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你是想 get killed?
送交者: Ynima 2008月08月08日09:00:13 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你是好吃懒做想发财?qm 于 2008-08-08 08:49:03
Fu*cking professor is just a stupid small-time money maker.

Who want to work for a fu*cking Chinese-American professor?

Without the resource of Chinese student, your fu*cking so-called scientist can survive one day?

For your own sake: Do not push those poor student too hard. You do not want to get a bullet , do you? Some of the Professors are stupid but should never be that stupid.
  You are indeed 好吃懒做想发财 - qm 08/08/08 (289)
    60 hr /week is illegal and - Ynima 08/08/08 (283)
      Nonsense - qm 08/08/08 (203)
        Nonsense? - Ynima 08/08/08 (167)
          So walk away - qm 08/08/08 (121)
        lots of job require 12 hr/day - qm 08/08/08 (142)
          You are too slow to learn - Ynima 08/08/08 (182)
            你好吃懒做还真的发了财? - qm 08/08/08 (142)
      孩子,你不是说你要杀人吗?你这可是犯法的!  /无内容 - gongyou 08/08/08 (179)
        你丫創意極好,就是產出速度太慢,造謠也挺不容易的  /无内容 - Ynima 08/08/08 (206)
          嗯,你现在知道自己有暴力倾向了,以后要注意。  /无内容 - gongyou 08/08/08 (146)
            共匪五毛: Be careful with FBI  /无内容 - Ynima 08/08/08 (98)
          嗯,你现在知道自己有暴力倾向了,以后要注意。  /无内容 - gongyou 08/08/08 (167)
            共匪五毛: Be careful with FBI  /无内容 - Ynima 08/08/08 (162)
              嗯,怪不得你老是担心人家要抓你呢。  /无内容 - gongyou 08/08/08 (150)
                共匪五毛: Be careful with FBI  /无内容 - Ynima 08/08/08 (122)
                  你可要当心哪。  /无内容 - gongyou 08/08/08 (119)
                    共匪五毛gongyou搞笑  /无内容 - Ynima 08/08/08 (129)
                      Ynima 语录:“杀地痞教授是天经地义的”  /无内容 - gongyou 08/08/08 (133)
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