人 (灵 魂 体) 在 耶稣基督 都要得救 |
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月01月14日09:10:18 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 【圣经查经】【彼得前书】第一章 - 第一天 由 罗七 于 2009-01-13 14:54:23 |
人 (灵 魂 体) 在 耶稣基督 都要得救
Questions: 1. 人 can be described as a mystic dynamic combination of 灵 魂 体? 2. The relationship between OLD-ME and NEW-ME? 3. Natural man has 灵+魂+体 or just 魂+体 or disabled灵+-魂+体? 4. The difference between OLD-ME and NEW-ME from man's perspectives? 5. 基督徒都是蒙神的能力保守的。为什么有时失败得这么厉害呢? or in other words The correlation between神的能力 vs 人的能力? 6. '照父 神的先见被拣选' or '照父 神的预知被拣选', 先见 what? 预知what? brother miao's do-his-best answers: 1. No, not at all! Too naive although sounds GREAT, in fact, it was shi4-shang4-de-xiao3-xue2, more harm than good, 2. old-me became new-me, old-me no longer EXISTs, never be: a% of old-me+ (100-a)% of new-me. 3. The question shouldn't EXIST , if viewing man as an always-should-be-in-his-integrity. 4. From man's perspective, old-me and new-me are exactly the same, just as Adam-before-eating-that-apple and Adam-after-eating-that-apple, but, in reality, new-me starts using two STANDARDS to reason everything, just as Adam did, two STANDARDS: mine vs God's 5. God's plan: (神的能力+人的能力) for everybody including 基督徒. how 神的能力 works? nobody knows! 6.先见 what? 预知what? No natural man is willing to have an ABSOLUTE authority, no man seeks GOD! This is a KEY to understand GOSPEL, why JESUS MUST became a man died on the cross buried resurrected ascended to God Father come again! |
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