“理釋人” 来为您理釋 “心经” 和 “空”(1) |
送交者: 理释人 2016年04月22日13:39:45 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话 |
在《“理釋人” 来为您理釋 “空”》中, 我引用了 “心经” 的前半段,来理釋 “空”。
Since then,不少朋友, 为 “心经” 提供了解释和 comments。
我本着 “简简单单”,“清清楚楚” 的精神, 也来为您理釋 “心经”。
希望,您看了我的 “简简单单”,“清清楚楚” 的表格, 从此,对 “心经” 就 “简简单单”,“清清楚楚” 地了解了。
也对 “空”,“简简单单”,“清清楚楚” 地了解了。
六入(眼,耳,鼻,舌,身,意) 六尘(色,声,香,味,触,法) 六识(眼识,耳识,鼻识,舌识,身识,意识) 十八世界(六入 + 六尘 + 六识) 五蕴(色,受,想,行,识)
三世(前世,今世,来世)因缘,十二因缘 四正谛(苦,集,灭,道)
无常 无我 无法 空
眼,耳,鼻,舌,身,意; 眼识,耳识,鼻识,舌识,身识,意识; 色,受,想,行,识; 不是佛教专有的说法,佛教的专有名词。
无常,无我,无法,空,也不是佛教专有的说法。 科学和哲学,有一模一样的说法。 —————————————————— 请看下面的表格。有中文的,和英文的, 希望,用两种语言,能帮大家,更清楚地了解它们。 六根:亦称 “六入”,取其 “六个入口” 之意。 即:眼,耳,鼻,舌,身,意(意即脑)
六尘:亦称 “六感” 或 “六触”,取其 “六个感触” 之意。 即:色,声,香,味,触,法。
法,想法(thought)也; 说法(saying),写法(writing)也得。
眼观之后,眼之受(eye reception),成眼之想(eye interpretation)。 即眼之判断,美丑为其一例。
眼想之后,成眼之行(eye volition or action)。 即由眼受及眼想产生的眼觉的爱好厌恶。
眼行之后,成眼识(eye consciousness),即眼之意识。
五蕴:亦称 “五阴”,取其 蕴酿,累积 之意。 即:色(代表所有的 “尘”),受,想,行,识。
心经云,五蕴皆空: 色不异空,空不异色。 色即是空,空即是空。 受想行识,亦复如是。
心经已经说得,够清清楚楚的了。 其道理,更是,简简单单。
为什么呢? 色(代表所有的 “尘”),受,想,行,识, 都随时,随着“参考点(reference point)”,在变。
没有永久的,独立的,和自生的本性。 “故空中无色,无受想行识”; “无 眼耳鼻舌身意,无 色声香味触法。无 眼界,乃至无意识界。”
6 Roots: Also called “6 Entries”, meaning the 6 entry points for outside stimuli. They are Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, Body, Mind (Brain)
6 Dusts: Also called “6 Contacts” or “6 Sensations”, meaning what’re contacted or sensed by the “6 Entries” from the “dusty” outside world.
The “6 Dusts” are Color (Sight), Sound, Scent, Taste, Touch/Texture, Thought.
The eyes sense “sight”, represented here just by color; the ears sense “sound”; the nose senses “scent”; the tongue senses “taste”; the body senses “touches”; the mind or the brain senses “thoughts”.
After the eyes see (or receive) something, “eye reception” forms “eye interpretation” or “eye judgment”, such as “something or someone being good looking or not”.
“Eye interpretation” then forms “eye volition”, such as “like or dislike” or “desire or lack of desire”.
“Eye volition” including any resulting action then forms “eye consciousness”.
5 Aggregates:
Also called “5 Yin’s”, meaning ‘fermenting” and “accumulating”.
“5 Aggregates” are Color (representing all Sensations), Reception, Interpretation, Volition/Action, and Consciousness.
The well-known and popular “Heart Sutra” says,
Five aggregate are all empty: Color is no different from emptiness; emptiness is no different from color. Color is emptiness; emptiness is color. So are reception, interpretation, volition and consciousness.”
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