1. 從凡人的眼光來看,無法確定一神或多神何者為真。他相信世界上有神靈;他也不認為進化論合理;但是他無法肯定世界從何而來,人從何而來。他還無法接受“啟示”的觀念。
Revelation is demonstrably the logically inescapable route to truth that is beyond human inquery. Without revelation, even a parent-child relation cannot be proven water-tight scientifically. Revelation from the objective truth (personified in Christ) is not only complementary to what is knowable through human effort, it (actually he) inteprets all truth knowable. Not willing to entertain revelation is against both common sense and logic.
2. 因為無法確定,我們只能摸索,尋找一條最適合自己的道路。各大宗教都只代表一種修行的法門,可以讓自己變得更好,活得更有意義,更有價值,更安穩。
Not true, see above. Go back to revelation.
3. 目前對佛教比較有好感,不覺得有必要到教會。
Any truth seeker must not allow oneself to skip Christ. Christ outshines for very simple reason: he laid claim to all the prophecies uttered before him and substantiated them with his life.