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送交者: FVCK 2023月07月04日00:40:00 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 岳東曉 福島FVCK 於 2023-07-04 00:03:16

送交者: FVCK 2011年03月18日14:42:58 樂觀情緒高漲

不對,是真酒,酒店買的Royal Salute,華人酒店名譽太差,我已經不去了。Royal




送交者: FVCK 2011年03月14日14:05:35 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話








“Art is the product or process of deliberately
arranging items (often with symbolic significance) in a way that
influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and







轉眼5年,開導不了不化野蠻思維  霓虹人和齊哀吶人們是儘管人種、相貌雷同,兩國國民性有天壤之別



我本人放牛班都沒有肄業,水平十分有限, 所以選用一篇洋人的文章,並不一定是我對洋人佩服得五體投地,而是這個洋人說得很在理,所以我就引用。由於翻譯水平很低, 就不直譯了,而是意思引用。


今天我們不能否認大學是騙局和金融泡沫。學生現在貸款首次超過信用卡債務。我們培養了一代的契約奴才,而不是創業者發明家。44%的2009畢業生要麼是待業要麼幹些根本不需要學位的工作。 這些浪費了4年時間,背上10萬美元債務比那些不讀大學的放牛班落後了5年。



College is a scam — so let’s make money off it
Outside the BoxCommentary: Debt creates generation of indentured servants

May 27, 2011    James Altucher
YORK (MarketWatch) — We can’t deny it anymore: College is a scam and a
bubble — and the reasons why appear below. But I’ll be the first to
admit it’s going to take years for that bubble to burst. And while
college tuitions are still skyrocketing and student-loan debt is
creating a generation of indentured servants, we might as well benefit
from it.

Many stocks will continue to go up from the multidecade college bubble, even as it eventually bursts.

Washington Post Co. (US:WPO), which owns Stanley Kaplan, gets all of
its earnings from the education side of its business, while Blackboard
is the firepower underneath online course management. Google (US:GOOG)
has all the knowledge in the world at your fingertips and also is trying
to get into the online course management game. And Apple’s (US:AAPL)
increasing MacBook Air sales are due to colleges buying them for their
labs. Then there’d probably be a basket of the cheaper online education
schools like Apollo Group (US:APOL), etc.

Student-loan debt
is now greater than credit-card debt for the first time ever. After the
huge debt crisis we experienced in 2008 and the financial bust in
housing that ruined so many lives, you would think we would be having
more of a national discussion on this — but we just aren’t.

As a
result, for the first time ever, we are graduating a generation of
indentured servants rather than the entrepreneurs, innovators, artists
and inventors that America is known for (I have no self-interest in this
— I’m obviously not shorting colleges, as that’s impossible – I just
hate seeing American go down the drain.)

Forty-four percent of
2009 graduates are either unemployed or hold jobs that don’t require
degrees. So, in other words, these millions of young people are five
years behind their peers, and many are holding over $100,000 in debt.
What a shame.

People tell me, “School teaches kids how to think.”
To that I say, “Learn how to use a library.” And while we’re at it, put
more computers in the library. The knowledge is out there. We don’t
need to owe the banks and the government $800 billion to get knowledge.

tell me, “There’s a huge income gap between people with a college
degree and people without a college degree.” To that I say, “Did you
take Statistics 101 in college?” That spurious statistic is making the
rounds but fails the basic test of an accurate statistic. It has
selection bias. It also ignores cause versus correlation. That’s Chapter
1 of the Statistics 101 textbook. A true test would be to take 2,000
people and separate them into two groups of 1,000. Group A is not
allowed to go to college. Group B goes to college. Twenty years later,
let’s see how they are doing

Obviously, this test will never get
done, but the basic idea is common sense. Take people who are equally
intelligent and ambitious and give them a five-year head start, with no
debt. They are going to do very well, I have no doubt.

people say, “College teaches kids how to socially interact and network.”
That’s great. But it doesn’t cost (for example) $300,000 for little
kids to make friends. Join Facebook for free. And start networking on

Well, what about teaching kids the classics like Plato.
How does art and beauty persist generation after generation? My answer:
People with passion will read. I didn’t read a book while in college.
But I have read several thousand in the 22 years since. If people want
knowledge, they will seek it out with a hunger like you can’t even
imagine. You can’t force feed passion or knowledge.

What about if
you want to be a doctor? Clearly, you need a degree. Maybe. Are you
saying you want to heal people, or are you saying you want to be an
M.D.? Try working for a few years cleaning people’s bedpans and learn a
little about the medical industry. For anything you want to do in life,
try it first rather than waste money and time learning something you
ultimately never think about again.

Tuitions have gone up 10
times faster than inflation in the past 30 years and three times faster
than health-care costs in the past 30 years. We need to have an active
discussion on this as a society. Meanwhile, the greatest entrepreneurs,
artists and inventors in history either didn’t go to college at all or
dropped out (or were kicked out).

My story: I majored in computer
science at a good school. I went to graduate school in computer
science. I programmed every day for about six years straight. Then I
went to work in the “real world.” In order to program there, they had to
send me to remedial programming classes so I could learn to program as
well as the rest of them at a real job.

For more on why kids shouldn’t go to college, please see my post at JamesAltucher.com.

is all fine, you might say, but what are the alternatives? Please see
post on JamesAltucher.com listing eight alternatives to college.

yes, some of those alternatives cost a tiny bit of money — but it’s
nowhere near as much as the debt incurred in going to college. And each
one of my alternatives provides real-life experience that will pay
massive dividends for decades to come.

A lot of people have
strong opinions on this topic. I have meetings from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
all week, but I promise to be in the comments section as much as
possible answering questions (if they are asked in a respectful manner).

I hope we can engage in discussion on this

憂國憂民的中年,愛國的典範 FVCK 2012年02月24日15:03:58 於 方的朋友最新消息,司馬南想來美國找原電梯再夾一次。下面是轉帖


話說最近油價飛漲, 大家都準備旅行,飛機票恐怕也不會打折。你對油價飛漲有什麼內幕看法?對後續經濟真的那麼樂觀嗎?


[五 味 齋]FVCK:這個世界沒有真的單利,有些東西表面單利,實際是複利2012-12-02 17:28:02
[五 味 齋]FVCK:單利複利顯示五位的愚蠢2012-12-02 11:25:33
[五 味 齋]FVCK:今天結束時候,有人在上證搞鬼,最後半小時明顯的微調控制2012-06-04 15:11:20
[五 味 齋]FVCK:意淫也要講歷史,中俄爭做“我們的汗”的子民2012-05-26 13:48:43
[五 味 齋]FVCK:東亞共榮要講科學2012-05-26 11:59:37
[五 味 齋]FVCK:Household有一百萬不算很富裕2012-05-14 20:06:56
[五 味 齋]FVCK:Johnnie Walker,  keep walking2012-05-07 14:12:32
[五 味 齋]FVCK:我是日歌歌迷,谷村最有名的是星,裡面是鄧麗君唱過2012-05-06 20:15:45
[五 味 齋]FVCK:WTI$95,前段時間有個哥們的預言快要實現了2012-05-06 16:34:34
[五 味 齋]FVCK:喜訊:Hollande projected to win2012-05-06 11:24:14
[五 味 齋]FVCK:匪連長對股票的見解太對了2012-04-24 03:14:05
[五 味 齋]FVCK:岳律師,我比你的偶像歐拉證明更簡單,還少犯一個錯2012-04-20 14:05:06
[五 味 齋]FVCK:I have a better way.2012-04-20 10:16:51
[五 味 齋]FVCK:副律師的數學證明說明副律師孤陋寡聞2012-04-20 03:11:13
[五 味 齋]FVCK:鑑定吹牛癟三的標準:聽過這首古詩的就不是吹牛癟三2012-04-15 11:43:03
[五 味 齋]FVCK:我在沉思一個老問題:溫是不是鄧派在趙紫陽身邊的奸細2012-04-14 14:59:56
[五 味 齋]FVCK:智力題:為什麼老大戴綠帽子?2012-04-14 14:18:53
[五 味 齋]FVCK:看見下面的許多猜測,我想起了我的老朋友魯迅的名言2012-04-14 13:08:56

[五 味 齋]FVCK:第六十四回:古夫人妙計除奸細,黃市長月下追王局2012-04-13 12:54:16
[五 味 齋]FVCK:經濟學疑問:今年一季度GDP同比8.1%,扣除2月29沒有?2012-04-13 11:47:43
[五 味 齋]FVCK:慌大夫副律師說你文科,你幫他解釋一下那東西硬150分鐘的2012-04-13 11:10:19
[五 味 齋]FVCK:博王反目就是猜測,我沒有看到任何官方資料


[五 味 齋]FVCK:這個世界沒有真的單利,有些東西表面單利,實際是複利2012-12-02 17:28:02
[五 味 齋]FVCK:單利複利顯示五位的愚蠢2012-12-02 11:25:33
[五 味 齋]FVCK:今天結束時候,有人在上證搞鬼,最後半小時明顯的微調控制2012-06-04 15:11:20
[五 味 齋]FVCK:意淫也要講歷史,中俄爭做“我們的汗”的子民2012-05-26 13:48:43
[五 味 齋]FVCK:東亞共榮要講科學2012-05-26 11:59:37
[五 味 齋]FVCK:Household有一百萬不算很富裕2012-05-14 20:06:56
[五 味 齋]FVCK:Johnnie Walker,  keep walking2012-05-07 14:12:32
[五 味 齋]FVCK:我是日歌歌迷,谷村最有名的是星,裡面是鄧麗君唱過2012-05-06 20:15:45
[五 味 齋]FVCK:WTI$95,前段時間有個哥們的預言快要實現了2012-05-06 16:34:34
[五 味 齋]FVCK:喜訊:Hollande projected to win2012-05-06 11:24:14
[五 味 齋]FVCK:匪連長對股票的見解太對了2012-04-24 03:14:05
[五 味 齋]FVCK:岳律師,我比你的偶像歐拉證明更簡單,還少犯一個錯2012-04-20 14:05:06
[五 味 齋]FVCK:I have a better way.2012-04-20 10:16:51
[五 味 齋]FVCK:副律師的數學證明說明副律師孤陋寡聞2012-04-20 03:11:13
[五 味 齋]FVCK:鑑定吹牛癟三的標準:聽過這首古詩的就不是吹牛癟三2012-04-15 11:43:03
[五 味 齋]FVCK:我在沉思一個老問題:溫是不是鄧派在趙紫陽身邊的奸細2012-04-14 14:59:56
[五 味 齋]FVCK:智力題:為什麼老大戴綠帽子?2012-04-14 14:18:53
[五 味 齋]FVCK:看見下面的許多猜測,我想起了我的老朋友魯迅的名言2012-04-14 13:08:56

[五 味 齋]FVCK:第六十四回:古夫人妙計除奸細,黃市長月下追王局2012-04-13 12:54:16
[五 味 齋]FVCK:經濟學疑問:今年一季度GDP同比8.1%,扣除2月29沒有?2012-04-13 11:47:43
[五 味 齋]FVCK:慌大夫副律師說你文科,你幫他解釋一下那東西硬150分鐘的2012-04-13 11:10:19
五 味 齋]FVCK:美國憲法第14修正案第四款:賴賬問題很可能要最高法院來判2011-06-11 20:56:29
[五 味 齋]FVCK:井底之蛙貽笑天下的笑話-美國華人因李娜而感覺膚色自豪2011-06-06 17:01:28
[五 味 齋]FVCK:ZT-College is a scam,44% of gr2011-05-27 10:58:22
[五 味 齋]FVCK:年行一善:美國聯儲簡介2011-05-09 15:05:07
[五 味 齋]FVCK:道德無底線是因為鳳凰男女太多,都想往上爬2011-04-23 07:04:14
[五 味 齋]FVCK:東方土鱉不宜談藝術。藝術的生命力在於和我們的舊思維相衝


送交者: FVCK 2011年03月18日14:42:58 樂觀情緒高漲

不對,是真酒,酒店買的Royal Salute,華人酒店名譽太差,我已經不去了。Royal




送交者: FVCK 2011年03月14日14:05:35 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話








“Art is the product or process of deliberately
arranging items (often with symbolic significance) in a way that
influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and







轉眼5年,開導不了不化野蠻思維  霓虹人和齊哀吶人們是儘管人種、相貌雷同,兩國國民性有天壤之別



我本人放牛班都沒有肄業,水平十分有限, 所以選用一篇洋人的文章,並不一定是我對洋人佩服得五體投地,而是這個洋人說得很在理,所以我就引用。由於翻譯水平很低, 就不直譯了,而是意思引用。


今天我們不能否認大學是騙局和金融泡沫。學生現在貸款首次超過信用卡債務。我們培養了一代的契約奴才,而不是創業者發明家。44%的2009畢業生要麼是待業要麼幹些根本不需要學位的工作。 這些浪費了4年時間,背上10萬美元債務比那些不讀大學的放牛班落後了5年。



College is a scam — so let’s make money off it
Outside the BoxCommentary: Debt creates generation of indentured servants

May 27, 2011    James Altucher
YORK (MarketWatch) — We can’t deny it anymore: College is a scam and a
bubble — and the reasons why appear below. But I’ll be the first to
admit it’s going to take years for that bubble to burst. And while
college tuitions are still skyrocketing and student-loan debt is
creating a generation of indentured servants, we might as well benefit
from it.

Many stocks will continue to go up from the multidecade college bubble, even as it eventually bursts.

Washington Post Co. (US:WPO), which owns Stanley Kaplan, gets all of
its earnings from the education side of its business, while Blackboard
is the firepower underneath online course management. Google (US:GOOG)
has all the knowledge in the world at your fingertips and also is trying
to get into the online course management game. And Apple’s (US:AAPL)
increasing MacBook Air sales are due to colleges buying them for their
labs. Then there’d probably be a basket of the cheaper online education
schools like Apollo Group (US:APOL), etc.

Student-loan debt
is now greater than credit-card debt for the first time ever. After the
huge debt crisis we experienced in 2008 and the financial bust in
housing that ruined so many lives, you would think we would be having
more of a national discussion on this — but we just aren’t.

As a
result, for the first time ever, we are graduating a generation of
indentured servants rather than the entrepreneurs, innovators, artists
and inventors that America is known for (I have no self-interest in this
— I’m obviously not shorting colleges, as that’s impossible – I just
hate seeing American go down the drain.)

Forty-four percent of
2009 graduates are either unemployed or hold jobs that don’t require
degrees. So, in other words, these millions of young people are five
years behind their peers, and many are holding over $100,000 in debt.
What a shame.

People tell me, “School teaches kids how to think.”
To that I say, “Learn how to use a library.” And while we’re at it, put
more computers in the library. The knowledge is out there. We don’t
need to owe the banks and the government $800 billion to get knowledge.

tell me, “There’s a huge income gap between people with a college
degree and people without a college degree.” To that I say, “Did you
take Statistics 101 in college?” That spurious statistic is making the
rounds but fails the basic test of an accurate statistic. It has
selection bias. It also ignores cause versus correlation. That’s Chapter
1 of the Statistics 101 textbook. A true test would be to take 2,000
people and separate them into two groups of 1,000. Group A is not
allowed to go to college. Group B goes to college. Twenty years later,
let’s see how they are doing

Obviously, this test will never get
done, but the basic idea is common sense. Take people who are equally
intelligent and ambitious and give them a five-year head start, with no
debt. They are going to do very well, I have no doubt.

people say, “College teaches kids how to socially interact and network.”
That’s great. But it doesn’t cost (for example) $300,000 for little
kids to make friends. Join Facebook for free. And start networking on

Well, what about teaching kids the classics like Plato.
How does art and beauty persist generation after generation? My answer:
People with passion will read. I didn’t read a book while in college.
But I have read several thousand in the 22 years since. If people want
knowledge, they will seek it out with a hunger like you can’t even
imagine. You can’t force feed passion or knowledge.

What about if
you want to be a doctor? Clearly, you need a degree. Maybe. Are you
saying you want to heal people, or are you saying you want to be an
M.D.? Try working for a few years cleaning people’s bedpans and learn a
little about the medical industry. For anything you want to do in life,
try it first rather than waste money and time learning something you
ultimately never think about again.

Tuitions have gone up 10
times faster than inflation in the past 30 years and three times faster
than health-care costs in the past 30 years. We need to have an active
discussion on this as a society. Meanwhile, the greatest entrepreneurs,
artists and inventors in history either didn’t go to college at all or
dropped out (or were kicked out).

My story: I majored in computer
science at a good school. I went to graduate school in computer
science. I programmed every day for about six years straight. Then I
went to work in the “real world.” In order to program there, they had to
send me to remedial programming classes so I could learn to program as
well as the rest of them at a real job.

For more on why kids shouldn’t go to college, please see my post at JamesAltucher.com.

is all fine, you might say, but what are the alternatives? Please see
post on JamesAltucher.com listing eight alternatives to college.

yes, some of those alternatives cost a tiny bit of money — but it’s
nowhere near as much as the debt incurred in going to college. And each
one of my alternatives provides real-life experience that will pay
massive dividends for decades to come.

A lot of people have
strong opinions on this topic. I have meetings from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
all week, but I promise to be in the comments section as much as
possible answering questions (if they are asked in a respectful manner).

I hope we can engage in discussion on this

憂國憂民的中年,愛國的典範 FVCK 2012年02月24日15:03:58 於 方的朋友最新消息,司馬南想來美國找原電梯再夾一次。下面是轉帖


話說最近油價飛漲, 大家都準備旅行,飛機票恐怕也不會打折。你對油價飛漲有什麼內幕看法?對後續經濟真的那麼樂觀嗎?


[五 味 齋]FVCK:這個世界沒有真的單利,有些東西表面單利,實際是複利2012-12-02 17:28:02
[五 味 齋]FVCK:單利複利顯示五位的愚蠢2012-12-02 11:25:33
[五 味 齋]FVCK:今天結束時候,有人在上證搞鬼,最後半小時明顯的微調控制2012-06-04 15:11:20
[五 味 齋]FVCK:意淫也要講歷史,中俄爭做“我們的汗”的子民2012-05-26 13:48:43
[五 味 齋]FVCK:東亞共榮要講科學2012-05-26 11:59:37
[五 味 齋]FVCK:Household有一百萬不算很富裕2012-05-14 20:06:56
[五 味 齋]FVCK:Johnnie Walker,  keep walking2012-05-07 14:12:32
[五 味 齋]FVCK:我是日歌歌迷,谷村最有名的是星,裡面是鄧麗君唱過2012-05-06 20:15:45
[五 味 齋]FVCK:WTI$95,前段時間有個哥們的預言快要實現了2012-05-06 16:34:34
[五 味 齋]FVCK:喜訊:Hollande projected to win2012-05-06 11:24:14
[五 味 齋]FVCK:匪連長對股票的見解太對了2012-04-24 03:14:05
[五 味 齋]FVCK:岳律師,我比你的偶像歐拉證明更簡單,還少犯一個錯2012-04-20 14:05:06
[五 味 齋]FVCK:I have a better way.2012-04-20 10:16:51
[五 味 齋]FVCK:副律師的數學證明說明副律師孤陋寡聞2012-04-20 03:11:13
[五 味 齋]FVCK:鑑定吹牛癟三的標準:聽過這首古詩的就不是吹牛癟三2012-04-15 11:43:03
[五 味 齋]FVCK:我在沉思一個老問題:溫是不是鄧派在趙紫陽身邊的奸細2012-04-14 14:59:56
[五 味 齋]FVCK:智力題:為什麼老大戴綠帽子?2012-04-14 14:18:53
[五 味 齋]FVCK:看見下面的許多猜測,我想起了我的老朋友魯迅的名言2012-04-14 13:08:56

[五 味 齋]FVCK:第六十四回:古夫人妙計除奸細,黃市長月下追王局2012-04-13 12:54:16
[五 味 齋]FVCK:經濟學疑問:今年一季度GDP同比8.1%,扣除2月29沒有?2012-04-13 11:47:43
[五 味 齋]FVCK:慌大夫副律師說你文科,你幫他解釋一下那東西硬150分鐘的2012-04-13 11:10:19
[五 味 齋]FVCK:博王反目就是猜測,我沒有看到任何官方資料


[五 味 齋]FVCK:這個世界沒有真的單利,有些東西表面單利,實際是複利2012-12-02 17:28:02
[五 味 齋]FVCK:單利複利顯示五位的愚蠢2012-12-02 11:25:33
[五 味 齋]FVCK:今天結束時候,有人在上證搞鬼,最後半小時明顯的微調控制2012-06-04 15:11:20
[五 味 齋]FVCK:意淫也要講歷史,中俄爭做“我們的汗”的子民2012-05-26 13:48:43
[五 味 齋]FVCK:東亞共榮要講科學2012-05-26 11:59:37
[五 味 齋]FVCK:Household有一百萬不算很富裕2012-05-14 20:06:56
[五 味 齋]FVCK:Johnnie Walker,  keep walking2012-05-07 14:12:32
[五 味 齋]FVCK:我是日歌歌迷,谷村最有名的是星,裡面是鄧麗君唱過2012-05-06 20:15:45
[五 味 齋]FVCK:WTI$95,前段時間有個哥們的預言快要實現了2012-05-06 16:34:34
[五 味 齋]FVCK:喜訊:Hollande projected to win2012-05-06 11:24:14
[五 味 齋]FVCK:匪連長對股票的見解太對了2012-04-24 03:14:05
[五 味 齋]FVCK:岳律師,我比你的偶像歐拉證明更簡單,還少犯一個錯2012-04-20 14:05:06
[五 味 齋]FVCK:I have a better way.2012-04-20 10:16:51
[五 味 齋]FVCK:副律師的數學證明說明副律師孤陋寡聞2012-04-20 03:11:13
[五 味 齋]FVCK:鑑定吹牛癟三的標準:聽過這首古詩的就不是吹牛癟三2012-04-15 11:43:03
[五 味 齋]FVCK:我在沉思一個老問題:溫是不是鄧派在趙紫陽身邊的奸細2012-04-14 14:59:56
[五 味 齋]FVCK:智力題:為什麼老大戴綠帽子?2012-04-14 14:18:53
[五 味 齋]FVCK:看見下面的許多猜測,我想起了我的老朋友魯迅的名言2012-04-14 13:08:56

[五 味 齋]FVCK:第六十四回:古夫人妙計除奸細,黃市長月下追王局2012-04-13 12:54:16
[五 味 齋]FVCK:經濟學疑問:今年一季度GDP同比8.1%,扣除2月29沒有?2012-04-13 11:47:43
[五 味 齋]FVCK:慌大夫副律師說你文科,你幫他解釋一下那東西硬150分鐘的2012-04-13 11:10:19
五 味 齋]FVCK:美國憲法第14修正案第四款:賴賬問題很可能要最高法院來判2011-06-11 20:56:29
[五 味 齋]FVCK:井底之蛙貽笑天下的笑話-美國華人因李娜而感覺膚色自豪2011-06-06 17:01:28
[五 味 齋]FVCK:ZT-College is a scam,44% of gr2011-05-27 10:58:22
[五 味 齋]FVCK:年行一善:美國聯儲簡介2011-05-09 15:05:07
[五 味 齋]FVCK:道德無底線是因為鳳凰男女太多,都想往上爬2011-04-23 07:04:14
[五 味 齋]FVCK:東方土鱉不宜談藝術。藝術的生命力在於和我們的舊思維相衝


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