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as long as u don't question my
送交者: 空軍大院 2009月05月16日12:54:22 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 評黑格爾的“著名思想”:兼答空軍大院aa88 於 2009-05-16 12:38:27
"motivation", i am very happy to answer your challenge. For the same of speed, i will answer u in english.

Before i get into your argument, let's make a big picture, my stupid little mind told me that ANYTHING if it was born one day, THEN one day it will die, so does the nation,am i correct? if not, give me an example!
    well, the problem 4 u is - 空軍大院 05/16/09 (361)
      宇宙什麼時候死啊?人類呢?給算個命吧!  /無內容 - aa88 05/16/09 (269)
        u started to divert my questio - 空軍大院 05/16/09 (259)
          ok, i couldn't wait forever - 空軍大院 05/16/09 (214)
      don't worry mu english 4 now - 空軍大院 05/16/09 (286)
        if u don't show up in the next - 空軍大院 05/16/09 (309)
          我給你和你這樣的人建議: - aa88 05/16/09 (282)
            your point is well taken  /無內容 - 空軍大院 05/16/09 (224)
  5 minutes passed, smart guy! /無內容 - 空軍大院 05/16/09 (181)
    my smart aa88, where r u? - 空軍大院 05/16/09 (208)
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