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奖善罚恶 is not a pagan idea
送交者: mean 2009月01月16日09:28:21 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 奖善罚恶也是pagan idea,并不妨碍它成为各宗教的共识思齐 于 2009-01-16 07:34:27
in fact it's extremely prominent in the old testament.

you have to realize that as far as israelites are concerned (and the old testament only addresses israelites, even when it is prophesying about the gentiles), faith in God equates goodness (worship God, obey law, kindness etc.); rebellion equates evil (worship foreign gods, disobey law, lack of mercy etc.). therefore the various books talks about good vs evil and faith vs lack thereof almost interchangeably.

in fact, this is the very reason why the book of job is so significant. it addresses, in part, why some people do not get what they deserve. the theology of reward vs. retribution is an evolving one. as time went on there was the realization that reward vs. retribution isn't always valid, at least in this lifetime, which led to the current theology.

前千禧年/后千禧年/无千禧年 are interpretations on BIBLICAL prophesies, and is completely different from reincarnation, which, like I said, is completely pagan. as theology, it's not only completely unsupported by the bible, there are certain christian concepts (such as salvation plan) that may even suggested against reincarnation.

let's face it, chinese concept of reincarnation is almost entirely based on buddhism, which, in my opinion, is perhaps one of the most satanic philosophies in the world, as it is practically obsessed with oneself, and does away with all divinity, much more so than idol worship, religoius cults, humanism and scientificism. I wouldn't put much credit in such philosophies.
  点灯与放火 /无内容 - 思齐 01/16/09 (372)
    tell me then - mean 01/16/09 (361)
      你能在圣经里找到reincarnation的依据 - 思齐 01/16/09 (331)
        give me the verse and prove it - mean 01/16/09 (299)
          这又回到了从前的辩论 - 思齐 01/16/09 (225)
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