another one can make you LOL |
送交者: gems 2008月10月20日13:38:27 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: lol. 由 mean 于 2008-10-20 11:41:35 |
In order to wake them up about Christianity today:
I always ask them “do you know where is the biggest congregation on earth?” They said “Lakewood?” I said,” No, some government Churches in Beijing. They have tens of thousands of worshipers every Sunday. then Korea, then Africa. Lakewood is not even close to top 10!” They :?!?!?! |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2007: | zt: 对“基要派”定义的论战 | |
2007: | 任不寐:圣经上到底有没有义人 (转) | |
2006: | 因你的爱 | |
2006: | ZT如芥菜种的信心 | |
2004: | 慕容文成:浅谈什么是“原罪”? | |
2004: | 生命的馨香 | |
2003: | ZT:何光沪:宗教、道德与爱的维度 | |
2003: | 三元论,是源起于西方的 | |