin Avoid Publishing His Theory for Many Years? Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 61(2):177-205.

【281】“What Huxley had begun to proclaim from the housetop, Darwin was meditating in secret.”(Bettany, G. T. Life of Charles Darwin. London, UK.: Walter Scott, 1887. p.65.)

【282】“He had been corresponding with the botanist J. D. Hooker for only two months when the latter was told about the theory. Darwin barely knew Hooker and was, as so often, humorously melodramatic in telling his correspondent that he held an unconventional view.”【280】

【283】“You will, perhaps, think it paltry in me, when I ask you not to mention my doctrine; the reason is, if anyone, like the author of the Vestiges, were to hear of them he might easily work them in, & then I shd have to quote from a work perhaps despised by naturalists & this would greatly injure any chance of my views being received by those alone whose opinion I value.”(The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Including An Autobiographical Chapter. Darwin, F. (ed.) Vol. II.  London, John Murray, 1887. p.122.)

【284】Darwin, C. To J. S. Henslow [November 1839]. The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Volume 2: 1837-1843. Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 1987. pp.237-238.

【285】“far from keeping his speculations completely private, as historians had thought, Darwin mentioned his work on the ‘origin & variation of species’ to his Cambridge patron J. S. Henslow as early as November 1839.”(Desmond, A. 1987. The Kentish Hog. The London Review of Books 9(18):13-14.)

【286】“though I cared in the highest degree for the approbation of such men as Lyell and Hooker, who were my friends, I did not care much about the general public.”【87, p.67】

【287】“When thus reflecting I feel compelled to look to a First Cause having an intelligent mind in some degree analogous to that of man; and I deserve to be called a Theist. This conclusion was strong in my mind about the time, as far as I can remember, when I wrote the 'Origin of Species;' and it is since that time that it has very gradually, with many fluctuations, become weaker.”【87, pp.312-313】

【288】The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Including An Autobiographical Chapter. Darwin, F. (ed.) Vol. II.  London, John Murray, 1887.

【289】Darwin, C. R. The Foundations of The Origin of Species. Two Essays Written in 1842 and 1844. Darwin, F. (ed.) Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 1909.

【290】“Darwin in 1844 still believed in perfect adaptation. Perfectly adapted forms are not capable of further improvement. They vary little; so, among them, natural selection has little material on which to work.”(Ospovat, D. 1979. Darwin after Malthus. Journal of the History of Biology 12(2):211-230.)

【291】Ospovat, D. The Development of Darwin's Theory: Natural History, Natural Theology, and Natural Selection, 1838-1859. New York, NY.: Cambridge University Press, 1981. pp.60-86.

【292】Desmond, A. 1984. Robert E. Grant: The Social Predicament of a Pre-Darwinian Transmutationist. Journal of the History of Biology 17(2):189-223.

【293】Desmond, A. 1984. Robert E. Grant's Later Views on Organic Development: The Swiney Lectures on ‘Palaeozoology’, 1853-1857. Archives of Natural History 11 (3):395-413.

【294】Secord, J. A. 1991. Edinburgh Lamarckians: Robert Jameson and Robert E. Grant. Journal of the History of Biology 24(1):1-18.

【295】“Lastly, you refer repeatedly to my view as a modification of Lamarck's doctrine of development and progression.”(Darwin, C. To C. Lyell, 12th [March, 1863].)【58, pp.13-14】

【296】“Darwin was always a Lamarckian: he was one before he discovered natural selection, he remained one after he discovered selection, and the mechanism appeared throughout his published work, including the Descent of Man.”(Ruse, M. 1980. Social Darwinism: The Two Sources. Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies 12(1):23-36.)

【297】“the first to betray Darwin's insights was Darwin himself.”(Goodman, L. 2019. Darwin's Heresy. Philosophy 94(1):43-86.)

【298】“The Darwin of 1859 was a pioneer, forced into the role of an iconoclast. He would bravely state a new heresy on one page, then lose courage, begin hedging, and on a later page almost withdraw it altogether.”(Mayr, E. Introduction. In:  On the Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First Edition. Mayr, E. (ed.) Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 1964.)


【300】“the Vestiges had magnificent sales, eleven editions being necessary between 1844 and 1860, the sales in the first ten years (24,000 copies) greatly exceeding those of Lyell's Principles of Geology or Darwin's Origin of Species (9,500) in a corresponding ten-year period after publication.”【117, p.382】

【301】Moore, J. R. The Post-Darwinian Controversies: A Study of the Protestant Struggle to Come to Terms with Darwin in Great Britain and America, 1870-1900. Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 1979.

【302】Anonymous. 1854. Review of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, Tenth Edition. London 1853. The British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review 13(26):425-439.

【303】Wallace, A. R. 1855. On the Law Which Has Regulated the Introduction of New Species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (2nd Series) 16(93):184–196.

【304】Charles Darwin's Natural Selection: Being the Second Part of His Big Species Book Written from 1856 to 1858. Stauffer, R. C. (ed.) Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 1975.



【307】Mayr, E. 1977. Darwin and Natural Selection: How Darwin May Have Discovered His Highly Unconventional Theory. American Scientist 65(3):321-327.

【308】Eiseley, L. C. Darwin's Century: Evolution and the Men Who Discovered It. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1958.

【309】“We now know that Darwin could not have ‘happened to read’ the Rev. Thomas Malthus, as he later claimed, let alone simply ‘for amusement.’”(Moore, J. Wallace's Malthusian Moment: The Common Context Revisited. In: Victorian Science in Context. Lightman, B. (ed.) Chicago, IL.: University of Chicago Press, 1997. pp.290-331.)

【310】Darwin, C. and Wallace, A. R. 1858. On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection.  Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 3(9):46-62.


【312】Beddall, B. G. 1988.  Darwin and Divergence: The Wallace Connection. Journal of the History of Biology 21(1):1-68.

【313】庚鎮城:《達爾文新考》,上海科學技術出版社 2009年版。

【314】“For the biologist the principle is something Darwin got wrong. Since the biologists have, at least in the past, maintained a claim to be Darwinians, they have wanted to either sweep Darwin's error under the rug or figure out where Darwin made his mistake.”(Kohn, D. Darwin's Principle of Divergence as Internal Dialogue. In: The Darwinian Heritage. Kohn, D. (ed.) Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, 1986. pp.245-258.)

【315】Løvtrup, S. Darwinism: The Refutation of a Myth. New York, NY.: Croom Helm Ltd.,1987.

【316】“This quotation, as revised by Darwin, forms part of the joint publication by Darwin and Wallace in the Journal of the Linnean Society in August 1858, and it is assumed to have been included to vindicate Darwin's  priority as concerns the problem of divergent evolution. However , the emphasised statement shows that he had not achieved this goal at the time, for what he explains is the survival of the new forms through ecological isolation, once they have arisen, without accounting for their origination in the first place. In fact, if each new species exterminates the parent species then the basis for divergent evolution seems to be lacking.”【315, p.213】

【317】Sober, E. 2009. Did Darwin Write the Origin Backwards?  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA. 106(supplement_1):10048-10055.

【318】Abbot, F. E. 1868. Review of The Principles of Biology by Herbert Spencer. The North American Review 107(221):377-422.

【319】“For, whatever be the ultimate verdict of posterity upon this or that opinion which Mr. Darwin has propounded; whatever adumbrations or anticipations of his doctrines may be found in the writings of his predecessors; the broad fact remains that, since the publication and by reason of the publication, of ‘The Origin of Species’ the fundamental conceptions and the aims of the students of living Nature have been completely changed.”(Huxley, T. H. 1885. The Darwin Memorial. Popular Science Monthly 27(4):532-535.)



【322】Darwin Memorial Fund. Report of the Committee.  London, UK.: SPOTTISWOODE & CO, 1888.

【323】摩爾在1982年將赫胥黎“忘記”邀請華萊士這件事先是說成“very stupid”,並且打上了引號【135】;但到了1991年,“very”沒有了,引號沒有了,“stupid”也從形容詞變成了副詞“Stupidly”【134, p.669】,結果給人以赫胥黎好像真的“忘記”了邀請華萊士給達爾文抬棺。

【324】Brooks, J. L. Just Before the Origin: Alfred Russel Wallace’s Theory of Evolution. New York, NY.: Columbia University Press, 1984.

【325】Davies, R. The Darwin Conspiracy: Origins of a Scientific Crime. London, UK.: Golden Square Books, 2008.

【326】“The Huxley who in April 1860, in the Westminister Review, had been the first person anywhere to use the term ‘Darwinism’ with reference to the views expressed in the Origin of Species.”【216】

【327】Anonymous. 1860. Review of On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. Westminster Review 17(144):541-570.

【328】Hutton, F. W. 1861. Difficulties of Darwinism. The Geologist 4(7):286-288.

【329】Advertisement. 1867. METAMORPHOSES. The Illustrated London News 50(1426):458.

【330】Advertisement. 1867. Metamorphoser. Athenaeum 2063:626.

【331】“I am going to Norwich on Tuesday to hear Dr. Hooker, who I hope will boldly promulgate ‘Darwinianism’ in his address.”(Marchant, J. Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences. Volume I. London, UK.: Cassell & Co., LTd., 1916. p.219.)

【332】Howorth, H. H. 1871. A New View of Darwinism. Nature 4(87):161-162.

【333】Howorth, H. H. 1871. A New View of Darwinism. Nature 4(89):200-201.

【334】Wallace, A. 1871. A New View of Darwinism. Nature 4(88):181.

【335】Wallace, A. 1871. Mr. Howorth on Darwinism. Nature 4(90):221.

【336】Wallace, A. R. Darwinism: An Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection with Some of Its Applications. London, UK.: Macmillan and Co., 1889.

【337】Schleicher, A. Darwinism Tested by the Science of Language. Translated by Alex V. W. Bikkers. London, UK.: John Camden Hotten, 1869.

【338】Fiske, J. Darwinism and Other Essays. London, UK.: London, UK.: MacMillan and Co., 1879.

【339】O'Neill, T. W. The Refutation of Darwinism. Philadelphia, PA.: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1880.



【342】Report of the 30th Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science Held at Oxford in June and July 1860. London, UK.: John Murray, 1861.

【343】Draper. On the Intellectual Development of Europe, Considered with Reference to the Views of Mr. Darwin and Others, that the Progression of Orgauisms is Determined by Law.【342, pp.115-116】

【344】Fleming, D. John William Draper and the Religion of Science. Philadelphia, PA.: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1950.

【345】Draper, J. W. History of the Conflict Religion and Science. New York, NY.: D. Appleton and Co., 1875.

【346】Ungureanu, J. C. 2016. A Yankee at Oxford: John William Draper at the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Oxford, 30 June 1860. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 70(2):135-150.

【347】Anonymous. 1898. A Grandmother’s Tales. Macmillan's Magazine 78(6):425-435.

【348】“It was something like this: ‘Is it on your grandfather's or your grandmother's side that you trace your descent from an ape?’ And then my grandfather was overheard to say, as he slapped his thigh, ‘The Lord has delivered him into my hands.’ He had not wanted to speak at the meeting, but after that he felt he had to. And this, so far as I recollect, is what he said: ‘It seems to me that one has no reason to be ashamed of having an ape for an ancestor. If there were an ancestor whom I should feel shame in recalling, it would rather be a man—a man of restless and versatile intellect—who, not content with success in his own sphere of activity, plunges into scientific questions with which he has no real acquaintance, only to obscure them by an aimless rhetoric and distract the attention of his hearers from the real point at issue by eloquent digressions and skilled appeals to their religious prejudice.’ After that there was nothing left for Wilberforce to say.”(At Random: A Television Preview. In: Evolution after Darwin: the University of Chicago centennial. Vol. IIII. Issues in Evolution. Tax, S. (ed.) Chicago, IL.: University of Chicago Press, 1960. pp.41-65.)

【349】Chadwick, O. The Victorian Church. Part II.  London, UK.: Adam, & Charles Black, 1970.

【350】Lucas, J. R. 1979. Wilberforce and Huxley: A Legendary Encounter. The Historical Journal 22(2):313-330.

【351】“Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop of Oxford, whose debate with Thomas Huxley in June 1860 was one of the most celebrated confrontations between Darwinism and the religious establishment”. 【155, p.62】

【352】“It is little wonder that the Wilberforce/Huxley fight, at the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Oxford in 1860, one year after Charles Darwin had published his On the Origin of Species, has become the stuff of legend. In the history of science it ranks right up there with Archimedes stepping into his bath and with the aged Galileo down on his knees, recanting his Copernicanism while defiantly whispering: ‘But it does move, after all!’”(Ruse, M. Can a Darwinian Be a Christian?: The Relationship between Science and Religion. New York, NY.: Cambridge University Press, 2001. p.2.)

【353】Wilberforce, R. G. Life of Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop of Oxford and Winchester. London, UK.: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1888. p.244.

【354】Anonymous. 1860. Review of On the Origin of Species. Quarterly Review 108(225):225-264.

【355】“Further, the embalmed records of 3000 years show that there has been no beginning of transmutation in the species of our most familiar domesticated animals; and beyond this, that in the countless tribes of animal life around us, down to its lowest and most variable species, no one has ever discovered is single instance of such transmutation being now in prospect; no new organ has ever been known to be developed—no new natural instinct to be formed—whilst, finally, in the vast museum of departed animal life which the strata of the earth imbed for our examination, whilst they contain far too complete a representation of the past to be set aside as a mere imperfect record, yet afford no one instance of any such change as having ever been in progress, or give us anywhere the missing links of the assumed chain, or the remains which would enable now existing variations, by gradual approximations, to shade off into unity.”【354】

【356】“It is uncommonly clever; it picks out with skill all the most conjectural parts, and brings forward well all the difficulties.”【288, p.324】

【357】“Huxley’s way of defending Darwin was to assert that opponents were non-scientific, and to identify them with theological ‘prejudice’.”【349, p.12】

【358】“Ironically, even if one accepts the myth as fact, this great moment in the ascendancy of Darwinism culminated in a retort, by Huxley, that said nothing about natural selection, but only castigated a bishop for being rude.”(Caudill, E. Darwinian Myths: The Legends and Misuses of a Theory. Knoxville, TN.: University of Tennessee Press, 1997. p.45.)

【359】“He complained that scoffing was ‘in fashion at that meeting,’ and ranting and ridicule were the Darwinians’ stock ‘weapons.’”【134, p.537】

【360】“Then, again, the polemical writings of the school abound with the strained emphasis, eager word-catching, the rhetorical denunciations and appeals which characterise the lower forms of religious controversy.”(Baynes, T. S. 1873. Review of The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals by Charles Darwin. Edinburgh Review 137(280):492–528.)註:該文發表時沒有署名,達爾文曾追查作者身份。該文作者的身份據Darwin Correspondence Project: To George Cupples   28 April [1873]。)

【361】“Professor Huxley has accepted the principle of evolution more absolutely than any other man of science except Mr. Darwin himself, and that consequently he represents what may be called its religious spirit in the most concentrated form, and partly also to the fact that his nature is essentially Puritanic, if not Calvinistic.”(Baynes, T. S. 1873. Review of The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals by Charles Darwin. Edinburgh Review 137(280):492–528.)






【367】“follow your reason as far as it will take you, without regard to any other consideration.”(Huxley, T. H. 1889. Agnosticism. The Eclectic Magazine 49(4):433-450.)


【369】“韓寒及其支持者試圖把所有作家都拖下水,聲稱每個作家都會無緣無故被指控有代筆,而且沒法自證清白。指控是需要有證據的,而作家要自證清白也很簡單,與質 疑者公開對質逐條解釋各個疑點,甚至不妨開一個作品討論會大談自己的作品。韓寒敢嗎?做得到嗎?”(見方舟子新浪微博,2012-2-23 23:38。)

【370】“慕容雪村也聲稱作家無法自證清白,讓人也不能不懷疑其小說是否他自己寫的。哪有真正的作家會擔心無法自證清白?有很多方法可以自證,因為沒有誰比作家本人 更熟悉其作品了——韓寒除外,如此不熟悉不敢談自己作品的作家,找不出第二個了。”(見方舟子新浪微博,2012-2-24 00:03。)

【371】實際上,西方科學納粹醜化對方、偽造歷史的代表作,就是好萊塢在1960年——即達邪教大張旗鼓地紀念《物種起源》出版一百周年的第二年——出品的電影Inherit the Wind。

【372】方舟子:《無知所以無畏--評Philip Zhang〈進化論的進化〉》,新語絲1999年8月10日新到資料。


【374】“until selective breeding is definitely proved to give rise to varieties infertile with one another, the logical foundation of the theory of natural selection is incomplete.”(Huxley, T. H. Preface to Darwiniana. In: Darwiniana. London, UK.: MacMillan and Co., 1893. pp.v-vii.)

【375】Huxley, T. H. On the Methods and Results of Ethnology. In: Huxley, T. H. Collected Essays. Volume VII. Man's Place in Nature and Other Anthropological Essays. London, UK.: MacMillan and Co., 1893. pp.209-252.

【376】“The attitude of Huxley towards Natural Selection was, I shall endeavour to show, remarkable and unusual. Although no one strove so nobly and against such odds in its defence from unfair attack, although no one ever fought the battle of science with more complete success, Huxley was at no time a convinced believer in the theory he protected.”(Poulton, E. B. Thomas Henry Huxley and the Theory of Natural Selection. In: Essays on Evolution. Oxford, Oxford : Clarendon press, 1908. pp.193-219.)

【377】“And Mr. Darwin's position might, we think, have been even stronger than it is if he had not embarrassed himself with the aphorism, ‘Natura non facit saltum,’ which turns up so often in his pages. We believe, as we have said above, that Nature does make jumps now and then, and a recognition of the fact is of no small importance in disposing of many minor objections to the doctrine of transmutation.”【327】

【378】Huxley, T. H. 1864. Criticisms on "The Origin of Species." Natural History Review n.s. 4: 566-580.

【379】“that his own scientific work took no revolutionary new direction after 1859,” “his own scientific work underwent no radical change in 1859.”(Bartholomew, M. 1975. Huxley's Defence of Darwin. Annals of Science 32(6):525-535.)

【380】“A cursory examination of Huxley's scientific work reveals that he began to deploy the idea of evolution only in 1868, nine years after publication of the Origin, scarcely the response one would expect upon receipt of a blinding inspiration.”(Di Gregorio, M. A. 1982. The Dinosaur Connection: A Reinterpretation of T. H. Huxley's Evolutionary View. Journal of the History of Biology 15(3):397-418.)

【381】Bowler, P, J. The Non-Darwinian Revolution: Reinterpreting a Historical Myth. Baltimore, MD.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988.


【383】Popper, K. Darwinism as a Metaphysical Research Programme. In: The Philosophy of Karl Popper. Vol. I. Schilpp, P. A.  (ed.) LaSalle, Ill: Open Court, 1974. pp.133-143.

【384】At Random: A Television Preview. In: Evolution after Darwin: the University of Chicago centennial. Vol. IIII. Issues in Evolution. Tax, S. (ed.) Chicago, IL.: University of Chicago Press, 1960. pp.41-65.

【385】Gould, S. J.  1981. Evolution as Fact and Theory. Discover 2(5):34-37.


【387】Huxley, J. Evolution in Action: Based on the Patten Foundation Lectures Delivered at Indiana University in 1951. London, UK.: Chatto & Windus, 1953. p.149.

【388】Huxley, J. Transhumanism. In: Huxley, J. New Bottles for New Wine. London, UK.: Chatto & Windus, 1957. pp.13-17.

【389】Huxley, J. Introduction. In: Huxley, J. Evolution: A Modern Synthesis. London, UK.: Allen & Unwin, 1963.

【390】“The original source of my interest in genetics had been my long-harbored idea of the control of the evolution of man by man himself. I had intentionally, however, devoted most of my efforts to the investigation of the general genetic basis, being convinced that this would provide a surer foundation and backing for a later attack on more specifically human problems. Only so could the necessary knowledge, as well as the authority, be obtained.”(Muller, H. J. 1936-1937. Autobiographical Notes. Unpublished. Muller Papers, Lilly Library, Indiana University. p.9.)

【391】van Wyhe, J. 2019. Why There Was No ‘Darwin’s Bulldog.’ Linnean 35(1):26-30.


【393】Osborn, H. F. 1896. Memorial Tribute to Professor Thomas H. Huxley. Science 3(57):147-154.


【395】“基督教《擺布經》說耶穌:‘你們不要論斷人,免得你們被論斷。’但是網上基督徒最喜歡論斷人,正如網上佛教徒最喜歡謾罵、詛咒人。誰說宗教信仰能提高人的 教養的,到網上看仔細了。”(見方舟子新浪微博,2011-2-7 15:29。)

【396】“It was a ceremony that would have pleased Charles Darwin. What would not have pleased him was that the following day a company of clockmakers in Fleet Street, Barraud and Lunds, closed its long-time account with Martin's Bank because R. B. Martin had attended the funeral, thereby giving the impression of endorsing Darwin's heretical theories.”【Stone, I. 1982. The Death of Darwin. New Scientist 94(1300):91-93.】

【397】Wasman, E. and Muckermann, H. Evolution. In: The Catholic Encyclopedia. Volume 5. New York, NY.: Encyclopedia Press, 1909. pp.654–670.

【398】Gray, A. Natural Selection not Inconsistent with Natural Theology: A free Examination of Darwin's Treatise on the Origin of Species, and of its American Reviewers. London, UK.: Trübner, 1861.

【399】“He considers that the theory of Evolution is quite compatible with the belief in a God.”【87, p.307】

【400】Singh, B. N. 2012. Darwin of the 20th Century – Mayr or Dobzhansky? Current Science 103(2):125-125.

【401】Ayala, F. J. 1976. Theodosius Dobzhansky: The Man and the Scientist. Annual Review of Genetics 10:1-7.

【402】Greene, J. C. and M. Ruse. 1996. On the Nature of the Evolutionary Process: The Correspondence between Theodosius Dobzhansky and John C. Greene. Biology and Philosophy 11(4): 445–491.

【403】Shermer, M. and Sulloway, F. J. 2000. The Grand Old Man of Evolution. Skeptic 8(1):76–82.

【404】Gould, S. J. 1987. Darwinism Defined: the Difference between Fact and Theory. Discover 8(1):64-70,

【405】Dobzhansky, T. 1973. Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution. American Biology Teacher 35(3):125–129.


【407】“Root-Bernstein甚至懷疑美國著名生物學家Stephen Gould也可能也抄襲他了,‘著名作家古爾德也為一家雜誌寫了一篇科普文章。他使用了相同的論證方式、順序,但他更換了全部的事例。對於這是否是抄襲, 羅伯特覺得不好界定。’Gould已去世,無法為自己辯護。本人能和Gould同列,真是榮幸。”(見方舟子的新浪微博,2011-8-23 00:16。)

【408】Anonymous. 1882. [On the funeral of Charles Darwin in Westminster Abbey.] The Times (26 April): 11.


【410】“The Morning Post, as its High Church conservatism would lead one to expect, was less extravagant in its view, calling upon its own hero to set out the terms of its praises. ‘If, as Lord Beaconsfield said, a great man is one who changes the spirit of his age, then Darwin was a great man, and we who cannot respect all his theories can admire his life.’”【64, p.518】

【411】Anonymous. Without Title. The Morning Post, April 21, 1882.


【413】Anonymous. Charles Darwin. Liverpool Diocesan Gazette, May 1882.







【420】“There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.”(Darwin, C. R. On the Origin of Species. London, UK.: John Murray. 2nd Edition, 1860, p.490; 3rd Edition, 1861, p.525; 4th Edition, 1866, p.577; 5th Edition, 1869, p.579; 6th Edition, 1872, p.429.)

【421】Greene, J. C. 1994. Science, Philosophy, and Metaphor in Ernst Mayr's Writings.  Journal of the History of Biology 27(2):311-347.

【422】 Greene, J. C. 1975. Reflections on the Progress of Darwin Studies. Journal of the History of Biology 8(2):243-273.

【423】Дарвин, Ч. Воспоминания о развитии моего ума и характера (Автобиография). Москва: Издательство Академии Наук СССР, 1957.

【424】Dupree, A. H. Asa Gray: American Botanist, Friend of Darwin. Baltimore, MD.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988.

【425】Anonymous. 1874. Evolution and Theology. The Nation 18(446):44-46.

【426】“We have never been able to reclaim a drunkard, but through your services I do not know that there is a drunkard left in the village.”(Fullerton, W. Y. J. W. C. Fegan: A tribute. London, UK.: Marshall, Morhan & Scott, Ltd., 1930. p.30.)

【427】方舟子:《可咒詛的教義》,chinese.text.unicode, Nov 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM.


【429】“‘我很難明白人們怎麼能夠希望基督教是真實的,因為果真如此的話,其經文以明明白白的語言表示了,凡是不信仰基督的人們,其中包括我的父親、兄弟以及幾乎 一切我的最好的朋友,都要永世受到懲罰。這真是一種可咒詛的教義。’(達爾文自傳)”(見方舟子新浪微博,2011-9-30 18:14。)

【430】“‘美國大兵’說我批基督教的文章都是從英文幾乎一字不差抄的。我舉我最著名的《從來就沒有救世主》《古怪的家譜》《原教旨基督教是極毒教》《可咒詛的教義》這幾篇好了,他要是能找到英文原文,我提拔他當‘美國軍官’,否則請他自絕於網別再招搖。”(見“方舟子”的推特,9:40 AM • Jul 5, 2015。)

【431】“Mrs. Darwin annotated this passage (from ‘and have never since doubted’…. to ‘damnable doctrine’) in her own handwriting. She writes:—‘I should dislike the passage in brackets to be published. It seems to me raw. Nothing can be said too severe upon the doctrine of everlasting punishment for disbelief—but very few now wd. call that ‘Christianity,’(tho' the words are there.) There is the question of verbal inspiration comes in too. E. D.’ Oct. 1882. This was written six months after her husband's death, in a second copy of the Autobiography in Francis's handwriting. The passage was not published. See Introduction.—N. B.”【62, p.87】

【432】苗德歲:《〈物種起源〉:版本學及其他》,2014年1月29日  《 中華讀書報 》。



【435】“《本草綱目》比《藥物學》晚1500年,插圖簡陋,大部分都是迷信、巫術內容。”(見方舟子的新浪微博,2011-7-11 20:00。)

【436】“李時珍不是徐霞客,他只是鑽故紙堆搜集歸納古人關於某東西的藥用的種種傳聞,本草綱目充斥着神話鬼話。”(見方舟子的新浪微博,2011-12-10 15:12。)



【439】“Nor must we overlook the probability of the constant inculcation in a belief in God on the minds of children producing so strong and perhaps an inherited effect on their brains not yet fully developed, that it would be as difficult for them to throw off their belief in God, as for a monkey to throw off its instinctive fear and hatred of a snake.”【62, p.93】



【442】“One of his friends once asked Mr. Darwin's gardener about his master's health, and how he had been lately. ‘Oh!’, he said, ‘my poor master has been very sadly. I often wish he had something to do. He moons about in the garden, and I have seen him stand doing nothing before a flower for ten minutes at a time. If he only had something to do I really believe he would be better’.”(Darwin-Wallace Centenary Celebrations. Linnean Society, 1908. pp.57-58.)

【443】“But the fact that Darwin was a great assembler of facts and a poor joiner of ideas was of great importance in making his general views prevail.”(Barzun, J. Darwin, Marx, Wagner: Critique of a Heritage. Boston, MA.: Little, Brown and Co., 1941. p.81.)

【444】Himmelfarb, G. Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution. Garden City, NY.: Doubleday and Co., 1959.

【445】"The more one studies paleontology, the more certain one becomes that evolution is based on faith alone; exactly the same sort of faith which it is necessary to have when one encounters the great mysteries of religion.”(More, L. T. The Dogma of Evolution. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, 1925. p.160.)

【446】Gould, S. J. More Things in Heaven and Earth. In: Alas, Poor Darwin: Arguments Against Evolutionary Psychology. Rose, H. and Rose, S. (eds.) London, UK.: Jonathan Cape, 2000. pp.85-105.

【447】Eldredge, N. and Gould, S. J. Punctuated Equilibria: An Alternative to Phyletic Gradualism. In: Models in Paleobiology. Schopf, T. J. M. (ed.) San Francisco, CA.: Freeman Cooper, 1972. pp.82–115.

【448】Editorial. 1993. Darwinian Fundamentalists: Believe It, or Else! Creation 15(3):4.








【456】“You care for nothing but shooting, dogs, and rat-catching, and you will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family.”【62, p.28】

【457】“The Autobiography has been found and now surpassed.”(Churchill, F. B. 1982. Darwin and the Historian. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 17(1):45–68.)

【458】“Why was it given to Darwin, less ambitious, less imaginative, and less learned than many of his colleagues, to discover the theory sought after by others so assiduously? How did it come about that one so limited intellectually and insensitive culturally should have devised a theory so massive in structure and sweeping in significance?”【444, p.8】

【459】Mayr, E. 1959. Review of Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution by Gertrude Himmelfarb. Scientific American 201(5):209-216.

【460】Mayr, E. 1971. The Nature of the Darwinian Revolution. Science 176(4038):981-989.

【461】Gould, S. J. 1992. The Paradox of Genius. Nature 355(3657):215-216.

【462】Gould, S. J. 1996. Why Darwin? New York Review of Books 43(6):10-14.

【463】苗德歲:《天不生達翁 萬古長如夜》,2019年8月9日《中國科學報》。


【465】Powell, B. On the Study of the Evidences of Christianity. In: Temple, F. et al. Essays and Reviews. London, UK.: John W. Parker and Son, 1860. pp.94-144.

【466】“After performing this kind of reductio, Colenso, like the authors of Essays and Reviews, called for a more liberal interpretation of the Bible. And like them he became the center of a storm of theological controversy.”(Ruse, M. The Darwinian Revolution: Science Red in Tooth and Claw. Chicago, IL.: University of Chicago Press,1981. p.240.)

【467】“Essays sold 22,000 copies in two years (as many as the Origin in two decades) and provoked a ferocious paper war. Four hundred books and pamphlets contested and defended the issues over five years, hardening attitudes on both sides.”【134, p.500】

【468】“the impact usually associated with Darwin, Spencer, Wallace, Huxley, Essays and Reviews, and John Tyndall, was part of a larger movement embracing a number of naturalistic approaches to the earth, life, and man - in utilitarianism, in population theory, in geology, phrenology, psychology, and in theology itself.”(Young, R. M. The Impact of Darwin on Conventional Thought. In: The Victorian Crisis of Faith. Symondson, A. (ed.) London, UK.: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1970. pp.13-35.)



【471】見“三思逍遙”的新浪微博,2012-4-19 13:03。

【472】Hayek, F. A. v. 1951. Comte and Hegel. Measure 2(3):324-341.

在相當程度上就是源自那場遭遇的刺激。詳見:Mathematical Challenges to the Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution: A Symposium Held at the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, April 25 and 26, 1966. Morehead, P. S. and Kaplan, M. M. (eds.) Philadelphia, PA.: Wistar Institute Press, 1967.

【474】Mayr, E. 1990. The Myth of the Non-Darwinian Revolution. Biology and Philosophy 5(1):85-92.

【475】Huxley, T. H. 1870. Address by the President. Report of the 40th Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science Held at Liverpool in September 1870. London, UK.: John Murray, 1871. lxxi-lxxxix.




【479】Needham, J. and Leslie, D. 1952 Ancient and Mediaeval Chinese Thought on Evolution. Bulletin of the National Institute of Science of India 7:1–18.


【481】“In a series of essays written ca. 1741-51, Maupertuis put forward, for the first time, a completely evolutionary explanation for the whole existing range of organisms by differentiation from common ancestors.”(Bromley, J. S. (ed.) The New Cambridge Modern History. Vol. 6. The Rise of Great Britain and Russia, 1688–1715/25. London, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 1971. p.62.)



【484】“In short, virtually every idea of the Mendelian mechanism of heredity and the classical Darwinian reasoning from natural selection and geographic isolation is here combined, together with De Vries’ theory of mutations as the origin of species, to a synthesis of such genius that it is not surprising that no contemporary of its author had a true appreciation of it.”(Glass, B. Maupertuis, Pioneer of Genetics and Evolution. In: Forerunners of Darwin: 1745–1895. Glass, B., Temkin, O. and Straus, W. (eds.) Baltimore, MD.: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1959. p.51–83.)

【485】“Buffon saw clearly that both father and mother made a genetic contribution, but it was P. M. de Maupertuis, more than anyone else, who developed a theory of inheritance that can be considered as foreshadowing later developments (Glass, 1959; Stubbe, 1965). Maupertuis espoused a theory of pangenesis, based on the thought of Anaxagoras and Hippocrates, postulating particles (‘elements’) from both father and mother as responsible for the characters of the offspring. Most components of his theory can be found in the later theories of Naudin, Darwin, and Galton.”【117, p.646】



【488】“All animals therefore , I contend , have a similar cause of their organization , originating from a single living filament.”(Darwin, E. Zoonomia, Or the Laws of Organic Life. Volume 1. London, UK.: J. Johnson, 1796. p.503.)

【489】“I am getting more savage against him , even than Huxley or Falconer — He ought to be ostracised by every naturalist in England.”(The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Volume 11: 1863. Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 1999. p.114.)

【490】“昨天和@張志安 聊天時想到,中國的科學記者應該成立一個聯盟,集體監督,類似於‘同行評議’。凡是犯了嚴重的錯誤,又死不改悔的科學作者,比如@尋正 這樣的,我們應該集體抵制,逼其離開這個崗位,不再繼續害人。”(見土摩托的新浪微博,2010-9-3 09:45。)



【493】“Indessen verspreche ich mir doch von denjenigen, welche die Grade der Wahrscheinlichkeit zu schätzen im Stande sind, dass eine solche Karte der Unendlichkeit, ob sie gleich einen Vorwurf begreift, der bestimmet zu sein scheint, dem menschlichen Verstande auf ewig verborgen zu sein, nicht um deswillen sofort als ein Hirngespinst werde angesehen werden, vornehmlich wenn man die Analogie zu Hülfe nimmt, welche uns allemal in sochen Fällen leiten muss, wo dem Verstande der Faden der untrüglichen Beweise mangelt.”(Kant, I. Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels. Königsberg und Leipzig: Johann Friederich Petersen, 1755. s.116.)

【494】“But wherever you depart, in the least, from the similarity of the cases, you diminish proportionably the evidence; and may at last bring it to a very weak analogy, which is confessedly liable to error and uncertainty.”(Hume, D. Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. London, UK., No Publisher Name, 1779. p.50.)

【495】Kant, I. Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens. Translated, Introduced and Noted by Stanley L. Jaki. Edinburgh, UK.: Scottish Academic Press, 1981. p.285.

【496】“A formal demonstration of the Universal Common Ancestry hypothesis has not been achieved and is unlikely to be feasible in principle.”(Koonin, E. V. and Wolf, Y. I. 2010. The Common Ancestry of Life. Biology Direct 5:64.)

【497】Lawton, G. 2009. Axing Darwin's Tree. New Scientist 201(2692):34-39.

【498】Doolittle, W. F. 2000. Uprooting the Tree of Life. Scientific American 282(6):90-95.

【499】碧聲:《評〈中國人挑戰諾貝爾 瘋牛病破解在即〉》,新語絲2000年9月23日新到資料。


【501】Fisher, R. 2007. China's Science Fraudbusters Are Naming and Shaming. New Scientist 196(2629):64-65

【502】White, J. Fraud Fighter: 'Faked Research Is Endemic in China.' newscientist.com. 14 November 2012.

【503】“自吹自擂一下:我的打假多次被《科學》《自然》《新科學家》報道,上過《紐約時報》頭版,得過兩個國際獎,當過《自然.醫學》年度人物,算不算?”(見方舟子的推特:11:47 PM • Apr 4, 2016。)

【504】Daniel Dennett, D., Coyne, J., Dawkins, R., and Myers, P. 2009. Darwin Was Right. New Scientist 201(2696):25.




【508】Woese, C. R. 2004. A New Biology for a New Century. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 68(2):173-186.

【509】Noller, H. 2013. Carl Woese (1928-2012): Discoverer of Life's Third Domain, the Archaea. Nature 493(7434):610.

【510】Quammen, D. The Tangled Tree: A Radical New History of Life. New York, NY.: Simon & Schuster, 2019. Part VII: E Pluribus Human. pp.345-346.





【515】“我和三思柯南年紀差那麼多,又沒見過幾面,怎麼可能拿他當朋友?以前見他英語翻譯還算及格又熱心科普,提攜提攜他而已。我經常幹這種提攜科普後進又被反咬的傻事。”(見“方舟子”的推特,6:09 AM • May 2, 2015。)




【519】魯迅:《小引》,見周建人輯譯:《進化和退化》, 光華書局1930年版。



【522】Galton, D. J. Standing on the Shoulders of Darwin and Mendel. Boca Raton: Early Views of Inheritance. Boca Raton, FL.: CRC Press, 2017.





【527】“在導師退休宴會上,每個學生送給導師一段話。這是我寫的:我剛到美國的時候,雖然畢業於中國一所頂尖大學,但對科學的性質幾乎一無所知。是扎克言傳身教地教我什麼是科學和怎麼做研究。幫助中國公眾理解科學現在成了我的工作,因此在美國一個實驗室點燃的火炬已傳到了中國。扎克是一個激發人心的導師!”(見“方舟子”的推特,1:01 AM • Jun 4, 2017。)



【530】昏教授:《水稻基因組:不說對不起楊煥明,說吧又會讓饒毅FZZ熊蕾難受》,新語絲讀書論壇,April 07, 2002 01:00:06。

【531】見新語絲讀書論壇,2011-06-29 09:18:44。



【534】馮聿峰:《“我為什麼提倡科學主義”——訪何祚庥院士》, 原載2000年6月28日《中華讀書報》,見新語絲2000年6月28日新到資料。





【539】Hayek, F. A. v. 1941. The Counter-Revolution of Science. Economica, 8(29):9–36.

【540】Voegelin, E. 1948. The Origin of Scientism. Social Research 15(4):462-494.

【541】“Cette loi consiste en ce que chacune de nos conceptions principales, chaque branche de nos connaissances, passe successivement par trois états théoriques différens: l'état théologique, ou fictif; l'état métaphysique, ou abstrait; l'état scientifique, ou positif. ......De là, trois sortes de philosophies, ou de systèmes généraux de conceptions sur l'ensemble des phénomènes, qui s'excluent mutuellement: la première est le point de départ nécessaire de l'intelligence humaine; la troisième, son état fixe et définitif: la seconde est uniquement destinée à servir de transition.”(Comte, A. Cours de Philosophie Positive. Tome Premier. Paris, FR.: Bachelier, libraire pour les mathematiques, 1830. pp.3-4.)

【542】“Positivism, from this larger perspective, represented a resilient strain of a more generalized intellectual virus called scientism.”(McAllister, T. V. Revolt Against Modernity: Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin, and the Search for a Post Liberal Order. Lawrence, KS.: University Press of Kansas, 1996. p.76.)

【543】“Aug. 12th. 38. At the Athenaeum Club, was very much struck with an intense headache after good days work which came on from reading review of M. Comte Phil, which made me endeavour to remember, & to think deeply, & the immediate manner in which my head got well when reading article by Boz.”(Darwin, C. R. 1838. Notebook M. p.81. Edited by Paul Barrett and John van Wyhe. Darwin Online.)

【544】Spencer, H. An Autobiography. Volume I. New York, NY.: D. Appleton and Co., 1904. p.292.

【545】“It is true that he never made a formal study of Comte’s works, yet he knew more of them than he was himself conscious of.”(Sarton, G. 1920. Herbert Spencer:1820-1920. Scribner's Magazine 67(6):695-701.)

【546】Huxley, T. H. 1869. The Scientific Aspects of Positivism. The Fortnightly Review 5(30):653-670.

【547】Zeigler, H. and Howell, R. F. 1964. Comments on the Political Scientism of Thomas Henry Huxley. Social Science 39(2):79-88.

【548】Lightman, B. The Origins of Agnosticism: Victorian Unbelief and the Limits of Knowledge. Baltimore, MD.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987. p.120.

【549】White, P. Thomas Huxley: Making the "Man of Science." New York, NY.: Cambridge University Press, 2003. p.3.

【550】Lightman, B. 1983. Pope Huxley and the Church Agnostic: The Religion of Science. Historical Papers/Communications historiques 18(1):150-163.

【551】“For his essential method was neither observing nor the more prosaic mode of scientific reasoning, but a peculiarly imaginative, inventive mode of argument…… What Darwin was doing, in effect, was creating a ‘logic of possibility.’ Unlike conventional logic, where the compound of possibilities results not in a greater possibility, or probability, but in a lesser one, the logic of the Origin was one in which possibilities were assumed to add up to probability.”【444, pp.333-334】

【552】Wald, G. The Origin of Life. In: The Physics of Chemistry and Life: A Scientific American Book. New York, NY.: Simon & Schuster, 1954. pp.3-26.

【553】“If the history of life teaches us any lesson, it is that human beings arose as a kind of glorious accident . . . surely a kind of glorious cosmic accident resulting from the catenation (linking) of thousands of improbable events.(Sunderland, D. L. Darwin's Enigma: Fossils and Other Problems. San Diego, CA.: Master Book Publishers, 1984. p.128.)

【554】Mathematical Challenges to the Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution: A Symposium Held at the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, April 25 and 26, 1966. Morehead, P. S. and Kaplan, M. M. (eds.) Philadelphia, PA.: Wistar Institute Press, 1967.

【555】Stenmark, M. 1997. What Is Scientism? Religious Studies 33(1):15-32.




【559】王洪波:《〈方舟在線〉 嶄露鋒芒》,原載2000年6月14日《中華讀書報》,見新語絲2000年6月14日新到資料。

【560】Pusey, J. R. China and Charles Darwin. Cambridge, MA. : Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University : Distributed by Harvard University Press, 1983. p.453.

【561】宋正海:《科學主義是當前地球科學原始創新的一大障礙——以國家自然科學一等獎“澄江動物群與寒武紀大爆發”被詆毀事件為例》,見:王恆禮、畢孔彰、吳鳳鳴主編:《地球科學認識論方法論 地球科學認識論方法論研討會論文集》,中國大地出版社2004年版230-234頁。




【565】Hayek, F. A. v. 1941. The Counter-Revolution of Science. Economica, 8(30):119–150.

【566】“If the crisis is referred to this system of ordinates, the Lutheran submission to state authority, Bodin and Hobbes, Fichte and Hegel, German historism and American-French pragmatism, Darwinism and racial creeds melt together in the fascist tradition, which now comprises all transvaluations with the exception of the ‘liberal.’”(Voegelin, E. 1944. Nietzsche, the Crisis and the War. The Journal of Politics 6(2):177-212.)

【567】“But if we examine such scientific ‘revolutions’ as were attempted in the social sciences under the influence of Darwin, for example by Thorstein Veblen and his disciples, they appear in fact as little more than a revival of the ideas which German historicism had developed under the influence of Hegel and Comte.”【472】






【573】“The lesson that Darwin's struggle for existence is a reproductive competition among individuals was, alas, not understood at all by most of those who subsequently operated most freely with the struggle for existence, particularly racists and adherents of socalled social Darwinism (or more correctly, social Spencerism).”【117, p.881】

【574】Anonymous. 1852. A Theory of Population, Deduced from the General Law of Animal Fertility. The Westminster Review 1(2):468-501.

【575】“This survival of the fittest, which I have here sought to express in mechanical terms, is that which Mr. Darwin has called ‘natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.’”(Spencer, H. The Principles of Biology. London, UK.: Williams and Norgate, 1864. pp.444-445.)

【576】“Es ist merkwürdig, wie Darwin unter Bestien und Pflanzen seine englische Gesellschaft mit ihrer Teilung der Arbeit, Konkurrenz, Aufschluß neuer Märkte, „Erfindungen" und Malthusschem „Kampf ums Dasein" wiedererkennt.”(Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels Werke. Band 30. Berlin: Dietz Verlag, 1974. s.249.)

【577】Huxley, T. H. Collected Essays. Volume IX. Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays. London, UK.: MacMillan and Co., 1894. pp.40-41.

【578】Shapiro, J. A. Evolution: A View from the 21st Century. Upper Saddle River, NJ.: FT Press Science, 2011. p.144.

【579】Himmelfarb, G. Victorian Minds. New York, NY.: Alfred A. Knopf, 1968.

【580】“And yet, like the typical godfather, Darwin did have a responsibility—and not only legally and morally, but also intellectually and spiritually—for the offspring of his friends. Father and godfather, after all, have a closer intellectual affinity than many a blood relation. Surely some of this affinity, and therefore responsibility, carries over to the godchildren.”【579, p.314】

【581】“Did he see society, like nature, progress by culling its unfit members? ‘Social Darwinism’ is often taken to be something extraneous, an ugly concretion added to the pure Darwinian corpus after the event, tarnishing Darwin’s image. But his notebooks make plain that competition, free trade, imperialism, racial extermination, and sexual inequality were written into the equation from the start — ‘Darwinism’ was always intended to explain human society.”【134, p.xxi】

【582】“Although it is now so standard that I will continue to use it, what worries me is that there is a tendency to separate ‘Social Darwinism’(bad) from ‘Darwinism’(good), and to suggest that it is not really a Darwinian idea but owes more to others, particularly Spencer. As a hitherto- egregious sinner in this regard now repenting: the ideas are in Darwin— he endorsed capitalism fully and we saw his views on unions— and Spencer’s responsibility is there but not uniquely so.”(Ruse, M. Darwinism As Religion: What Literature Tells Us about Evolution, Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2016. pp.150-151.)

【583】“Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion -- a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality. I am an ardent evolutionist and an ex-Christian, but I must admit that in this one complaint -- and Mr. Gish [Duane T. Gish the Creation Scientist] is but one of many to make it -- the literalists are absolutely right. Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.”(Ruse, M., How Evolution Became a Religion: Creationists Correct? National Post, May 13, 2000. pp.B1,B3,B7.)

【584】Young, R. M. 1971. Evolutionary Biology and Ideology: Then and Now.  Science Studies 1(2):177-206.

【585】Levins, R. and Lewontin, R. Evolution as Theory and Ideology. In: Levins, R. and Lewontin, R. The Dialectical Biologist. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 1985. pp.9-64.

【586】Bartholomew, M. 1994. Evolution and Ideology. The Raven 7(2):108-119.

【587】Howard, J. Darwin: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, UK.: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp.103-107; Browne, J. 2017. Charles Darwin and Ideology: Rethinking the Darwinian Revolution. Mètode Science Studies Journal 7:61-67.






【593】Ge, X. How Does Fang Shimin The Rumormonger Monger a Rumor?——An Open Letter to New York Post. creaders.net, 2022年01月01日10:19:10.

【594】Ge, X.  An Open Letter to The Washington Post. creaders.net, 2022年12月07日12:21:41.






【600】Lewontin, L. 1976. Sociobiology—A Caricature of Darwinism. Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Volume Two: Symposia and Invited Papers. pp.22-31.


【602】上一輩領導人:《倒韓英豪榜 - 十元帥,十大將名單》,上一輩領導人的新浪博客,2013-01-15 08:11:14。



【605】“But I could show that none of these characters of instinct are universal. A little dose, as Pierre Huber expresses it, of judgment or reason, often comes into play, even in animals very low in the scale of nature.”【182, p.208】

【606】Baldwin, J. M. 1896. Instinct. Science 3(70):669.

【607】Blumberg, M. S. 2017. Development Evolving: The Origins and Meanings of Instinct. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 8(1-2):e1371.

【608】“高智商(智商111以上)男人生下自閉症孩子的風險比普通智商的男人高了31%。對此我早有直覺(因為知道幾個高智商科學家都有自閉症兒子,例如沃森、古爾德),妻子懷孕時有些擔心,得知懷的是女兒後才放心了(男孩得自閉症的風險比女孩高得多)。”(見“方舟子”的推特,1:27 AM • May 16, 2017。)

【609】Wilson, E. O. Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Cambridge, MA.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1975.

【610】Allen, E., et al. 1975. Against "Sociobiology." New York Review of Books 22(18):43-44.


【612】Lorenz, K. Das sogenannte Böse: zur Naturgeschichte der Aggression. Wien, DE.: G. Borotha-Schoeler, 1963.

【613】Morris, D. The Naked Ape: A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal. London, UK.: Jonathan Cape Publishing, 1967.


【615】見“方舟子”的推特,10:42 PM • Nov 8, 2023。


【617】見“太蔟”的新浪微博,2012-1-31 01:27。

【618】“饒毅寫了一篇文章評價美國著名生物學家愛德華.威爾遜,暴露出他不適合研究歷史。雖然他自詡是華人研究生物學歷史第一人,但不具有研究歷史必需的學、識、才和求真精神。方舟子科普:饒毅的愚蠢和威爾遜的貢獻https://youtu.be/9vG2TTWHOxY”。(見“方舟子”的推特,3:09 PM • Dec 29, 2021。)




【622】方舟子:《不動聲色的變遷 ——從〈心中有話向黨說〉到〈假如記憶可以移植〉》,《新語絲》1999年11月。




【626】“狀元可是光宗耀祖的事,所以一有機會我總愛提一下此事讓我的祖宗風光風光,這回擺顯起來更是名正言順。”(方舟子:《不動聲色的變遷 ——從〈心中有話向黨說〉到〈假如記憶可以移植〉》,《新語絲》月刊1999年11號。)

【627】“謝謝你給我一個顯擺的機會:我以全縣中考第一名的成績考上高中,應試作文從小學寫到高考,每一次作文成績以及語文成績都是全年段第一名,沒有第二過。語文是我學得最輕鬆也是最穩定的一門課程。”(見方舟子新浪微博,2012-1-24 14:33。)

【628】“理客中愛說的一句話是:方舟子科普很好,其他觀點很幼稚。他們認為自己是各方面的完人當然是其自由,但不知他們根據什麼認為在除了科普之外的其他觀點都比我高明得多:智力比我高?見識比我廣?讀書比我多?判斷力比我強?還是和那個‘中亞學家’一樣掌握了沒有第二個人知道被柯南當寶貝的機密?”(見“方舟子”的推特,11:48 PM • May 5, 2015。)

【629】“改變科學觀點很難,改變人文觀點更難,因為這受教育、生活環境乃至基因的影響。總有人做高人狀說‘方舟子一談人文就鬧笑話,政治觀點真幼稚’,想必他們書讀得比我多,腦子比我靈,歷史比我懂,對現實比我清楚,人格比我高,還了解很多內幕。”(見“方舟子”的推特,9:23 PM • May 29, 2016。)

【630】“我當然沒有這種智力比我高、讀書比我多、閱歷比我豐富、資料比我全、信息比我靈通的天才明白了。比起那些說我在科學問題也糊塗的超級天才,此人檔次又低了。”(見“方舟子”的推特,3:54 AM • Sep 30, 2017。)




【634】“方謅子曰過:‘智力比我高?見識比我廣?讀書比我多?判斷力比我強?’如果讓方謅子和特朗普比試誰更不要臉,還真是難分上下。”(見“劉宇_中山”的新浪微博,2020年12月16日 19:47 。)

【635】“雖然方舟子天天噴特朗普,但他們其實屬於同一類人。第一,都是謊話張口就來,還說的理直氣壯,第二,都是死不認輸,對自己不利的結果,撒潑打滾,胡攪蠻纏。”(見“抗拒謠言”的新浪微博,2020年11月08日 00:28 。)  

【636】“別做慈善,做慈善只有三種人,騙子、傻子、和上帝作對的。一人得重大稀罕疾病,大多是其基因隱含此缺陷,自然本身就在淘汰此。救助只是幫助中華民族拉低人均體質質量而已(鍛煉是短期的,基因才是長期的)。對於這些不害不助即可,天地不仁。實在要助,就助那些車禍意外事故等外力損傷的。”(見“徐宥箴1”的新浪微博,2012-11-13 12:02。)

【637】“第三日探班《光明與磊落》銷售狀況,昨天@方舟子 說我要送他一套抄稿集,今天又去了一次書城,購買仍然很順利貨源充足,而且,前兩天的限購措施也名存實亡了,可以隨便買了,詳見視頻。”(見“eprom”的新浪微博,2012-4-4 19:29。)

【638】見“eprom”的新浪微博,2012-11-13 12:10。

【639】見eprom 的搜狐微博,2013-02-03 01:21:18。

【640】見Rambus 的搜狐微博,2013-10-08 12:30:52。






【646】方舟子:《“科學松鼠會”成了造謠會》,新語絲讀書論壇,2010-03-23 02:06:12。

【647】詳見亦明:《方舟子三百萬詐騙案紀實》第三章 《網絡大品〈賣拐〉》,中國學術評價網,2015年12月31日。


【649】“我真的是個很善良厚道的人,否則根本控制不住我的兇狠。我從小就被吊屋梁皮帶抽、用納鞋底的錐子扎臉等打到大的,早就鍛煉了無比強大的鬥志。直到我最後十幾歲時,奪下我父親的棍子,握拳告訴他,你再碰我一下,我就揍你給你看。若有一個按鈕,我按一下全世界就會死30億窮人,我會毫不猶豫的按。別惹我”。(見“徐宥箴1”的新浪微博,2014-8-17 18:14。)

【650】“科學公園主編提到寄授權協議的同時還有一封信,我就把這封信也發出來。需要指出的是,科學公園此前並沒有通過任何形式取得我的許可,否則也不會發生有兩次他們擅自轉載實在做得太過分我要求其改正的事了。只能說以前我默許了其轉載,只要不太出格就忍了”。(見“方舟子”的推特,12:57 AM • May 24, 2015。)

【651】“王志安這些新浪頭銜可以解釋為什麼他受到新浪的特別保護和縱容。如果他真的是被央視開了,說明央視畢竟和新浪不同,還是有點節操的。”(見“方舟子”的推特,1:41 AM • Jan 13, 2016。)

【652】“徐宥箴妄想殺死30億窮人呢,希特勒都沒這麼雄才大略。【徐宥箴:若有一個按鈕,我按一下全世界就會死30億窮人,我會毫不猶豫的按。別惹我】”(見“方舟子”的推特,7:16 AM • Mar 6, 2015。)

【653】“徐宥箴居然還敢惡人先告狀,要是把我惹毛了,我把他那些恐怖主義言論報告國土安全部,讓他這輩子別想再來美國,再把他虐待兒童的言行報告加州社會服務部,讓他計劃在洛杉磯找代孕機構生一百個兒子的夢想破產。他上次到美國來就是來找代孕的。”(見“方舟子”的推特,10:29 PM • Mar 23, 2015。)



【656】“一部宣揚盜版有理的電影,碰到自己被盜版就要求‘迅猛打擊’,果然法律、道德都是替別人定的。美國文化產業為什麼繁榮?因為盜版沒市場。製藥業也一樣。”(見“方舟子”的推特,10:04 PM • Jul 5, 2018。)

【657】見“三思柯南”的新浪微博,2018-7-7 09:41。

【658】“怎麼漏了光明網了。我這人記仇。”(見方舟子的新浪微博,2011-2-25 22:33。)


【660】馬彧:《韓寒挺寧浩惹來新罵戰 方舟子質疑〈黃金〉弱智》,2012年4月29日《揚子晚報》。

【661】見“sailles”的推特,2:55 AM • Jul 6, 2018。

【662】見“方舟子”的推特,9:17 PM • Jul 6, 2018。

【663】見“奧雷里亞諾上校”的推特,9:54 PM • Jul 6, 2018。

【664】見“方舟子”的推特,2:13 AM • Jul 7, 2018。



【667】見“方舟子”的推特,10:24 AM • Jun 24, 2016。

【668】袁越:《“群體免疫”之前世今生》,見“三聯生活周刊”微信公眾號,2020-03-14 07:29;該文後來以《群體免疫:英國防疫政策何以引發質疑》為題發表在《科學大觀園》2020年7期8-11頁。

【669】Boseley, S. 'Herd' Strategy Anxiety and Alarm over UK Approach. The Guardian, 14 Mar 2020. p.5.

【670】土摩托:《UK is OK》,土摩托日記2010年3月2日。

【671】Ge, X. Shamelessness Shouldn’t Be Anyone’s Nature ── An Open Letter to Nature, Part XXX: Why Was Fang Shi-min Awarded the John Maddox Prize (V): Why Was Albert Yuan Invited to Nominate Fang? China Academic Integrity Review, August 20, 2013 04:28PM.



【674】“土摩托(袁越)是入圍人物。明年大家挺他。網上登的我的獲獎感言有一些記錄錯誤,我的話那麼難懂嗎?”(見方舟子的新浪微博,2010-12-23 21:54。)

【675】饒毅:《英國首相的“群體免疫”謊言》,饒毅的財新博客,2020年03月14日 14:56。

【676】見“戰略安全與軍控在線”的新浪微博, 2020-3-14 21:39 。


【678】見“方舟子”的推特,4:09 PM • Jun 18, 2019。

【679】見“方舟子”的推特,1:51 PM • Mar 14, 2020。

【680】“病毒很容易變異,一個傳播了幾個月的病毒應該有不同毒性的毒株出現了。輕症患者或者是感染的毒株毒性低,或者是毒株毒性高但患者抵抗力強,或者感染部位在上呼吸道沒有深入肺部。把幾百、上千個輕症患者放在一起睡通鋪、密切接觸,互相交流不同毒株的病毒,這叫‘不會存在交叉感染的風險’?”(見“方舟子”的推特,3:59 AM • Feb 5, 2020。)




【684】“生物武器實驗室不會對冠狀病毒感興趣,因為它不是做生物武器的料,病死率太低,傷害的主要是老弱病殘,對年輕人、健康人幾乎無影響,難道搞出生物武器是為了幫助敵國解決養老問題、減輕醫療負擔的?”(見“方舟子”的推特,12:22 AM • Jul 18, 2021。)

【685】“We have a plan, based on the expertise of world-leading scientists. Herd immunity is not a part of it.”(Hancock, M.  We Must All Do Everything in Our Power to Protect Lives. telegraph.co.uk, 14 March 2020  9:30 pm.)

【686】Barry, J. M. 《那些“群體免疫”支持者沒有告訴你的事》,紐約時報中文網,2020年10月21日。

【687】Brooks, D. Our Herd Immunity Failure. New York Times, May, 7, 2021. p.A23.

【688】Brooks, D. Our Pathetic Herd Immunity Failure. nytimes.com, 2021/05/06.

【689】《反思西方疫情背後的社會達爾文主義》,澎湃新聞, 2020-10-03 11:00。




【693】Stevens, R. UK Johnson Government Denounced for COVID-19 “Herd Immunity” Policy. wsws.org, 16 March 2020.

【694】Scripps, T. The Malthusian Underpinnings of Boris Johnson’s “Herd Immunity” Strategy. wsws.org, 8 June 2020.

【695】Nachtwey, P. and Walther, E. 2023. Survival of the Fittest in the Pandemic Age: Introducing Disease-related Social Darwinism. PLoS ONE 18(3):e0281072.

【696】Winslow, L. 2023. Thinning the Herd: COVID-19 and the Rhetoric of Trumpian Catastrophe. Rhetoric Society Quarterly 53(4):451-465.

【697】“厲害,中國頂級防疫專家王廣發靠自己吃藥認定藥物有效,武漢頂級防疫專家張勁農靠喝雞湯發汗抗病毒,中國頂級防疫醫院武漢協和醫院用抗菌藥物治療病毒性肺炎……突然明白為何厲害國總會流行厲害傳染病,全世界防疫專家都應該來膜拜。”(見“方舟子”的推特,11:48 PM • Jan 23, 2020。)

【698】“李蘭娟院士的邏輯是,新型冠狀病毒能夠傳給人,所以也就能從人傳給寵物,都是哺乳動物嘛。接下來是不是要給貓狗戴口罩或乾脆消滅寵物?不知道李院士學的是哪國的病毒學,以為病毒跨物種傳播是這麼容易的事。罩國由水平如此低下又如此喜歡信口開河的院士領導防疫,難怪每來一次新興傳染病就瞎折騰一次。”(見“方舟子”的推特,1:31 AM • Jan 30, 2020。)

【699】“西太之歌(王立平作曲):西太西太,有多少英雄豪傑都來奔你留洋。西太西太,有多少神奇故事到處把你傳揚。打工的皇帝舉世無雙,西太生威震東方。博士的文 憑人手一張,西太生美名輝煌。美國的名校,神秘的地方,高官高管,人人都嚮往。文憑的故鄉,迷人的地方,天下馳名,萬古流芳。西太,西太,西太!”(見方舟子的新浪微博,2010-7-16 23:45。)

【700】“這就是極其典型的被徹底洗腦的川粉,先是極力否認川普說過“屎洞”,否認不了就說那些國家是‘屎洞’是常識。媒體採訪了一批川普支持者對‘屎洞’事件的看法,基本上就這兩種態度,在此人身上結合在了一起。還要拉以前的美國陪綁呢。美國從來自稱美麗的國家,啥時候是‘屎洞’?誰說有戰亂就是‘屎洞’?”(見“方舟子”的推特,8:50 PM • Jan 15, 2018。)

【701】《國務院聯防聯控機制2022年12月7日新聞發布會:介紹進一步優化落實疫情防控措施有關情況》,國家衛生健康委網站,2022-12-07 15:00。

【702】“最終幾乎所有的人都會被奧密克戎感染。假如中國疫苗毫無作用,對無免疫力的人奧密克戎感染病死率為0.6%,中國最終將有800萬人死於新冠,這是上限。如果中國疫苗像巴西研究的,雖然對預防奧密克戎感染有效率是0但能降低大約50%重症或死亡,而且所有的人都接種了疫苗,也有400萬人死於新冠,這是下限。”(見“方舟子”的推特,12:05 AM • Dec 10, 2022。)

【703】“疫情已經結束的國家和疫情永遠結束不了的罩國。” (見“方舟子”的推特,3:25 PM • Jul 4, 2022。)

【704】WHO. Daily Cases and Deaths by Date Reported to WHO.


【706】“我在國內還有聯繫的親戚,大約90%已被感染。我認識的北京居民,也大約90%已被感染。而且被感染的人大都有明顯的不輕的症狀,主要是發燒。剩下沒報告被感染的應該還有部分是無症狀感染者。這絕對是人類有史以來最大規模、最快速的傳染事件,要上史書的。後人想起新時代,首先就是快速消滅幾百萬老弱病殘”。(見“方舟子”的推特,6:41 PM • Jan 1, 2023。)

【707】“張文宏榮獲‘2022年度中國經濟社會發展傑出貢獻人物’第一名,獲獎理由:‘科學研判,敢說敢做,疫情之下的定心丸’。張文宏‘敢說敢做’,為‘快速過峰’害死數百萬老弱病殘提供‘科學研判’,的確是為中國經濟社會發展做出了傑出貢獻。”(見“方舟子”的推特,2:40 PM • Jan 3, 2023。)

【708】“廣東衛視主持人王牧笛造謠說:‘曾經的夥伴、戰友和同路人,幾乎都與他反目成仇’,其他人就不說了,只以我在微博上關注的人為例:李同青,認識21年;程鶚,認識19年;黎柳蟬,認識17年;笨狸,認識16年;鄧自閒,認識14年;為書一生,認識14年;碧聲,認識14年;三思柯南,認識14年;司馬南,認識13年;趙南元,認識13年;紀小龍大夫,認識11年;太蔟,認識10年;方玄昌,認識9年;彭劍,認識9年;王亮,認識8年;張博庭,認識8年…還有新浪那邊關注的:彭代勇,認識27年;安普若,認識16年;陶世龍,認識13年;袁鍾,認識11年”。(見方舟子的搜狐微博,2013-07-25 18:17、2013-07-25 18:40。)

【709】“今天的《世界日報》登了司馬南的一幅書法作品。”(見“方舟子”的推特,12:50 AM • Mar 11, 2015。)

【6710】“和兩個保鏢合影。”(見“方舟子”的推特,5:49 AM • Aug 16, 2015。)

【711】“三思柯南、劉宇什麼時候混到我身邊了?我身邊的支持者當然都是漢子,例如方玄昌、彭劍,鮮血凝成的友誼。”(見“方舟子”的推特,12:34 AM • Jun 18, 2015。)


【713】“司馬南在視頻節目裡介紹了一個預防新冠感染的偏方,還發微博說世界衛生組織澄清目前沒有治療新冠感染的藥物。這些都是很低級的謠言。反美變成了反人類,最終受害的還是中國人。方舟子揭假:司馬南關於新冠防治的兩個謠言https://youtu.be/iy420Ngg7aQ”。(見“方舟子”的推特,7:04 PM • Dec 19, 2022。)

【714】“司馬南發文引用一名匿名‘醫學專家’的觀點,反對中國引進美國疫苗,列舉了七條理由,而每一條理由都是錯誤的。造謠、抹黑救命的疫苗,就是反科學、反人類。方舟子揭假:逐條批駁司馬南關於美國疫苗的謠言https://youtu.be/WcHEOHjbbD4”。(見“方舟子”的推特,5:05 PM • Dec 29, 2022。)

https://youtu.be/vjtgKAEdOqM”。(見“方舟子”的推特,2:43 PM • Jan 14, 2023。)

【716】“Paxlovid是被嚴格的三期臨床試驗證明有效、被各國藥監部門包括中國藥監批准、世界衛生組織唯一強烈推薦、實際使用證實有效的藥,不是‘實驗用藥’。司馬南一面造謠抹黑救命的藥,一面不停地為騙人害人的中醫中藥打廣告,是反科學、反人類。”(見“方舟子”的推特,2:40 AM • Jan 21, 2023。)

【717】“司馬南一再轉這類弱智的反科學、反人類、反智、陰謀論文章,到現在還在鼓吹新冠病毒是美國實驗室製造的生化武器,還在質疑輝瑞特效藥,還說不評論?美國作為多元化社會,什麼樣的人沒有,一個體育醫學博士、財務分析師(不是美國專利局的)的胡言論語,就被那些相信陰謀論的反智弱智當權威了。”(見“方舟子”的推特,2:32 PM • Jun 2, 2023。)

【718】“我只不過說在生活中不應該歧視普通穆斯林,就讓理客中們從此視我為仇敵,攻擊我是‘自干綠’,我的‘靈魂’也萎縮到只剩下20年前批過基督教;而美國著名的無神論活動家不願去說服妻子改變宗教信仰,即使是妻子主動提出的也不願試試,卻讓理客中們大為讚賞。有點腦子的還真當不了理客中。”(見“方舟子”的推特,10:00 PM • Jul 4, 2015。)

【719】“渣子們在造謠我老婆是回族,連我曬西北風味的羊肉小麵條都成罪證,怎麼不是豬肉?還造謠我從來沒批過伊斯蘭教(遠的不說,不會查查《查理周刊》事件時我發的推特?)。不跟他們一起毫無人性地變態仇視普通穆斯林、穆斯林難民,你就是自干綠,不然就是你家人是回族。這些渣子就是這麼變態和無恥。”(見“方舟子”的推特,9:42 PM • Sep 9, 2015。)

【721】“方舟子騙子是一個自干綠,證據如圖所示。”(見“三思柯南”的新浪微博,2018-7-1 14:11。)

【722】“該不該先拉黑恨華大阿訇自干綠方舟子?”(見“北京張胖子”的新浪微博,2019-3-17 03:11。)

【723】“西點軍校的一位專門研究城市戰爭的專家評論說,他沒有看到以色列國防軍有任何違背國際戰爭法的行為。簡中公知們概念先行,完全不講道理,已經徹底瘋了。”(見“immusoul”的推特,4:23 PM • Nov 7, 2023。)

【724】“土摩托把一貫偏袒以色列、不可能與以色列公開翻臉的美國軍方人士的意見當成定論,這才是徹底瘋了。以色列有沒有違反國際法,是一個法律問題,紐約時報、華盛頓郵報今天都難得地報道多位研究種族滅絕的專家認為以色列在加沙犯下種族滅絕,不比一個當過25年兵、只讀過政策管理碩士的軍人更專業?”(見“方舟子”的推特,3:23 AM • Nov 8, 2023。)

【725】“我查了一下,是土摩托把我拉黑了。我就也順手拉黑他。我從不看這個沒人性的自戀狂發的推文,是別人在我這兒貼他的推文截屏我才評論的。” (見“方舟子”的推特,3:42 PM • Nov 10, 2023。)

【726】“補充原文結尾:請把你們時間線上的所有哈馬斯支持者和哈馬斯暴行否認者都屏蔽掉。【我就是這麼做的,包括那位曾經的XX教主。】”(見“immusoul”的推特,6:16 PM • Nov 14, 2023。)

【727】見“immusoul”的推特,2:47 PM • Nov 8, 2023。

【728】見“方舟子”的推特,12:43 AM • Nov 11, 2023。

【729】見“方舟子”的推特,3:18 PM • Nov 11, 2023。

【730】“土摩托認為為了徹底消滅哈馬斯,就要不惜一切代價,聲稱這是‘更高級的人道主義’。其實這是典型的‘只要目的正當,可以不擇手段’思維。方舟子時評:沒有人性的‘不惜一切代價’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbEWB_yW4P8”。(見“方舟子”的推特,6:49 PM • Nov 13, 2023。)

【731】“國際刑事法庭開始調查發生在巴勒斯坦的戰爭罪行,徵集線索。內塔尼亞胡犯下種族滅絕罪,罪行比普京嚴重得多,更應該被通緝。”(見“方舟子”的推特,6:57 PM • Oct 28, 2023。)

【732】“內塔尼亞胡宣布入侵加沙,聲稱要像《聖經》所說以色列人打擊亞瑪力人那樣打擊加沙人,也就是種族滅絕。《撒母耳記上》:‘現在你要去擊打亞瑪力人,滅盡他們所有的,不可憐惜他們,將男女、孩童、吃奶的,並牛、羊、駱駝,和驢盡行殺死。’”(見“方舟子”的推特,4:02 AM • Oct 29, 2023。)

【733】“內塔尼亞胡只是在遵循《聖經》教誨。以西節書9:‘要跟隨他走遍全城,以行擊殺。你們的眼不要顧惜,也不要可憐他們。要將年老的、年少的,並處女、嬰孩,和婦女,從聖所起全都殺盡,只是凡有記號的人不要挨近他。’撒母耳記上15:‘現在你要去擊打亞瑪力人,滅盡他們所有的,不可憐惜他們,將男女、孩童、吃奶的,並牛、羊、駱駝,和驢盡行殺死。’何西阿書13:‘她必倒在刀下;嬰孩必被摔死;孕婦必被剖開。’詩篇137:‘拿你的嬰孩摔在磐石上的,那人便為有福!’耶利米書11:‘看哪,我必刑罰他們;他們的少年人必被刀劍殺死,他們的兒女必因饑荒滅亡。’耶利米書14:‘我卻要用刀劍、饑荒、瘟疫滅絕他們。’耶利米書19:‘我必使這城令人驚駭嗤笑;凡經過的人,必因這城所遭的災驚駭嗤笑。我必使他們在圍困窘迫之中,就是仇敵和尋索其命的人窘迫他們的時候,各人吃自己兒女的肉和朋友的肉。’”(見“方舟子”的推特,2:57 PM • Nov 2, 2023。)

【734】“The weak crumble, are slaughtered and are erased from history while the strong, for good or for ill, survive. The strong are respected, and alliances are made with the strong, and in the end peace is made with the strong.”(見“Prime Minister of Israel”的推特,1:05 PM • Aug 29, 2018。)

【735】“Bibi #Netanyahu is a straight-out social Darwinist.”(見“Aryeh Bernstein”的推特,7:02 PM • Aug 30, 2018。)

【736】“Genocidal, social Darwinist philosophy of the leader of #ApartheidIsrael , Benyamin #Netanyahu. Despite this, #Palestine has a democratic future.”(見“tim anderson”的推特,4:48 AM • Sep 1, 2018。)

【737】“Not a fan of Netanyahu’s in the first place but he should seriously stop with the social Darwinist rhetoric that Hitler was obsessed with. It’s really not a good look.”(見“Queranos”的推特,11:11 AM • Sep 3, 2018。)

【738】Anonymous. Netanyahu echoes Hitler: ‘Weak Slaughtered Strong Survive.' Middle East Monitor, September 3, 2018 at 12:06 pm.


【740】“鷹派科普經常被扣上法西斯、納粹、文革這些可愛褒義的字眼。如果不知道文革是什麼,請繼續欣賞……”(見“太蔟”的新浪微博,2013-5-25 08:58。)

【741】“人權並非天賦,而是人賦。這人既包括良心(其實就是與生俱來的社會動物道德感,如果強詞奪理也可以稱之為天——先天,但與超自然或超驗力量無關)發現的前強勢群體,如曾待黑人或印第安人如豬狗的白人,也包括拼死抗爭或趁強勢群體良心發現時再抗爭的弱勢群體,如黑人或印第安人。” (見“太蔟”的新浪微博,2013-11-24 17:34。)

【742】見“太蔟”的新浪微博,2015-2-22 08:45。

【743】見“太蔟”的新浪微博,2015-2-22 14:27。



【746】見方舟子的騰訊微博,2013年12月24日 15:44。

【747】見“方舟子”的推特,5:31 PM • Dec 28, 2021。

【748】見“方舟子”的推特,2:55 AM • Jan 1, 2022。

【749】見“方舟子”的推特,7:25 PM • Jan 1, 2022。

【750】見“方舟子”的推特,8:34 PM • Jan 2, 2022。


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