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wrong guess
送交者: 要饭花子 2009月05月10日11:45:17 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 要饭花子是个女生呀基甸恩典 于 2009-05-10 01:47:25
in college, everyone had a 基米诺. at that time, students from different depts took calculus. 30% were women in my class. students in the class were from different depts, including physics, cs, math, ee and mechanical engineering. i always sat on the very back. the classroom was huge, i hardly heard anything that the professor said. every now and then, i raised my head to check if the class was over. after i dropped out of cs major, i switched to the english dept. since i was still thinking of that girl, i occasionally attended (did not take) some classes she took, such as discrete math, logic design etc. but later on i had to quit attending because so much reading was required of me in the english dept. one time i missed a final exam in the english dept because i took the wrong exam. what happened was that i saw her enter a classroom and so i followed. then i took a final exam with her (i think it was operating systems).
  苏格拉底说的?“暗恋是真正的爱情” - 基甸恩典 05/10/09 (553)
    真正的爱情是你所拥有的东西。 - rainbow 05/10/09 (480)
      挑个刺,爱情可不是东西了,嘿嘿 - 基甸恩典 05/10/09 (406)
        暗恋是最不值得提倡的东西了 - rainbow 05/11/09 (455)
          别发愁:哲学家就像雷锋,人人都学,人人都不是  /无内容 - 空军大院 05/11/09 (469)
            我不学,愁从何来?  /无内容 - rainbow 05/11/09 (343)
      老苏是哲学高手,必然是爱情低手 - 基甸恩典 05/10/09 (316)
        good lesson for philosophers  /无内容 - 空军大院 05/11/09 (300)
    oops, cute  /无内容 - 要饭花子 05/10/09 (261)
    well said, thank you - 要饭花子 05/10/09 (333)
      花子,从虚幻的感觉中走出来是对的。 - rainbow 05/10/09 (310)
        you are right - 要饭花子 05/10/09 (296)
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