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comment 4
送交者: 要飯花子 2009月05月09日13:01:44 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 花子 and rainbow, 我已經譯完全文。請指教.abc55 於 2009-05-08 18:39:28
paragraph 2:

intravenous --> intravenous infusion or intravenous drip(s)

begin with two days of intravenous --> two days of intravenous infusion to begin with

the side-effects of the prescribed intravenous-->
any adverse reaction to the drugs (or the prescribed intravenous)

paragraph 3:

Then my child said that she had a painful leg, so my wife, my mother and my child’s aunt brought her to the same hospital again. -->
Then my daughter said that she had a painful leg, so my wife, my mother and my daughter’s aunt took her to the same hospital (or health center) again.
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