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送交者: 落英缤纷 2009年04月21日01:11:30 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
Guerrilla Tactics tunnel In December 1965, Ho Chi Minh and the North Vietnamese leadership ordered a change in a way the war in the South was to be fought. From now on, the Vietcong would avoid pitched battles with the Americans unless the odds were clearly in their favor. There would be more hit and run attacks and ambushes. To counter the American build-up, Vietcong recruitment would be stepped up and more North Vietnamese Army troops would be infiltrated into South Vietnam. The Vietcong, following the example of Chinese guerillas before them, had always given the highest priority to creating safe base areas. They were training grounds, logistics centers and headquarters. They also offered secure sanctuaries for times when the war might go badly. Hiding the base areas had always been a high priority for the Vietcong. Now, with American spotter planes everywhere, it was more vital than ever to protect them. In remote swamps or forests, there were few problems, but nearer the capital, it was much more difficult. The answer was to build enormous systems of underground tunnels. The orders coming from NLF headquarters were absolutely clear. Tunnels were not to be treated as mere shelters. They were fighting bases capable of providing continuous support for troops. Even if a village was in enemy hands, the NLF beneath were still able to conduct offensive operations. There were complexes big and small scattered across the country. Each villager in a NLF area had to dig three feet of tunnel a day. There was even a standard handbook specifying how tunnels were to be built. The biggest tunnel systems were in the Iron Triangle and the Cu Chi District, only 20 miles from Saigon.
  用基本常识的矛刺基本常识的盾,好玩!  /无内容 - 立让狗叫 04/21/09 (188)
  North Vietnamese Army troops - 基本常识 04/21/09 (219)
  “基本常识”,你认为越共这样做是在“游而不击”吗?  /无内容 - 落英缤纷 04/21/09 (366)
    谁说越共游而不击了?游而不击的是你裆麻麻!  /无内容 - 基本常识 04/21/09 (284)
    如果越共只是在拍美军的马屁,最后为什么能赶走美军呢?  /无内容 - 落英缤纷 04/21/09 (323)
          德国输掉二战根本就不是军事上失败,是人力和战略资源的原因  /无内容 - 立让狗叫 04/21/09 (327)
            春比,德国的军事,经济力量都被盟国彻底摧毁了! - 基本常识 04/21/09 (308)
              春比,德国的人力和资源不枯竭能被盟国彻底摧毁吗? - 立让狗叫 04/21/09 (251)
                德国军队被消灭,资源人力根本不是主要因素, - 基本常识 04/21/09 (334)
                  德国军队被消灭,不是人而是神是主要因素? - 立让狗叫 04/21/09 (308)
          阿富汗抵抗组织如果没有外面的援助,早玩完了 - 基本常识 04/21/09 (293)
            德国若不两线作战,不管哪一边早玩完了。  /无内容 - 立让狗叫 04/21/09 (241)
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