oh I think they are ready |
送交者: mean 2008月10月20日10:31:50 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話 |
回 答: I would agree with you, But 由 gems 於 2008-10-20 10:14:03 |
African Americans will turn out in record numbers, while those voters in the Bible Belt won't. With Colin Powell endorsing Obama, the Republicans pretty much lost their last chance to turn the table, shortly of assassination.
Honestly I don't see what the big deal is. So Obama is black, so what? JFK's contribution to America was out of proportions, I assume it'll be the same with Obama, or even more so. |
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一周點擊熱帖 | 更多>> |
一周回復熱帖 |
歷史上的今天:回復熱帖 |
2007: | zt: 對“基要派”定義的論戰 | |
2007: | 任不寐:聖經上到底有沒有義人 (轉) | |
2006: | 因你的愛 | |
2006: | ZT如芥菜種的信心 | |
2004: | 慕容文成:淺談什麼是“原罪”? | |
2004: | 生命的馨香 | |
2003: | ZT:何光滬:宗教、道德與愛的維度 | |
2003: | 三元論,是源起於西方的 | |