“While bankers earn far more than people in many other fields, pay experts also noted that bonuses account for a large portion of total compensation on Wall Street. Within the industry, many see bonuses as a kind of deferred salary, rather than simply a reward for good performance. And some bank employees may have done their jobs well, even though their employers lost billions. ”
還有許多人的ARGUEMENT是,只有那樣(高獎金或者高工資高WHATEVER),他們才能夠 RETAIN那些在WALL STREET的專門人才。。。否則那些人會“留不住”。。。
(柞同學,老夫樓下的帖子跳躍了一下:我把LOCAL銀行點錢的人和食堂跑堂的相比, 就是因為上述ARGUEMENT)